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Everything posted by Blackfoot

  1. I am up for it Merrydeath. I think we can combine the movie and my idea that no one has responded too for a drinkfest get together. In Kansas or wherever. I guess I will be driving or riding to Iowa!
  2. Car Commercial
  3. Greetings from yer humble Captain Blackfoot. Me Seafarin' hearty Laddie Captain Bo an' myself be havin' spoken lightly upon th' notion o' a Mid-West Pyracy Pub Get together. I be callin' upon all Seafarin' heartys, Wenches, an' Mermaids t' report fer some good swabbieship in Lawrence, Kansas at a wee pub known as th' "Sandbar." I specifically call upon Captain Bo, Lady Barbossa, Merrydeath, Blue Mermaid, Sir Eric, Captain Emerald, an' any other pyrate t' venture beyond the'r borders fer some swabbieship an' a chance t' meet other pyracy pub members face t' face wi' a toast o' some good grog or two..or three...an' so on. I be plannin' 't sometime at th' end o' August or beginnin' o' September. Any other ideas, suggestions, feedaft, an' so fore, post away me hearty.
  4. I think this was Super Troopers. This is from one of my favorite flicks, "Somebody gave me this telephone... I think it was Edie... yeah it was Edie... and she said I could talk to God with it, but uh... I don't have anything to say... so here...this is for you... now you can talk to God."
  5. Glad I could be of assistance. Cheers..
  6. Pirate Cannon, many to choose here. Jas. Townsend
  7. Siren for you... TEXICAN PRIVATEERS: Lloyd "Black Deacon" Lively - Quartermaster, 281-782-5356, lloyd@livelydjs.com Houston/Galveston/Southeast Texas & the Gulf Coast. The Texican Privateers were formed out of a need when it twir discovered that nary one pirating group could be found in the Houston/Galveston, Texas area. Let alone the entire South East Texas coast. So several mates who 'ave been piratin' around for years doin' comedy swordfights, pub sings, other forms of reenacting and a basic love for history and the sea, joined together one night. (I must say after quit a bit of rum) and the Texican Privateers were born. When we meet we discuss History vs. Hollywood, tall ships, period weapons from swingin' steel to large booming projectiles. As well as piratical attire and kits. The crew portrays Pirating between the years of 1550-1865. We have several events during the year from sailing tall ships, festivals and flotillas and of course our famous Buccaneer Beach Bash.
  8. Be Needing A bit o' Rum, this is the closest I found: THE MARITIME PIRATES, P.O. Box 136, Greenport, Long Island, New York 11944, (631) 477-1228. Contact: Jamie Davis a.k.a. Pirate Captain James Hobart, PirateJames@yahoo.com Professional Theatrical Company involved with maritime festivals, museums and film options. All original cast. Time periods are all encompassing. We are the good guys & gals! Pirate Headquarters is located in Greenport, Long Island, New York. Not far from Gardiner's Island where Captain Kidd laid down his treasure! Interview forms here. YE PYRATE BROTHERHOOD: Captain Ian Morgan "Mad Dog Davies" Long Island, NY info@yepyratebrotherhood "Looking for additional crew to sign on". Come into our time (1660-1690), and join us as we relive the days of high adventure on the Spanish Main. Ye Pyrate Brotherhood are a hardy crew of 17th c. Buccaneering reenactors with a sharp theatrical edge. We perform locally and travel to various ports taking part in ; Pirate Festivals, Lighthouse events, Community events and Parades. Feel free to contact us.
  9. Your past life diagnosis: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.You were born somewhere in the territory of modern West Russia around the year 975. Your profession was that of a designer, engineer or craftsman. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your brief psychological profile in your past life: Seeker of truth and wisdom. You could have seen your future lives. Others perceived you as an idealist illuminating path to future. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation: You fulfill your lesson by helping old folks and children. You came to this life to learn to care about the weak and the helpless. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you remember now?
