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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. As I sipped my drink, the man named March had approached me and made me and offer. "Here these are for you, and if you want to help there's more." He whispered in my ear as he pressed two coins in my hand, "if you can find what’s going on the Rakehell, report back to me, I'm aboard the Archangel." Without waiting for a reply he was off. "So do I draw myself further into this mess? So far it’s been fairly profitable." I mused through my brew. "The Rakehell, no I can't go there. Can't risk meeting that capt'n again. Maybe Ioan can help?" "No I saw how he looked at me. Full of angst towards me." I thought when I drained my tankard. "I need some fresh air." I announced under my breath. With that I strolled out the door.
  2. Slightly disappointed as the coin disappeared, not that I really cared anyway, I heard whisperings behind me, I could net discern whether it was about me or not. I slid my hand over my coat to check my pistol. Not that I was afraid of this capt'n but of what might be behind me. Not knowing what to say next I asked, "You say Killingsworth is dead?" I asked, resting my knuckles on the edge of the table, "He was very much alive when I left him, Tess seemed to be very caring. I do believe she is staying at the Shipp Inn."
  3. "Ahhhh.. that's correct. I forgot about that, you where there." "As to my knowledge Killingsworth was alive, although barely, when I delivered him."
  4. "Dead?" I mutterd under my breath. "Now I've stepped in it." I thought. "There's just to many people here, BLAST i'm trapped. trapped..."
  5. I hope this capt'n isn't associted with the Rakehell. I might end up dead. "Well,..." I stammered, clearing my throat. "Found out that this man was wanted. A Tess St. Clair annouced in one of the taverns that she was looking for a Killingsworth. Through contacts I know and a bit of luck I was able to find where he was. My first visit abroad the Rakehall was a failure. I couldn't live with that. The Rakehell's capt'n was hiding something. So I went back fully loaded and hacked my way through and stole him. I bearly made it out alive. I brought him to this Tess and she paid me rather handsomly." I took a swig out of my tankard. Clearing my thoughts. I fingered for my cutlass, just to make sure she was there.
  6. Walking over I didn't know what to expect. Mind ran through the various possiblities of what this crowd could want. I could tell there were more of them somewhere in this tavern. When I was finally at the table, I introduced myself. "My name is Jack Roberts, I sail with the crew of the Majesty. How may I be of service?" I said as I bowed slightly, hiding my nervousness.
  7. My mind was raced for a reply. When this crowd walked in, it was then I recognized the man Ioan. "Has he given me up?', I thought. "I hope this capt'n does not want to do me in." "Did he find out what I had done?" "Gig's up", I thought. Well I best be moving towards the table and chat or I might have some more trouble. "Aye sir lead the way." I replied.
  8. "Oui! Get out of 'ere. We'll be off in a day or two. It'll be your last chance before we shove off." Shouted Ritter. I thought to myself, "Maybe I won't come back." I strolled out on deck and walked down the board. "I guess I'll find the nearest pub." Breathing some of my last air on land, I strolled into a pub, the Cheshire Cheese Tavern, and orderd a drink. Shrugging some of the water off my coat, I looked around the room. The usual shady characters. My eye did rest for a brief moment on a person in the corner but my drink arrived and drew my attention away.
  9. Wow! You inhaled pipe smoke? I can't do that. Good thing you did quit. I need to get a clay pipe. I have a long stem wood and plastic one. I really enjoy that one.
  10. So what Kind of tobacco do you all smoke? I've smoked Capt'n Black mostly.
  11. Hahaha.... I think i'll pass on that one. Sorry to steal your thunder guys. Hope your not upset. Hey Patrick aren't you camping in the fort? If so I'd like to stop by and meet you in person. Let me know. Laters PS I just knew the girls would get all the attention. No one has complimented the coat. By the way my wife is the one one the right.
  12. Some trim has been added to the brown coat. Check it out. Add the close up. Here is some of our crew in the garb at the Tybee Island Pirate Fest. More to come when I can get them finiished.
  13. My wife went to the Tybee Island Pirate Fest yesterday. (In Georgia) I was the forst test run of the garb. I just saw some pictures and they look great. I'll post a few when she gets home. Thanks! Having a project this big has helped me to get the hang of sewing. I have never used a sewing machine before I started. :angry: Having so many garments to do at once, you really learn fast. Sewing is a matter of doing over and over again, til you get the hang of it. I' take some close ups of the fabric when I get the chance. They really are nice. Thanks again.
  14. (Thats me as the model.) I just completed most of the constuction. I still have some triming and buttons to go on. I love this fabrc. I was making it for my wife and it ended up being to big. (I can wear it. So on to Kass' patterns for my wife. I so excited.) It really has some nice structure to it. Well that's it for now I'm off to bed. Thanks everyone for commenting.
