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Red Dog

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Everything posted by Red Dog

  1. Any idea if she's going to become a permanent part of the San Diego scenery?
  2. just tried a concotion of whiskey and a "No Fear" energy drink, not bad. You can drink yourself into a coma and not hit the ground for two days! Oh! the night sweats! I kinda enjoy the blackouts, they make the day go so much faster.
  3. Same thing! See above
  4. Duct tape and rubber cement! Mind the hair though.....OUCH
  5. I've seen her store, she ain't gots many secrets mate, that be fer sure!
  6. FUD Fear, Uncertainty, doubt. (My work here is done) true story: My wife works in the morgage industry, and called me one day to ask what BAS stood for. I told her it meant "Big As S**t". She laughed and asked "no, really, what dose it mean?" I told her that was what it ment She then explained she was looking at an LES, ( leaves and earnings statement, ie: military paystub) and it listed BAS. Oh that's "Basic allowance for Subsistance" She's never let that one die.
  7. ***You are 53% Scorpio*** ***27% sure this is for real** *** 38% doubtful of on-line test** *** 18% sure I went past 100% of anything useful**
  8. Crap! I ranked somewhere between plankton and toaster. I did get the punctuation and s words on your feet questions though.
  9. Running like scalded dogs
  10. DGAS Don't give a s**t FUBAD F****d up big as Dallas F-cubed Full F*****g Faulkner, ( to run into a situation with all flash and crash to land flat on your face) WTF what the F***
  11. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  12. Joanah 33, the strangest day
  13. the farmers hands were cold
  14. it's reasons such as this I use charcoal and not gas when I BBQ. I've never burnt my hotdogs with charcoal. OMG I'm sick, sorry
  15. Berfday parties!!!!! Yaaaaaaaa........
  16. My group has gone so far as to only display the weapons that are being carried. No weapons racks or barrels that require constant attenion. We've not had many problems with children, but with drunken patrons deciding they would show us their expertise. We kinda decided that insurance or not, liability or not, we don't want anyone hurt. We hold impromptu weapons displays and demos when the other toys come out to play then go back in the tent or locker. Kinda a bummer sometimes.
  17. I have family that have tried, I kinda like to take the helm when we head out, or I run the seadoo and clear a path on busy days. Laughlin's nice for awhile but it gets small pretty fast, I do my serious gambling there, I like to play around in in Vegas though, more to see.
  18. If beans and franks are ALL he's missing, he should feel pretty dang lucky.
  19. good food and drink
  20. Good ta hear, ya done yer work, now enjoy the friuts of yer labor, and come and get me when ya do!!!! Cheers mate, I'm off to Oregon soon, gonna try to set up house around Astoria or Warrenton. I'll be getting my craft soon, I hope!
  21. when I check me pockets after a night 'o drinking and gambling and find 2, 100 dollar bills in my pocket that I didn't have the night before.
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