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Red Dog

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Everything posted by Red Dog

  1. On light surface rust I've used car buffing compound with good results. Also after rust removal, clean the blade with laquer thinner, "make sure it's laquer thinner not paint thinner, paint thinner leaves a residue" then wax the blade with turtle wax to seal it. This has worked on my Colts and high carbon steel knives with wonderful results. Best 'o luck me mate. Cheers!
  2. Ya know, flinging Frisbees and pocket bibles at the Iraqis during an assault will get you in a bit of hot water too. Apparently NATO has no sense of humor either. No joke, my buddies and I did this during Op. Desert Storm while taking objective Viper about 120 KM South of Baghdad. what a hoot! My Top Sgt. nailed an Iraqi officer with a bible, right in the forhead, and the SOB threw his hands up and surrendered.
  3. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Yer last post about weapons, (sigh.....) < feeding my daughters pickled eggs, since I work the late shift tonight, mom gets to enjoy the outcome! V Ya got a room fer rent, I may need it
  5. Yea, which ones? Start yer braggin mate!
  6. That's it I'm off fish for life! I refuse to eat anything that could still fight after I decaptitated and skinned it.
  7. Yea, what he said.
  8. God, i hope not!
  9. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    love the Dubs man! ^ Beer, a good strong one < now wants a beer, Thanks Dusi! V Whats yer favorite weapon? Pirate or otherwise.
  10. I belive he was staging the sword for quick action. If he were to be attacked his sword would be right there and ready rather than having to fumble with his scabord and other equipment.
  11. Yea, I figured that one out the hard way. And yes, I'm guilty of a few more of these as well. Majors have "NO" sense of humor. YES, THEY WILL!!!!
  12. Had the same thing happen when the guy upstairs tried to repair a water filter line with masking tape, then left for the weekend. The filter popped and his water ran for 48 hours because the maint. guy didn't think it was too big a prob. The floor didn't collapse but separated between the joists and we had three waterfalls in our condo. The neighbor returned and the first thing out of his mouth was "I'm going to sue the HOA for the incompetence of the maint. man". I wanted to drown the SOB in his own living room, but the water was all at my place. I feel for ya mate, Idiots run rampant and always seem to walk away unscathed, here's a mug to you mate.
  13. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    Oooops, Hi dusi ^ I work as a building engineer at the Irvine Spectrum < Still trying to decide on what to drink V who would be a good pirate that you haven't already seen as one?
  14. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ hoping to get up to San Fran and the wine country < trying to decide, whisky or rum V waddaya think, whisky or rum?
  15. Amen Brother! Can I get a witness!
  16. Dang, for me this is a tough one, I have family members that I bought pot for due to their intense pain from cancer and chemo, but my personal experience with it just made me.... thick.... almost dim-witted. I do feel it should be the right of the patient to at least choose if he/she wishes to utilize it, with a prescription and without the stigma attached. If I had all the answers.... aw hell, I'd just be more annoying.
  17. loss of control
  18. We're not on opposite sides, we have you all surrounded!
  19. Needed a target 'eh?
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