  15. Ohh... That'll be mine. (of course) hehehe.... I'll post another coat I just made when I can. It's just as pretty.
  16. Check the first post for new descriptions. More too follow when I get the time. ENJOY!!
  17. That was a fun one to do. I would assume you mean this one. The fabric was a tan and brown (light brown) with a herringbone pattern. It was hand dyed to the greenish color you see. I did several tests in order to keep the zig zag pattern. Too long in the dye bath and you would lose the pattern and it would be solid green. Its faint but still visible. The fabric is a silk/ cotton blend. If memory serves me right, I think it was 60% silk/ 40% cotton. I lined woth a 60% Linen/ 40% Cotton blend. Maybe I should write a detailed desscrition of each garment. I think that is next. Just wait....
  18. Ohhh... I'd watch it Rumba, my wife might have to run you through with her cutlass. She has been helping were she can. I went cheap. Having to make 10 garments and everything else I just didn't wnat the hassle I guess. Maybe I could put some fake flaps on them to make them look like they have pockets. Ohhh... I am. At least I can use my machine to make them. I still don't like to go and mark out 15 button hole per vest, and I'm still not done yet I have to still do 4 more waistcoats. Well I'll keep you posted. We are considering starting a buisiness doing this. So just maybe........
  19. Well I only have 2 sets of garments left to make for our crew. I wanted to gloat a bit and post pics of them here. Any comment, remarks, and complaints welcome. Here we go. The fabric was a tan and brown (light brown) with a herringbone pattern. It was hand dyed to the greenish color you see. I did several tests in order to keep the zig zag pattern. Too long in the dye bath and you would lose the pattern and it would be solid green. Its faint but still visible. The fabric is a silk/ cotton blend. If memory serves me right, I think it was 60% silk/ 40% cotton. I lined with a 60% Linen/ 40% Cotton blend. PANT- Are a 95% wool/ 5% spandex blend. (It was on slae at Jo Ann's) They were a dark green, distressed with Oyclean to bleah the color out. Oxyclean was the only thing that would not destory the fabric and still bleach the color. Scarfs are a Cotton guaze, hand dyed and distressed. COAT - 100% Silk, originally a blend of orange pink and red threads, it was hand dyed to the maroon color you see. (That was 7.5 yards of fabric that was dyed.) Cuffs have a silk lining. The lininig is, I believe, 100% linen. I burn tested the fabric and I'm pretty sure is linen. Waistcoat (Vest) - Was an upolestery fabric I hand dyed to the gray gran you see. I think its a poly/ cotton blend. The lining is also a 60% Linen/ 40% Cotton blend. Pants - Also the 95% wool/ 5% spandex blend. Distressed and bleached with hydrogen peroxide. WAISTCOAT - I think a cotton blend of some sort, with a linen/ rayon blend lining. PANTS & SCARFS - Pants are a muslin that have been distressed and hand dyed to black. The scarfs are a cotton guaze also hand dyed. Waistcoat - Another upolstery fabric, that is a honeycomb pattern with yellow as the main treads and bluss as the secondary. PANTS & SCARFS - Pants are a muslin that have been distressed and hand dyed. The scarfs are a cotton guaze also hand dyed. More to come... More to come... More to come... More to come...
  20. See what happens when you go and get shot there Rats! (Refering to the port royal story) Haha, but really I hope all is well and you get to feeling better soon.
  21. Interesting Foxe! I would have thought that they would have used the "cheaper" flour for the sake of cost. So the quote says. So maybe it was a white flour or maybe the "pea" flour and bone dust lightened the color a bit. What do you think?
  22. I started looking as soon as you replied to my last post. So here is what I've found, and it isn't much. From an ebay post Ebay Thought it was interesting.
  23. So i'll drag this thread from Davy Jones' locker. So I would think that if they used wheat flour for the biscuts, I would assume it to be what we call whole wheat today. I mom has gotten into milling her own whole wheat berries. The bread produced from that flour is fairly dark brown. I would think that would be closer to what they would have had "back in the day" for the biscuts. What do you all think? Also anyone tried to make thier own? I'm definity trying this weekend. Anybody got a recipe? I see that flour, water,and salt is the ingredients. I guess you just mix them until you get a dough like substance. MMM... I'll have to try.
  24. So where might one find grappling hooks? That does sound like a good game.
  25. I sat drinking my reward. Probably enjoying one of my last meals on land. The ship should be ready soon. I dreaded going out to sea again. I could just stay here for awhile. "Maybe if I talk to Ritter. I've done my share." I thought as I downed another swig of ale. These 2 men come strolling inside. With thier heavy accents they pawned off some items from thier bag. "Aye would ye be wantin' anything?" one of the men asked. "Not tonight, thank you." I replied and I drew back into my tankard.
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