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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Marvelous!! I love pictures! Thanks so much for that tidbit of info. I would have never thought of that. Thanks again Pat.
  2. Here is a pretty good shot of mr. Rush in costume. You can really see how long the breeches are. So in that sense they're not period. I have always liked Barbossa's pants in a hollywood kinda way.
  3. Yeah I thinking they were a bit also. I forgot to mention that. And your right Capt'n, I guess this really is a moot point because of the boots. But they do look fairly close to some if the plates. I also saw those 1600ish plates and thought the exact same thing. Maybe I need to put somthing of that nature together for the Ren Faire's my wife and I attend from time to time. At least that gets me closer to the time period. I just can't bring myself to wear tights and a cod piece.
  4. Well if you stayed until the end of the movie credits Liz and child (lil wil) are waiting for Wil to return. Ten years later. Maybe the curse is lifted at that moment. I don't know, it's really left up for you to decide. Just a thought .
  5. So I went poking around the Costumer's Manifesto, their website I found this, Scroll down almost to the end. Link for the Pic Now they say its of Dutch origin, but the Dutch were in the caribbean at the time. So maybe something like those pants would be possible? True its not of a sailor so maybe not. Can someone else confirm the pic? Aside from the Costumer's Manifesto. They seems to be pretty good.
  6. So i'm curious, I mean not to upset anyone but looking at the pic of the actual pant worn, what makes it unacceptable of GoAP? The only thing I see is the gathers at the waist band. From what I've researched on breeches that is about the only I can see. Due to my inexperience in such things, I would like to hear from our resident clothing historians.
  7. Thanks Pat! Couple of questions to help clear up my understanding. The ridge pole supports, some like a Y shape at the top? And the rope run along the diagonals in the front and back? ( along where it says 7.2') Also should I run a couple of small loops or ties along the smae path to hole the rope in? I'll probably find a way to sleeve the ridge pole, and I'm renting a car so I'll have some more room than my civic! I'm not sure if its clear or not but I'm planning on sewing a tent long pocket along the entire ridge, probably leaving room in the middle to check on the sleeve. Thanks Pat!
  8. So I drew these up a few weeks ago and tonight I cleaned them up. This is my idea of a good size wedge tent for my wife and I. Tell me what you think.
  9. Ok, I think i'm going to try and get back in the fray. I want to download the the entire thread and be able to read it offline or print it out. ( I left around page 100) It seems that I can't download any post past 8/3/06. Any Help? Maybe a moderator can help. Thanks to all.
  10. Does anybody know of any hatters? I'm trying to see if I can cut out the middle man and go direct to the guy blocking the blanks.
  11. The width of the blank depends on who blocks it. When you order a blank it should tell you how wide the brim is from the crown. I just used sissors. If you look at the pics, I made a roundish template and maked on the brim with chalk. Trim to taste. Steaming the hat I just boiled some water and held the portion of the hat I wanted flexible and steamed it. On stiffness and weatherproofing your hat. I used shellac, diluted with denatured alcohol. Then brushed on until it soaked through. I used about a 1 part shellac and 2 part alcohol. Makes it really stiff, like a semi hard shell. Use less shellac if you don't want it that stiff. As you use shellac the hat will get "floppy" and soft. It will also shrink so you need to find a way to keep its shape as you shellac. I think I just put a headrag on and plopped my hat on me head until it started to set. Not sure how safe that is but its what I did. Sorry about not getting back to the questions sooner. I've been out of town working.
  12. Is that a historically accurate style Pat? I now this isn't twill but I'm curious.
  13. And here is one way to make it. Even using Jas Townsend's blank. Cocking a Hat
  14. Ditto with Capt'n Jim. If you didn't care about being historically correct, you might as well make some draw string pants out of some dollar a yard material you got on sale at Wal Mart.
