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Red Dog

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Everything posted by Red Dog

  1. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Just working, I have a retail sched although I don't work retail < Counting down the days til I pack up and head north ( 15 ) V What's yer favorite pirate quote
  2. not right now, but I had one named Spanky back in 1992 through 1996. I bought him as a pinky to feed my python, but he (the python) just wouldn't eat this particular rat. I walked around with him in my hand and fed him from an eyedropper. We found out he was a Norwegian Blue Wharf Rat and he grew to about 10 inches without the tail and just ran around the house like a dog. When he passed on, our whole house was crying. I hope to have another someday.
  3. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Huge neighborhood BBQ < Getting ready fer work tomorrow V what other piratical activities do you engage in?
  4. Wills Daddy
  5. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Drunken Sailor < Trying to get over a killer headache V What got you interested in pirates?
  6. Cindy Brady and her lisp
  7. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ my sword baldric < just put in my 2 weeks notice at work V what's the best idea for a theme party?
  8. Again, just my thoughts...... and my dog snoring.
  9. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Gave me a good laugh, I love silly humor < Been 48 hours without sleep V Roman Polanski's "Pirates" , whadaya think?
  10. then we'll drink rum!
  11. right now, just the music in my head. I've been surrounded by friends, children and co-workers since last Tuesday and finally just hid away.
  12. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Ebay mostly, I switch often but that's a good bet < Trying to word my 2 week notice in such a way that I'll tell em to go to hell, but make em look forward to the trip. V Whats your favorite thing to do at movies? (Keep it clean for the younger folks). I like to pick apart weapons and their abilities. Like watching them fire the same m72a2 LAW rocket twice. (it's a one shot weapon)
  13. Loved and lost
  14. Geez, I thought it was just me. Well it's offical, the house is in escrow and the rest is going into boxes and My family and I are soon to be Oregonians! Maybe I'll find some of what I'm looking for there.
  15. 40 year old virgins
  16. Thinking voice? They have those? Congrats Kendra, hurry back
  17. not no more I aint! That s**t'll get you made dead.
  18. Well, I duck now, for a start. Yea, the jehovah's witnesses can be a rough life. Now for real, I was with the 101st Airborne at the time and George Bush the First was using Ranger qualified soldiers to preform recon and intel gathering to halt the flow of drugs up from south America into Central America. They loved to use Mortar men because we could read maps, use radios and calculate distances to the target areas. My team was in Cologne, just across the bay from Ft. Sherman when the stuff hit the fan late on the 17th. We buried ourselves in the jungle until we found a unit from the 7th Light and rangers in our area. We moved by helo with them into Panama City and that's where it happened. Just dumb luck is all.
  19. well....... I was shot in the arm during Operation "Just Cause" on Dec 19, 1988. I just finished clearing an alley and a drug dealer sprayed a full magazine from his AK 74 " not AK 47" and I caught a 5.45 mm round in my left arm just above the elbow. Made a mess but went through clean and I just needed a cast and 6 weeks to recover. The druggie bought it from my partner, 8 rounds of 5.56 in the chest and head. I feel sorry for the guy.
  20. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Morgans "Tattoo", I also like Ron Vicaro, straight < just took a large swig of Ron Vicaro "mango" V Ok, how about yer favorite whiskey?
  21. Jolly fat people
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