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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Home. Have been for hours, sorry, left a note on the crew site. I salute you Captain Sterling, my crew mates, the captain and crew of the Vigilant and so many more. Wonderful day and wonderful company. Thank you all. Hope that migraine leaves you soon Cap.
  2. mmmmmmmmussssssst reeeeesiiiiiiist ....musssssssskrat .....gah ....Muskrat Love! There I said it! I am so ashamed.
  3. Yes, M.A.d'Dogge is the funniest pirate but is funny good in the captain of the marines?
  4. Yep ...even the ones that they can't air to the public ...yep wanna see it all. lol
  5. This is only a partial quote but I think this statement can stand alone. The Archangel crew saw it happen this year at PiP. There was a new park manager and he seemed very unwilling to cooperate. After he saw how responsible the reenactors (in general) were he became more understanding and seems to be enthusiastic about next years event. It takes time. Additionally, other than the Holiday parade and the occasional skit we are encouraged not to carry swords and firearms in the city of Key West.
  6. That man, taking the guns off of M.A.d'Dogge was our Mr. Edward O'kefee(I think I got the correct spelling, M.A.d'Dogge's latest sidekick.
  7. You drinking again Jack?
  8. Hey ...I just looked at the site ...they mention Scarlet, Deadeye & Leatherback but not a word about M.A.d'Dogge or O'Kieff ...?
  9. I wish I would have seen that! LOL
  10. Cookie did a great job. Researched EVERYTHING then presented it masterfully. Kudos to Cookie ...spy & pirate. We were going to let him cook our last meal before we hung him from the yard arm but then thought better of it.
  11. Good heavens Bright! ...why am I surprised? That is just the depraved comment one can expect from one of these brigands.
  12. Best to you & your lady! Congratulations.
  13. I didn't go a wandering, my feet couldn't take it, saved me money. lol HOWEVER ...the Salvation Army did come around to the troupes, yep, DTA, "Donuts Through the Ages" was a hit. I got the dregs of the lemonade and the second to the last of the donuts. It was still good. Lemon seeds and all. lol
  14. Remind me to remind Fiontan not to button his coat. He looks too busty. lol Shame about that scar on his chin, clumsy old man
  15. This one made me laugh out loud Mission! Ummm ...I mean the caption not the subject ...err ...although you do look funny too Mission ....I mean ...oh, I'll just shut up.
  16. Tis nay a day late tis a year early! Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh!
  17. Happiest of birthdays to you my good friend! Some day we shall celebrate together!
  18. Perfectly Lovely!
  19. Embroidery to stiffen the garment makes much more sense. As to the stains, I wasn't thinking that the garment would have been constantly stained but perhaps a nice garment that was stained just enough to make it unwearable (I ALWAYS end up with food stains on my clothing) so you cover it up. I certainly don't think that all of the embroidery that was on the jumps that Sterling posted was to cover many large stains. Say a nice garment, not a dress garment, were splashed by something that left little spots. Embroidery would cover that nicely. As to jumps being for home use yet being ornately decorated perhaps the ones that were posted were those of a woman of means. Only a woman of means would be able to spend so much money on a seldom used garment. Clearly it was seldom used. Additionally, It is my thought that common women would wear anything she owned until it was threadbare.
  20. Aaaaah ..the ol "I have the fabric dilemma. I hear that only with my crew that doesn't fly. I take that back. On occasion it does but that is IF the occasion is not at an event where we are doing living history, which is seldom, unless it is a ball or the like. I had been thinking about the embroidered jumps that Sterling had posted and embroidery in general. I wonder how much embroidery was done to cover up stains and such. lol I stain & dirty EVERYTHING and a well placed bit of embroidery would cover the mess quite easily.
  21. I just saw this now.. Very nice. I am curious about the fabric choice. I was thinking of making myself jumps for working in so it is in my mind that jumps are for less formal use and these look far too nice to not wear to a formal occasion. I guess my question is ...what would you be using this beautiful garment for? Were Jumps used for formal wear?
  22. I want to see what they did with the footage they got but even better I still want to see what footage was edited out ...will you be getting a bootleg DVD of the out takes?
  23. Hooray for Stinky!
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