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Jack Roberts

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Everything posted by Jack Roberts

  1. Oohhh! But Pyle just looks soo good.
  2. Ayee, I will be postin some pics of it tomorrow. We just got back in town and I'm going to crash. I had a 40 hour day the first day we were there and haven't caught up since. I be postin the pic tomorrow.
  3. Be there tomorrow, can't wait. I just picked up our ship errr.. van. Leaving early tomorrow morning.
  4. Sure! I would love to meet up. You have a PM.
  5. So that's what dog ear cuffs look like?
  6. Thanks Kass. I saw that pic awhile ago and it took me about half an hour to find it again. Its a shame its been lost. I thought it might be relavant here.
  7. Not a waistcoat but something in leather. Not sure of the date. Its says 1700. Maybe someone of much could tell me more.
  8. I'll be there on saturday. Its going to be a test run for my new clothes before PiP. Unfortunaly my wife is out of town, but I'm going. See you all there.
  9. Crap!! Now I have to catch up. I've been away for awhile and now I'm 11 pages behind. Sounds like things have changed. There's a storm! Ok no one post any thing til I'm caught up. I guess its a good thing I'm not a main character.
  10. Well I finally had some time and made one more coat for PiP. Still need the embellishments, but the bulk of the construction is done. So here are some pics. I used Reconstrucing History's #709 pattern.
  11. I looked around and for the moment the fire was contained. The Shipp was still burning along with 2 or 3 others. We've been hauling water for over 2 hours now. There are three chains drawing water. "Pretty bloody amazing we got this organized." I muttered under my breath. "Aye sir, I would agree." replied a man back. I turn to see from whom the voice was coming from.
  12. Ahh yes I'm sure they line up. But alas my personal morals (What! A pyrate with morals!! ) would not allow such a film.
  13. Sweat was dripping off my chin. Struggling to get this water up to the buring buildings. "Spash, sizzzzz..." I threw the water on what I could reach. Ithe fire drew back but only briefly. Despriation settingin, I saw there was many people trying to tame the blaze. "We need to work together. Like on a ship" I thought. "HOho, my friend.." I shouted to a man next to me. "Gather as many men as we can, we need to start a cain." "What..." he replied. "We need everyone to form a line and help run buckets back and forth. I think we 'ave enough people." "Aye! We need more than a few buckets at a time ehh." he said as truned to his other mates. "Aye" I thought to myself. I picked up as many buckets as I could hold and ran down to the sea wall. Looking for something to help lower the buckets someone slapped me on the back, "Wot can I do to help?" As I turned to reply I spotted a grappling hook and had an idea. "Aye, lower these down with that hook 'n line." I said as I handed him the hook and a bucket. "You start to draw the water, I'll hand it off." I turned and saw people lining up behind me forming a chain.
  14. I always wanted Killingsworth to kill off my friend Ritter. Get that whole vengance thing going. Maybe the "brudders" could try at that one. I felt we got very lucky that Reggie wanted out. His character just needed to die. He was sooo evil.
  15. ...and a couple more.
  16. Some more photos from Tybee...
  17. "WATER, WE NEED MORE WATER!" I shouted as I ran down the street. The flames started to lick the other buildings. Catching them on fire. "It's starting to spread, we need more buckets!" shouted someone in the crowd. I grabbed four emtpy buckets and started to run toward the ocean.
  18. Ok how about here? Maybe I'm being way to anal retentive here. I just want to know how close we are to the water. So I know how to fight this fire.
  19. Will you start that thread here?(in plunder?) Or can you let us know where? Thanks again.
  20. Question; Where is the Shipp on the map? And from what I understand your at a church not on the map?
  21. Ahhh... all these languages. I guess I'm just your stupid, average American. There is always the fire a the Shipp we can all play with.
  22. As I rounded the corner the street was a sea of ants scattered around. Some were already starting to form a chain coming from the docks running up to the inn. By the time I got there the inn was ablaze. I could feel the heat even before I rounded the corner. Everyone was trying save the buildings around the Shipp.
  23. Yes I would like to see pictures of the process. (and by "drape" you mean sew? make a great coat?) Can't wait to get started on my wife's hunting coat. Thanks Kass!
  24. Well, well just to change the subject. Not that I don't like the talk of roasting rotting, marinating human flesh. (I'm sorry Killingsworth for what I’ve done.) But where is Sir Morgan? Haven't seen the govn’r in awhile. Hope all is well. I would like to get myself involved some how with the Spanish raid. If I keep stretching out my time in port I might just lose position on my ship.
  25. I strolled, puffing my pipe, trying to clear my head, wandering aimlessly through the streets. I could hear the church bells ringing. "Somebody’s gettin hitched." I thought. "But what to do, I cannot go back to the Rakehell, that would be suicide. No I cannot." A new scent hit my nostrils. I sniffed and looked up. Flames started to rise out of one of the taverns. "The Shipp", I mused, "she just doesn't get a break, does it." I started towards that direction, hoping to catch a glimpse of the action.
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