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Red Dog

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Everything posted by Red Dog

  1. Killer, ok, I know, wrong use of the word but every time I hear the phrase "serial killer" I keep thinking that the Trix Rabbit finaly snapped.
  2. Excelent discription Capt. Jim! Done this before?
  3. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^Roman Polanskis "Pirates" < Getting ready to BBQ some Carne Asada V ever have just one of "those days"?
  4. The ruler would be to gauge distance to the target. The small hole on the top piece is cut into a "V" groove site which would be used for the initial lay of the cannon, then you would guesstimate the range to the target and set the elevation by use of a charge book for your specific piece of artillery, the pendulum is used for that, then the final sighting and aiming is done by sliding the ruler sight to the proper distance mark and "Boom. Locate your first shot impact and make notes, adjust, fire again and it continues til you blow 'em to smithereens! I think? I was a mortar man with the 101st for 6 years so I kinda get the principle behind what they would need. A lot of Kentucky windage and luck helps too.
  5. I enjoyed it, I just started re-reading it again last night. It's interesting to contrast between it and much earlier books on the subject like, "The time Life Mariners series". I'm starting a small notebook on comparisions of the books I read, it helps me learn enough to ask more questions.
  6. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^depends on the situation < Is avoiding things he should be doing, other than playing on the confuser V If you were stranded on a desert island with someone, who would you choose?
  7. A neckerchief was a fairly common item with the royal navy, makes sense that it'd transfer over to pirate life as well.
  8. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ not yet, so many other things in the works, adding another would be insane < will probably sign up for Puzzle Pirates within minutes. V Ever buy or sell on Ebay?
  9. Dark, nooooo, scary, maybe in the right light, or any light really, HEY, ya'll don't need ta be running me down, looks like I've I got that covered quite nicely, thank you. Ya know, the pirates were in the tropical climates that alo Vera prospers in, I wonder if they figured out it's benefits?
  10. 'lo HarborMaster, so were you agreeing that we can acclimate, or that I have a scary body?
  11. runs with a bad crowd! Erik?
  12. Well, RumbaRue and I may very well have crossed our paths a few time without being aware of it. We both have a long friendship with a "gentleman" ....... Hey Rumba, I called Erik a gentleman!!!!! ........ with which we've gone to cons and faires with. I looked at her picture, I know we've met. Here's to the next time!!!!
  13. I can speak with knowledge on this topic!!!!! Mark yer calendars folks. I was in Saudi Arabia and Iraq during the the Gulf War from 90 to 91as a basic Grunt Infantryman, "ok mortar man" I am a red headed, blue eyed Scots/Irish/German, I could be Snow Whites older brother,"Butt white. After only 4 months I was acclimated enough to go without a shirt or sunblock for 2-3 hours at a time with nothing more than a mild sunburn, for me, that's unheard of. I did burn initially, but staying covered with my sleeves down protected me well. The human body is truly amazing. Mine, on the other hand, is really just kinda scary......
  14. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    I'm sorry Hitman, please excuse my ignorance but what is "cyper round" ^please see above < burned my arm on the BBQ this weekend, still hurts like the dickens V Ever been in the military?
  15. and my last post promoted me to ships Master, ah I remember the days of being a lonley little Deck hand like it was yesterday.....
  16. Like the smoke barns in KY. first time I saw one of them, I called the fire dept. No joke. Thanks for the pic, I think I'm gonna try to build a small one just to see if I can.
  17. Blue man group!!!! LOL I threw that paint sprayer out last night.
  18. Has anyone tried to duplicate this?
  19. LOL! "Here comes the bride, angry and snide..." Oh Phil, you don't know the half of it! I normally can find something about anyone to like, at least tollerate. Not this wench me hearty, and me ex-mate that did the escortin' disliked her more than I.
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