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Cheeky Actress

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Posts posted by Cheeky Actress

  1. remind me to show you at RF5... they are a lot easier in person than they look or read on paper

    and thank you, now if I could only get them as fine as the originals

    Captain...mayhap we should have a quick impromptu demo for all of us who wishes to learn this "DREADED" technique. I know that I would love to learn this too! I wonder if being left-handed has anything to do with the 'slantiness' of my stitching?

  2. 'twas me that took the pic...... couldn't resist.... now, alot of people have it in the cd's i sent out !!! :)

    :blink: ! Oh, I am aware you took the photo, Silas....but it was the POSTING that I could have done without.

  3. Alas I missed the broadcast. :blink: Bugger. Oh, well. But shall look forward to th' fun of RF5 in a month.

    :::runs back to the gown; rushing to finish it:::

    ~Lady B

    Not to worry LadyB. Bilgemunky records all his broadcasts. You can go back and find Jan. 5th program and listen to it!

  4. Actually, it is Mary with my rifle.... She was kind enough to pick it up for me (I had tossed it aside as it was being problematic, again...)... And she got shot trying to return it to me...
    I believe Cheeky compiles her favourite photos on her Photobucket, so it can be hard to figure out which photo belongs to whom when drawing photos from her account... But it does make for a great summary!

    Guilty as charged, Mickey/Mission. My Flikr account is a compilation of a my favorites...(*Merchant Down - is a big FAV of mine).

    My folks/family members get a big kick out of them. My mom thinks I'm crazy...my father love that I embrace history in my 'own special way' :ph34r:

  5. Hmm...velvet and fur....(What the heck am I thinking?!) :D
    You're thinking it will be gorgeous! Beauty is pain. I can't wait to see photos.

    Yes, what we women go through to look BEEEAAAUTIFUL! Only Mary and I would be insane enough to wear black wool in the tropics....Oh, and Captain Sterling too...We suffer for our fashion!

  6. Good lawd lass ...ya speak as if yer d'only woman in d'mans life! E'as is'daughter Sarah t'care fer too!

    But it is dear Mother Rose who has taken care of Sarah for 'not these 14 years, Silkie. The Captain rather spend his money on his other 'favorites' - He has a grand heart indeed!

    Though, he now has me very concerned about his making petticoats...I fear it might be for himself!

  7. On the subject of Stays... I am just about finished my first set, but I used a butterick pattern and I am iffy on the accuracy. The boning runs horizontally across the top for about 4 inches... I haven't seen too much to indicate this, but when I first looked at the pattern it looked closebut now I am not so sure.


    I know the pattern of which you speak. My twin sister made them and I know that Mary Diamond also made them for herself. I have worn them, yet my sister did not use cane, she used poly-boning and I highly suggest cane/reed instead.

  8. Determination. It took me the better part of 4 hours last night to get all of the boning in, therefore that was all I got finished last night.

    I have one question for you. How many yards of cane reed did you use? Other than your fingers bleeding and turning numb during the process Kate, how do you feel over all?

  9. wow the skirt on the left looks to be ermine... I can just imagine how gorgeous and heavy it is.

    Well, I am hoping not too heavy. I do plan to dance in it at ReenactorFest V. You've got me thinking though, RustyNell. I do remember running to the hallway with Matty Bottles, another one of our fine crewe, and catching the cold winter breezes from the hallway when someone went outside to cool off.

    Hmm...velvet and fur....(What the heck am I thinking?!) :(

  10. If I may Captain....To the Ladies...

    Remember that Shoulders/Bosoms ARE COVERED. Ladies of this time period do not draw down our shifts/chemises to nipple height!

    Decorum Ladies! Even the Covenant Garden Trollops did not show their wears completely before monies were exchanged!

  11. Um Cheeky dear, what the hell pattern did you use for your shift???? or don't I want to know....

    :( ! To be honest Captain....I've tried three (3) differnt period correct styles.

    The one you have posted on this thread is my 'latest and greatest' shift. I do like how the neck lays with this one the most.

    My first attempt was constructed by instructions given to me by a mutual aquaintance. It did not turn out as well as my last one.

    My second shift of choice was constructed using several period guides (J. Arnold/Cut of Women's Clothing). I have at least three (3) of them made this way.

  12. Lilly giggles as the Captain gives his favorite a kiss and cuddle. "More port, Captain?" She says as she lifts her goblet to his lips.

  13. Real thin....isn't he dead?

    Yes, Very Dead. Died from Accute Multiple Drug Intoxication. He collapsed outside the Viper Room club in Los Angeles (co-owned by Johnny Depp). River was in LA, working on a film called, Dark Blood, for Fine Line Features. While in LA, he usually stayed at the St. James's Club and Hotel, on Sunset. The destination for the evening of October 30th 1993, was The Viper Room, a club owned by Johnny Depp, at 8852 Sunset Boulevard.

    Very Ironical, don't you think...death by association ...Pyrate, I mean...

  14. Afternoon Everyone!

    Mary brought up a good question regarding the use of erime fur for non-royals. I did find some interesting discussion on this topic in old sumptuary laws during the Middle Ages. And once again, these rules were reinforced during the time of Queen Elizabeth I.

    It was then during the English Civil War that fashion took a more dramatic change of simple, and less flash.

    But after the time of the Roundheads and Charles the II reclaiming his rightful place upon the thrown, the fanciful dress of court was reclaimed. It was also during this time the 'middle-sort' started to 'ape their betters' in appearence. It became very difficult to enforce the old sumptuary laws during this time...Just like the Stuart's burial-rites, the middle class ignored the laws.

    So, to sum it up. Cheeky CAN wear erime...for she'd wants to make sure those of her class-status and the court class knows that she's all that...and a BIG Bag of Chips.

  15. Mistress Lilly McKinney enters and curtsies to the new comer before moving over to Sterling's table. "I know just how to cheer you up," she says with a wicked smile.

  16. Disclaimer: to those of you who tuned in to Bilgemunky's live broadcast with Mr. Reenactor Fest, please note that Mr. B's views and opinions do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of anyone else on the entire planet. Now go get yourself a refreshing beverage... :blink:

  17. Just a Reminder you lot! TONIGHT!!!!

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