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Arthur Richards from Kent

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Everything posted by Arthur Richards from Kent

  1. Welcome aboard then Mad Dog may your days be free and your nights warm
  2. Mango, peaches, blueberries, banana and coconut. Morgans Spiced Rum, Vanilla Rum with ice and blended will cure almost every known ailment there is...... or at least you'll forget you have an ailment
  3. Well! that was a nice journey into freedom eh?
  4. There be a few fine stouts out and about but I relinquish this for Pirate Petee as his trial and error went long into the recesses of the ships hold on many more then thirty occasions (he used to work at Bev Mo) But fer gettin in the dart throwin mood I be likin that mix of Harp and Guinness called yer Half and Half then on to the Black and Tan and finish off my night of darts by throwin back a Guinness all on it's own.... Guinness helping ugly women look good since 1673!
  5. "overweight" by Blue October
  6. "the rewards for those who persevere far exceed the pain that must precede the victory" Ted Engstrom and Alec MacKenzie
  7. My Christian name though unbelievably English is Kent Arthur Richards. For faire I have taken to Arthur Richards of Kent. Seems to be working out quite nicely indeed.
  8. Watch out Donald Trump! You've got a head for business and money. You'll make it rich some day, even if you haven't figured out how yet. A supreme individualist, you shouldn't get stuck in a corporate job. Instead, make your own way - so that you can be the boss. Your strength: Your undying determination Your weakness: You require an opulent lifestyle Your power color: Plum Your power symbol: Dollar sign Your power month: August
  9. subterranean homesick blues
  10. nay matey! you be a much nicer than that there picture poses! Man what a nice party again Ojai was! Thank you again to everyone for making the this faire better than any ten of the renfaires all year. You see even though we all be scurvy dogs the reason egos get left at home is becuse none of us are bigger then the whole of us together and thats why its so great! Huzzah!
  11. Happy Birthday Dorian
  12. It was a great faire the winds that were expected never showed up the soot and ash they said was horrible never showed up but all around the area I mena as close as miles away cars had ash coverings. On Saturday a slight smell of smoke was about the gatherings local in the afternoon and the evening breeze blew that off and the night was smokeless. The faire was enourmous and the numbers hadn't come back but I heard parking shut down and there wasn't any left on Sunday!!!!! HUGE! Too everyone (way too many to even consider remembering), you are all the greatest... in all the faires I go and work and all the places where egos run rampant...(most all of you know what I mean) not once, nowhere, not at all (and we are suppose to be the bad guys PIRATES you know) this faire went smooth and easy like a clock made in switzerland! thank you to all for this years great success! Huzzah! What a gruop pic heh?
  13. Dear john! I would have changed this question to ask exactly what it is that you have an interest in as we don't have your websites to know what it is you think we might absorb through osmosis but mate re-read this and answer it your self!
  14. Be it known: as it was it will never be!
  15. so if you take the test and it says you are 40% strange does that mean you are 60% normal? Or 60% fricking stupid for taking the test?
  16. Blue October off the foiled album song 8 "Overweight"
  17. I don't think that's fair to say "No man" I know quite a few men who would cry thinking that might be true!
  18. Tis a fine assortment of fun and cheer. Be it known that as the days get shorter so too does the seasons end draw nearer. I does hope to see all me mates out and about on the shires avenues of greed and dishonesty. Pirates! Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
  19. This be called the calico bass: Start with a pitcher of regular margueritas add a shot of Southern Comfort and a half shot of coconut rum and a half a shot of mango rum! mix well with ice (slushy) pour over a pint glass 1/6 filled with cranberry juice... all the colors mix and become mottled (window paned just like our calico bass) and it has all the flavor of a tropical beach drink with unbrellas and cherries with swords stuck in them!
  20. "Progress always involves risk; You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first." Frederick Wilcox
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