  10. Pigs in the Blanket
  11. Greetings SilverWolf. Welcome to the pub. You have many good questions. What it boils down to is not dressing up and going to renaissance faires for us. What it comes to is what is in our hearts and our love of history during those times mentioned earlier in this thread. Were pirates murderous thieves back then? In a way. However, They were people trying to make ends meets living in a society which uplifted the rich and pissed on the poor. They got fed up and did what they had to do to survive. Can I hear an AMEN ? We all know you don't do the Pow Wows for show. We do know it is your life and in your heart. Only this, is just a small portion of a huge and grounded culture you were fortunate to have been born and raised into. I have always had a love for American Indians and many friends I have had in the past were from the Shoshone Tribe. Unfortunatly, in everyday society where I was raised, I was never brought up in a specific culture or educated in my ancestory. Nothing to grasp onto. However, I love my history. It is in my heart and in my culture. Again, welcome aboard!
  12. I recently rented out the movie "Into the Blue" with Jessica Alba. I rented it with reluctancy due to the fact Jessica Alba is nice to look at but her acting skills are bland. While I watched it, I was pretty impressed. With pirate on the brain, I could almost see a movie about "modern pirates." I can't go into detail, but if you have the time check it out and you will know what I mean. Cheers!
  13. "Weather Veins" for me birthname and "Soap Residue" for me coastal name.
  14. ^ recently laid up, got up, and doing fine. Go Silkie Smooth! < My whole life not knowing until a couple of years ago. V Really a rogue or just play the online part?
  15. Hello Kendra. How dare no one answers your questions! You are just too funny. Since mothers day has come and gone, I am sure you have decided on what is best. If your mother likes Cher, more power to her. I am sure you should have bought the two-disc CD. What is funny is you being on the pyracy pub and asking for advice by the likes of these rogues. It is as if I asked these pyrates about a Celine Dion Concert. I know your intentions were good and you meant well for your mother. I am not trying to sound disrespectful Kendra. You just made me smile with your innocent little question. Very sweet.
  16. I am not here to put down people who use this word in the pyracy pub because it is used quite often. I also went to the Ren Faire and the Ren Pirates were all going around and saying this one word WAY too many times. I hear it on pirate music, commercials, and so on. Everytime I hear it, I roll my eyes. It is the word, "ARRRRRRR." It seems to me today's society has, for whatever reason, linked this word as the only thing in a pirates vocabulary. Drives me crazy! Am I the only one here?
  17. Me apologies Black Hearted Pearl. I be a little late but this won`t avast a true pyrate. We can drink jus' abroadside th' door or we jus' break in an' help ourselves. Pub is never closed. So here be t' ye m`lady! Cheers.
  18. My go Hork (Hope you all know what "Hork" means)
  19. For you skeptics out there. Here is a test for proof. A few years ago, a local news channel interviewed a "ghost hunter." This guy told the news crew he will prove the existence of ghosts. In front of the camera, he opened a brand new cassette tape and placed it in a recorder while he was at a graveyard. He played the tape and it was blank. Then he "spoke" to the cemetary and explained in detail, "this is a recorder which can record your voices. This is where you speak (pointing to the microphone) and so on. He pushed "record" and taped for about 30 minutes or so. After, he played it and you could hear clicks and scratching noises. They slowed or sped the noises and you could actually hear audible "EVP" speaking words such as "help, coming here, and go away." The man told the news crew to try it later. The next day, they went to another graveyard, tried it and it worked! The crew said it would work in any graveyard day or night. Another odd thing this guy taught is to point a video camera at the sun and keep it just out of sight in the camera viewer. Amazingly, you could see hundreds of bright white "specks" flying like little missiles but in a controlled flight. I have never tried these tests, but if someone does, let us know.
  20. You are most welcome Bilgemunky! The truth be told.
  21. Mad Matt, I think this day and age most children have lived through a divorce. First hand experience or through one of your daughters friends. My kids had no reaction either. I thought the same as you, thinking, "they might be hiding their emotions." Well, after a few years now, my kids still love me and react the same as if I was still living with them. Your daughter will be just fine.
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