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Red Dog

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Everything posted by Red Dog

  1. Wow, not as easy as it looks, I've become rather popular with the local fire authority. Green wood is not the same as wet wood. OK, I would have starved to death as a Buccaneer.
  2. Looks outstanding in garb...... Yes, we've seen you, and an honer it was. Didn't remember til just now, I want to say San Jose, make any sense?
  3. Unfortunately, I just saw my 16 year old nephew, and he has taken to "pot" as a form a recreation. He was in the Air National Guard and a licenced glider pilot with hopes of following his Grandfather and I into the Army SOG profession. I can't believe the change. He's 30 lbs. overweight, dull intellectually and slow in reflex, hours after his last dose. I still support it as a medication for intense pain, but for recreation, forget it. I judge no-one in their choices so please don't be offended. This is just an observation. I see children who are needlessly on "Riddlin" <SP> and other types of meds to adjust their personalities and believe it to be much worse than cannabis as a treatment to anything. Talen, I've known you 22+ years, your driving sucks, you drool normally and you are getting fat! See you in Oregon, you old fart! He's 40 folks, I'm a year younger, HA HA! Talen is one the best people anyone could have the privilege to know, my comments about him were ENTIRELY in jest, and he knows it!
  4. BTW The "black Swan" is on sale in DVD format at "FYE" at the Irvine Spectrum for $5.00. Just got a copy. If ya'll trust my I'll get you a copy and mail it to you. PM me and we'll work out the "hows" and "what if's"
  5. Dang, I'm screwed. I'm a redheaded revrend. My father always said I was bad luck.
  6. Quick-draw McGraw
  7. BOC: Don't fear the reaper
  8. ?????anywhere??????
  9. Dang it Rumba, I'm gonna call you for snappy comebacks next time I'm bleeding to death. Doc says all's well, no infection, healings in proper stage and all my vital statistics are exlent. BP was 117 over 80, pulse 54, temp 98.0 now I gotta get my cholesterol checked and I can die a happy, healthy man!
  10. just a male point point of view, I've always been uncomfortable addressing a lady, any lady, as a wench. I understand it may have been an actual job title, but the meaning has been bastardised in current times. Words such as "cock, gay, and water sports" don't have the meaning they originally carried either. I just choose the respectful route.
  11. How about walking through a crowded mall at lunch time, bleeding copiously from a finger and someone stops you to ask directions. Just happened on Wednesday the 26th. For the story, check out the thread about "declaring something about yourself"
  12. Mel Brooks, Gotta love 'em
  13. Oh ya, something on topic......... On Wednesday I took a chunk outa my middle finger on the right hand, " my favorite finger too" . I was stowing a drop-leaf table and THOUGHT the leaf was secured in the down position so I fliped the table upside down, picked it up and the leaf opened! It tore about a 1 inch long, 1/2 inch wide and 1/4 inch deep piece off the tip. My doctor called me a moron. I bet he'll charge me for it too the quack! It can't be stiched so they used a product called Surgi-skin and wraped it. No pain, no fuss, and I got to leave a blood trail through the Irvine Spectrum from one side to the other during lunch time too, what a hoot!
  14. Ok, me mate just mixed Pepsi, rocky-road ice cream and a shot of Morgans Tattoo, not to dang bad. We sat outside after a meal of carne asada and potatoes, smoking a hookah with raspberry tobacco Ah..... I wonder what the poor people are doing......
  15. Damn, fine women, leather and motorcycles, I've died and gone to Heaven, or Sturgis, either way.........
  16. Yer Sick Ransom, Funny, but sick! Then again I'm the one who seeing things I just hope they never cross a pigeon with a cow! I'll never be able to find my car again. BTW Report from Iraq, 132 degrees at 2:45pm "their time" .
  17. Morgans Tattoo and coke
  18. Ok, changed to Reel Big Fish: Beer
  19. Ok Smartees, name two rivers in North America that flow North. v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v The Red and the Mighty Mississippi
  20. I get this image in my head of a cow pasture going off like a battle field.
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