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Cheeky Actress

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Posts posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. Spend the morning doing your hair (taking about 20 mins.) so you look great for that interview. Step outside..."BAM!" It goes flat in less than 2 seconds because of the weather (damp or humid)....

  2. Been busy this week...but not too busy to pull this from my reenactment closet.

    Ladies...I give you...MY ALL TIME FAVORITE...'The Pink Confection'!


    I haven't even posted this dress yet on eBay...but wanted those who are interested in doing 'Steam Punk' on the Pub to take first crack at it.


    If you have questions, PM me! Thanks Ladies.

  3. My Petty Annoyances is the lack of common manners in this country.

    I grew up as a military brat (Air force) and the one thing that my mother ingrained in me as a child is ‘common courtesy” such as, ‘please’, ‘thank-you’…and so on. So, no matter where we lived...we would not be known as those "Ugly Americans".

    I find it difficult to believe that these basics are becoming extinct! Yesterday, I popped into the Grocery store to pick up some milk and bread. As the teller handed me my changed I said, ‘thank-you.’ All I got in return was a blank stare…as she continued to chew her gum like a cow.

    Oh…the youth of American….be afraid people…be very afraid!!!

  4. Received the numbers from this past weekend's event at the Milwaukee Art Museum.

    Sylvia Peine, the Event Coordinator for the Children's Events said, The Number was 2,326! I’ve had a few events with that many people.....It was definitely YOU!

    Congrats Archangel Crew....a bit of Rum is in order, right Captain?

  5. Hey.... Woad is fun stuff..... I once was the guy down in th' bog at Pensic wot painted women's breast with woad.... great job if ye can get it.... :blink:

    Yes...Yes Patrick! Pensic is the place to see woad...painted on just about every inch of someone's body. My brother-in-law has the title of 'the Little Woaden Boy'. I don't know if he is happy with that title or not, but the very word little can make a man who is only 5'2" tall feel very self-conscience.

    I know I have a picture of him all 'woaden up'...Gee, I wonder if my sister would let me post it? :blink:B)

    The movie that you're looking for Mission is 'King Arthor' - 2004 - a Woad Guinevere (Keira Knightley).

  6. Here's a few more...sorry for the poor quality of photos though.

    Diver Jamie, Sylvia and Shipmate Diane


    Diver Jamie with Matty and the kids


    Bess was extremely happy to know that they were giving babies away that day. Look! She found one she liked...though the baby doesn't know what to make of Bess?!


    Thanks to John and Sylvia, we had a really wonderful layout and display area!


    And after all that fun with the Kids...Bess even helped clean up!


  7. Just a few choice shots from the Milwaukee Art Museum Event -

    Matty Bottles helps read clues aloud for the Treasure Hunt


    Merchant Mary signing another child to our ranks!


    Matty Bottles decides he needs a Parrot or maybe a McCaw to wear upon his shoulder.


    Showing the kids a Letter of Marque


  8. The Crewe of the Archangel - Family Sunday Event at the Milwaukee At Museum


    To the Crewe Members who showed up at the Milwaukee Art Museum (MAM) - A HUGE Thank you to all of you.

    Sylvia Peine, the Event Coordinator of Children’s Events was very happy and extremely please regarding our turn out and our interaction with the visiting children.

    Everyone one jumped in and did what they do best! Billie and Gwen entertained the children with ‘the French Poodle’, Matty Bottles charmed the kids by making art project with them then led them on the great treasure hunt!

    Merchant Mary made sure that our crewe grew in numbers yesterday as she helped signed up as many children as we could and made them “legal Pyrates”. Diver Jamie and Shipmate Diane played and interacted with the children with questions and coins.

    Even Bess made sure that the kids were welcomed with big smiles and even helped take pictures of the various families with the Archangel Crewe.

    You all should be very proud of yourselves. You worked hard and played hard. I have not heard the numbers for this event yet, but Sylvia did mention this was the biggest March Family Sunday event that they have had in quite some time.

    My cap is off to you all!

  9. Cheese Sandwich with a big glass of milk

    Goin Pyrate Coins...underneath my car seat

    "M.A.d'Dogge, Hauntling Lily, Captain Sterling, Joshua Merriweather, Dutch, Grace, and Cousin Robbie!

    My Craig

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