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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. they make the world go round
  2. Ulright! Dis is growin uld. Five lasses, one lad, I nil like tose odds. An' since every woman seems to b'doin better at keepin his mout shut rater den getting him t'give up his mates ...I'm takin maters into m'own hands Silkie pulls white board 24 x 36 and a marker. In bold print she writes "Prisoners Wanted, apply within" Hmmmmm, perhaps we shouldn't use the word prisners. She flips the board and writes, "MALE Pyrates thinks for a moment...needed, apply within" Dat may help. She goes outside with the sign. When she comes back to the party she sits down with a large bowl of popcorn and waits while watching the adventures of MaddMatt and the other ladies.
  3. I know that MANY years later, steamer trunks were made with curved surfaces BECAUSE they wouldn't stack well. That way the trunks with hump-back were stacked on the top and more easily accessible. Could the reason be a similar in the GAoP?
  4. Lives too dang far away from me Moved nearer where I moved from when I moved nearer to where he was livin ...maybe I should take a hint Luv ya Bear!
  5. Silkie takes his hand and dances like never before with her good friend Aye, Hugh, tis a dream t'b dancin wit ya. Her smile, wide with the delight of being held in his strong arms could light up a room! At a rest between sets Luv, yer lead is easily followed, I'd dance wit ye forever ifin we could. Thank ya fer yer attentions
  6. Where ever two or more pyrates are gathered is a worthwhile event!
  7. We have a winner! I've known what it was fro days, just didn't want to have to come up with a good lyric to replace it.
  8. Sounds wonderful, am I invited?
  9. Well, enuf o'tet. M'here fer d'cheer. Where b'd'Callenish Gunner? Man I know yer busy but can ya' take a bit o'time fer a dance wit da lass ya' introduced to d'pub?
  10. Had the same problem. Use photobucket.com
  11. has anyone noticed that we are all ...good in bed?
  12. Jack I like the words. I haven't been able to pot a tune to it. Give me time, I'll figure something out.
  13. Thanks Pearl. I enjoyed it. In fact can you give me the artists name or the lyrics please. I need to learn this one.
  14. S-People think you are so sexy. I-Love is something you deeply believe in. L-You have a nice ass ;-) K- You like to try new things I-Love is something you deeply believe in. E-You're loyal to those you love. M-success comes easily to you. C- your wild and crazy D-You have trouble trusting people. O-You love foreplay. N-Have a big warm heart. O-You love foreplay. U-You are really chill. G-Love is something you deeply believe in. H-You have very good personality and looks Looks pretty accurate to me! Except I don't have trouble trusting people, then again, there is no D in MY name!
  15. Tank ya. Tis indeed a compliment.
  16. Well, I'm new to this pyrate life. I'm still learning and my excitement about it hasn't started to annoy anyone around me yet. Give it a year ...or at least another few months. I'm sure it will happen.
  17. Hmmm... Can't say I'm overly fond a'dirty anyone but seeins as yer a friend o'Lady B's I'll o'look d oder fer now. Welcome lad! Be happy, tis a grand place y've come't. Silkie throws back the better part of a tankard of rum wich is promptly followed by a hick-up and a girlish giggle.
  18. only if you promise to model for me
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