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Red Dog

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Everything posted by Red Dog

  1. Well, here's a new one: I painted myself a lovely shade of turquoise blue last night. Damn spray gun shot the paint back at me through a hole in the can. It was a really nice, even coat too! From my neck to my ...... wooohooo's. thank the lord for turpentine!
  2. Good lord, I couldn't drink that much!
  3. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ I play a sea-sick sailor alot, also a Scots Nobleman < just finished building a Hupa for a Jewish wedding V Who or what is yer favorite cartoon character? BTW Congrats to you Lady Snow and yer fine Lads. It speaks volumes of your parenting! "don't worry, it's just root beer this time"
  4. I got lost going to my friends wedding in Nashville and missed the entire ceremony. I was the best man. My other friend stepped up and had to escort the bride, and he detested her. He hasn't spoken to me since and this was in 1989.
  5. Naw, Beetle Bailey!
  6. Ok, so a horse walks into a bar and takes a seat at the end. The bartender then asks, "so, why the long face?" A fish takes a seat at a local restaurant. The waiter arrives shortly and asks "what can I get for you sir?" The fish replies "WATER YOU IDIOT"! >>>>>>GROAN>>>>>>>>
  7. Sir Henry, Off topic, but that photo is very intriging. You should submit it to the TAPS web site. http://www.the-atlantic-paranormal-society.com/ It's a pretty neat site too, if your into the paranormal. Cheers Mate
  8. It's one of my "Dream" vacations. Diving in Jamaica. Catalina's getting boring, I also want to hit the coast in North Carolina. Well..... maybe someday, (sigh)
  9. Just saw "Ok Boys, grapnels to the ready! Was it one of the pub members by any chance? It was in So. Orange County CA. Big black truck, Ford F-*50, just freekin' scary, it was really cool.
  10. To the black Pearl!
  11. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ A highwayman, Plunkett and McLean is one of my favorite movies < Gotta start painting the bathroom soon V Name yer Poison
  12. ...and my toes by any other name, would smell like feet.... take that Shakespeare...
  13. I think you've got it Capt! light the end and put the other in your mouth and it's guaranteed to blow yer mind.
  14. It reminded me of an old German match fired pistol I saw at the Tower of London. If the stock extended back to the shoulder it could be stabilised with the left hand and the linstock used to touch it off with the right. I get the feeling it was a busted pistol barrel reworked and pressed into service as a rude and crude rifle.
  15. I've also heard losing a mop or bucket overboard is a bad omen. When starting a voyage, don't look back to the shore. Wearing the clothes of a dead man before the voyage has ended is bad luck. Never speak the name of the dead, it would call them to you. A knife stuck into the main mast would summon a favorable wind. Never say, drown or sink while at sea. Some pirates tattooed open eyes on their eyelids so as to never be caught asleep. An earring would boost your stamina and endurance. Killing a seagull or albatross would bring death, the only counter to this was to wear the bird around your neck until landfall, then give the bird a Christian burial. If not, the bird was hung about the offenders neck and he and the bird were tossed to the sea, for a discussion and trial by Neptune. " Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner"
  16. sorry, to add to my above post, the fule wood was to give off white smoke. Not white ash. On page 23 of "Piracy, Days of long ago" by Kenneth W. Mulder it has a great discription of the boucan and the smoking process.
  17. I just found on page 46 of " Piracy, Days of long ago" by Kenneth W. Mulder a drawing of a barrel filled with swords and boarding axes. The article dosen't explain if this is for personal storage or perhaps extra weapons to disperse in time of need. It would make sense to have these barrels located at stratigic points on the the deck, but then if you were boarded, your handing weapons to the enemy. I shoot down more of my own arguments!
  18. Some info I read somewhere spoke about the Chausers working in teams and each carrying a shelter half, simmilar to our modern infantry of today. Two Buccaneers could combine the halves and it would form a type of "pup tent. It also mentions that the wood used in the construction of the boucans was green and the fule was any hard wood that burned to a white ash. I'll find the info and supply the source, I just have to check through the 30 or so books I've read in the past 3 months.
  19. Little Red Riding Hood
  20. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Drunken Sailor < Trying to build a Hupa for my friends Jewish wedding V Best Pizza Toppings?
  21. Jun 7 1692 At 11:43am, a catastrophic earthquake strikes Port Royal, Jamaica, then known as "the richest and wickedest city in the world." Buildings are shaken apart and ships in harbor hurled onto busy streets. In just three minutes, the temblor takes out 70% of the population, killing 1,600 and seriously injuring 3,000 others.
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