  15. Here you go. The file size is a bit larger than I would normally use, but I wanted to show good detail. The Original is on the left, dyed on the right. I dyed several smaller pieces with different times. I also beached a couple of them and dyed them to see what that would look like. I eventually went with an unbleached piece dyed for 10 minutes and rinsed the crap out of it. I used RIT brand dye, I'm currently out of a dye fixative. So before I wash it, I will need to procure some. Rit dye will continue to run even after I've rinsed and washed to death. One the these days I will get into fiber reactive dyes, but thats another day. The pattern is woven into the fabric. Thats why it still shows, even when dyed. I bought this fabric at Jo-Ann. So you might be able to find some. Check their linen section. Here are the pics. ENJOY!
  16. Quite traumatic. I worried the whole time that it wasn't going to fit some how. It fit well of course but a few thing will need to be adjusted before I make another one. If I ever make another one. Binding was probably the hardest thing on whole garment. It has been the hardest garment I've made myself. I don't plan on making another one any time soon. Yeah I did some research and found a few sites were people had made there own corsets and used plastic boning. I didn't use a busk on hers. (Busk is a larger stiffener than boning. It can be made out metal, bone, or wood.) That would go on the front. I didn't use one because I felt she didn't need that much support and I wanted to make it comfortable enough for here to wear it.
  17. Well this was an adventure. I've never really made anything this precise before. There are still minor issues with the fit. Due to my own inexperience. But here are some pics. These include the period shift (chemise) in white light weight linen. Two petticoats, one underneath white light weight linen, and the outer one in blue medium weight linen, all knife pleated. Using Kass' instruction from pattern #713. (I'm not on the payroll I swear. ) The stays are made out of multiple layers of linen and the outer was hand dyed green and is a linen/ cotton blend. Fully boned without busks. I used plastic boning instead of reeds at suggested per Kass. (I wanted to be able to wash it.) So enough talking here are the pics. I believe this is how you spiral lace.
  18. OK I'll give this a shot. 1. More of a Ren Faire outfit, not really a pirate. But my first outfit. 2006 sometime. 2. A little after the first one. 3. Just before Pirates 2 4. Me and Capt'n Jim meeting the first time at the Clearwater Pirate Fest. (I think thats what the name was.) 5. Tampa Ren Faire 07 That about where I sit at the moment. Been busy working on my wifes stuff lately. More on that in a moment. (EDITED due to Picture Size)
  19. I agree with Mr. Hand. If its just the "cut" of the breeches, then cotton will be fine. I myself am going to be making a couple of pairs here soon. (Kass, here I come.) I want to at least one of them out of hemp canvas and the other out of linen canvas. If your feeling froggy and adventurous, you could dye the fabric any color you want. That is more work though. Just my 2 cents.
  20. I planning on making my own wedge style tent. So count me in with the "wedges". So no I'm not looking for a front row spot. I don't care where I go. Just was day dreaming on how the camp might look. No worries.
  21. Sounds to me like a possible marketing trick? Maybe, I'm just suggesting that maybe they changed some of the movie so they can have a "Super Special Director's Cut Extended Edition." Not that I mind, just a thought.
  22. I was not saying that at all. I all I was doing was suggesting something. Just wanted to share an idea that I had. You don't have to like the idea, and I'm fine with that. Thats why I'm asking. I'm not sure how my tone sounded in the post but I did not mean to come off domineering. I apologize for my suggestion.
  23. Yep we can only hope. Looking at Pat's pics, the wedge tents look a little plain next to the pic of last years tents. Maybe we should organize the tents so the more unusual tents are up front and more visible? I don't know just a thought. I figured I throw it out there.
  24. In order of competency. Alto Sax Harmonica Some percussion (currently I own an udu drum, working on getting a djembe) Tin whistle Didgeridoo
  25. Sorry about that. I was just wondering about that canvas. After pricing it out I think I may just go with a chunk of cotton canvas anyways and sink other funds else were. Still we can dream right? I need to make a whole lotta stuff and aquire shoes for both my wife and I and grab a flintlock or 2. Anyways just pointing that out for other to see. I'll keep you posted.
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