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Cheeky Actress

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Posts posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. Gents,

    This kudos is late in coming, but I have to say thank you to everyone who help with this tutorial posting.

    I had to reblock my hat just hours before an event. It really helped and I was able to get it done within hours! It looks so must better than the 'floppy' hat it once had been.

    Thank you again for all your help!

  2. Part 2... Was me asking him to put me out of my misery for having to wear the blasted cap :). Just because I can dress the part (kind of) doesn't mean I am going to behave. <_<

    Hmmm...Now who in the world have I heard this reasoning from...Well, I guess I'm not the only Mistress that Captain Sterling will scold now. <_<

  3. ...and yeah... I have a bit of an obsession with the color red... =P

    Wow! Wonderful work, Lady Brower. And yes...red is your colour. And it was a very PC colour too.

  4. Yes Cheeky, I really am just about as innocent as a look (which is not at all....)

    Will the bottle be something that makes me skip about like a crazy woman?

    I should hope so!! :lol: What little I saw of you flittering about at PIP before I crashed that Saturday night. I'm sorry I missed the rest of the 'lady like' behavior!

  5. She enjoyed the shooting the cannon....why not this?

    As for not being your mug, yes...I know. I think everyone will be on their toes from now on about these drynking wares. Who knows, mugs could be the new 'cannon fodder' for PIP 2009.

  6. Just saw the video...(shakes head in disbelief)…Incredible….just down right…what’s the word…oh ya…WRONG, but extremely twisted! I think you three men should never in the company with each other anymore.

    The things you think of!? You all should be separated and fettered.

    But you boyz must have your toyz, Now that I think about it…it does look like a new drynking game for PIP! We can set it up right off the rampart.

    Now...who wants to be the first one to take aim at Mission's new mug?!

    RedJessi? Are you hearing/seeing this?

  7. maybe by Christmas I might fit into them...hmmmm ..inspiration maybe?? I LOVE the RED one. I'll have to check my pocketbook. Thanks for posting them here!

    We're both on a 'crash' diet right now, are we RustyNell? I understand completely! Damn Easter Peeps! They're evil!

  8. Cheeky those are absolutely gorgeous! I cannot believe you are getting rid of them..if they were mine Id horde them..lol..Stunning stuff..

    Thank you Black Syren. But...as I said...there are several reasons why I'm selling my...'horde'. I wish I could keep them all.

  9. Umm, Cheeky, I need smaller than what you have listed, especially on top, NOT larger. :blink:

    LOL...sorry...Most of my gowns range in size..but I do have some smaller. PM me your stats, please...so I can narrow the search.

    I must say, I do like the rust colored dress.

    Ya, I do like that one too. It was my first Janet Arnold Pattern Drafting.

    Other color options besides the dark blue, would be dark brown, black, teal, royal purple....?

    Ooo! I do have a lovely black walking outfit...and a really nice teal, Royal Purple...YES...signature colour...

  10. Beautiful stuff, not for me of course, but I did pass them on to some friends.

    50 more plus 18th century stuff? You must have big closets :blink:

    Thank you Pyrateleather. This would be a great help. Ya, it's a whole room really...16 x 24 and a closet that is jammed packed with period stuff...!

  11. Well, I think I have a lovely Day Dress (walking dress) in a navy blue stripe on white background. I know that it's a bit bigger than those you see listed. If you are interested, I'll email you the skinny on that outfit...along with some of the cool stuff that goes with it tonight.

    The bodice is not boned, but you should wear a corset with it...Oh, I may have one for sale! I'll let you know. Okay?

  12. Hmm...gonna have to take a look. I know I have dark blue...gonna have to look.

    No, no warehouse...all mine. Just don't ware half of them any longer...some don't fit...some I made once and never wore again. I don't plan to get rid off all my stuff, but just the ones I don't care for any longer.

    Oh, I forgot to mention...there are a ton of accessories....hats, handbags, shoes, fans...the list goes on...jewlery too...

  13. Mickey was truly lovely almost a princess :) I just wish we had more colorful ribbons to do him justice. There were also no flowers around.

    Sadly, Mickey did not lose a bet or anything of the sort. He was merely the least sober person around when there were four mostly sober women which included me (the instigator) and Melissa (Sgt Johnson's wife who had the brilliant idea and the ribbons to do it with). She thought that 2 am would be a brilliant time to give a 'hair ribbons' class to the rest of us and as long as we kept sangria in his tankard he didn't seem to mind.... that was until he saw it this morning.

    You...an instigator?! NO! Really :D ?! I would have to say there is a bottle of 'some'n some'n' with your name on it at PIP 2009!

    Sadly...our crewe doesn't have many with long hair anymore (men-folk), so this is a real treat to see ( :D )...now, as long as Mickey sticks to hair...and M.A.d'Dogge to a dress...we'll be okay.

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