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Cheeky Actress

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Posts posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. Great Article! This lovely little item will come in handy! I am sure that there can be several different variations on this look…I would do it in silver with black accents.



  2. Nothing is safe right now. I've seen neighbors loose jobs that they've had for 20 years. It is very scary! I hope all of you who have friends and love ones searching and hoping for relief, find something soon.

  3. Oh Silkie....sorry to hear that you are under the weather. This time of year is very difficult due to the constant changing weather and temps.

    Perhaps some warm soup, flannel and a hot bath would put you right...and some hot buttered rum!

  4. What?! Me? Only two...ONLY two...can't afford more than that right now...

    As for Stlletos...I have one that I've used several years back when I worked at Sterling Ren Faire (Oswego, NY). It I can find a photo of it, I'll post it.

    It was a wonderful knife! I use to hide it in my corset where my busc would usually be. But then I was told not to do this any longer by the Stage Manager. It was considered a concealed weapon. Damn NY!

  5. Ransom - Oh....you mean....it's not about shoes? Dang! LOL

    RustyNell - LOL I thought it was about shoes too!

    Well...I guess I wasn't the only one thinking Manolo Blahnik, was I?

  6. Wow Silas, that cement plant is BIG!

    As for the winds...we are still having 50 to 70 miles per hour here in southeast Wiscosin and northern IL area. It's gonna be hell for those flying in today and tomorrow. I hope that these winds will die down a bit. Doesn't help when there is a storm on its' tail either!

  7. Funny you should mention darker hair & the red worth gown... THAT's the one that caught my eye!! I'm keepin' an eye on it on ebay!! And if you have 50+ more, I'm hoping there's more this size?! ;)

    Yes, I have several that would fit you, BilliesDarlin. As for the Red Worth Gown, you and Skittles will have to fight over that one :rolleyes: I've let her wear it several times in the past and Andy has always thanked me for lending it to her.

  8. Amazing dresses, Cheeky! they take my breath away,, and make me wish they would all fit. My caboose is too big, among other things. :)!

    That's why I loved this time period so much...you have a bustle to hide it!

    know you put lots of love and care into making them.. the winner is a lucky lady

    Thank you, MerryDeath. I wish I didn't have to sell them...but I have to.

  9. So after digging through the baggage and pulling out the oats so as to territorially mark the new shoes, I flipped them over and this is what I saw on the bottom....It looks like they read "Clint D" or Clint B" or something like that.... Never heard of the guy.


  10. I made the jerk chicken to go with the rice, Willie made his famous breakfast burritos and heck, there was always something going, an amazing garlic soup, steamed oysters all kinds of dishes that I have no idea what they were but were very yummy! It was quite the feast and totally killed the great healthy diet I had been on... back to work and extra exercise this week!

    My word what a feast! It sounds wonderful...ALL OF IT! I would love to have tried the garlic soup and your chicken too!

  11. Bess does laundry...that is what she mean by cooking..."cooking linen".

    Other than the Marshmellow feast that sounds so good right now and the fyne roast, the rice dish Mickey made...what other wonderful tidbits were there?

  12. Nah, you're probably still in trouble more than I....

    Ain't that the truth.... :wacko:

    I still have that Mayan 'sneak up behind you and kill you before you hear me coming' thing going in my favor.

    Well then...you do have something in your favor then...seeing that he's half blind. Just make sure you sneak up on him on his left side...

    Besides, I think I am just going to go as the town harlot in the future.... much more my character and I can get rid of the cap... :)

    Great, Bess would love to hang with you at PIP this year. I hope you can stand the smell of wet wool, stale earth, charcoal, and the Captain's urine.

    I do like the idea of the all girl cannon crewe though... think it would make good wadding? :)

    Then, as a tribute to your cap and Stynky...we should do it!

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