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Everything posted by Blackfoot

  1. Greetings Mr Synn and welcome aboard!
  2. In case you missed it, here is Matt Lauer dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow and Al Roker dressed as Davy Jones. http://www.gothamist.com/archives/2006/10/...oween_at_wo.php
  3. Thank ye all fer the warm welcome! Tis' so nice to see all these familiar faces in one place. Rum, candy, and women..Jacky Tar, are you trying to be me bad influence? Hmm? well, I LIKE IT! Miss Red Cat, here is yer alert m'lady. I know the Blue Mermaid once took me into the sea and vanished, but I feel it in my bones that she will be swimming back to shore and joining us. Her ears must be ringing!
  4. Greetin's Mr. Edward from one land-locked Tulsa Pyrate to another. I am supposin' when ye are in these shadow shows, ye will have to let me know when so I can come and meet ye. Although I have not seen the infamous Captain Jack Daniels for quite some time, we do go back. He be some good people! (Here be me "shout out" to Captain Jack Daniels). Welcome aboard m'friend! Cheers!
  5. Me dear old friend Jacky Tar has allowed me to enter and grace your presence in this hallowed thread. Since I am quite new to this thread, I am sure I have missed out on some fun. I could see the beautiful ladies Red Cat Jenny, Crazy Chole Black, and Silkie Smooth have recently visited. So, Mr. Jacky Tar, do I buy the drinks here since I am the new comer to this place?
  6. Greetings to the pub Blind Pew. I do quite understand your intentions. However, we be pirates and really have no mind in the daily worries of a mans weak opinions. Okay...on to the next subject..."Ray, a double shot o' rum." Cheers mate.
  7. Check this out. It looks like it is going to be a great pirate comedy!! http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...eoid=1314498994
  8. Greetings Miss Red Cat Jenny and welcome aboard m'lady. Tis much a very good idea but I would like to give ye a bit of direction. Although you are in the pub, I would like to direct ye to the front door of the pub so ye can formally introduce yerself to all of the good natured people who frequent this fine establishment. First, I would like to warn ye, these people drink like the biggest fish in the sea. By all accounts, the newby buys the first round o' the house. So, go into the INITIATION RITES & PUB MANAGEMENT and let them know who you are m'lady. When you enter, tell them you know the infamous Pyrate Captain Blackfoot and ye should get a warm welcome. I will be in there momentarily to officially welcome ye meself. Best regards from your humble pyrate Captain Blackfoot.
  9. It looks fairly accurate. Merchant Jas. Townsend tries to recreate things as close as possible. This is what I had found with their similar style hats. http://jas-townsend.com/index.php?cPath=6
  10. Ah, sneeking in trying to go unnoticed..How the hell are ye Pirate Petee? Good to see you are back!
  11. I have signed the deal with the Myspace devil. Here I am.. http://www.myspace.com/emilwalker
  12. Photoshopped? I think this is the real deal. Working there in entertainment for a few years, this is nothing unusual. Oh the stories I can tell backstage and the Disney parties! I have many photos (prior to digital) to prove it. Ah...the memories. Black Jack Shalaq, where in the hell have you been brother? So good to see you again!
  13. Aye, the humble Pyrate Blackfoot kneels before the new comer Miss. Tess St. Claire and bids her a warm welcome and how do ya do m'lady? Cheers!
  14. Someday, I hope to join your ranks for a spell. I would truly enjoy it! I really do envy you! It must be great.
  15. Greetings Miss Tia Dalma and welcome to the pub. I am but a true and humble gentleman of fortune. So, I normally nay have a lass buy a man a drink. If'n tis okay, I will take out my change purse and buy you a drink m'lady. Cheers to you!
  16. Greetings Don Caz. Although I am unable to assist you, I just wanted to welcome you to our fine establishment. You should go to the INITIATION RITES and PUB MANAGEMENT for a proper introduction. I am quite sure many pirates in this pub would like to meet and greet you. Cheers Mate!
  17. Actually, I am sure you could by the biggest aquarium you can find and display it there. Charge people for admission!
  18. With your recommendation Patrick and the endorsement of BILLY BONES, I am sold. I will go to Borders today and order / buy. Thanks Gentlemen.
  19. Ah, the dream! I really wished I knew how you all do it. I always figure you are all very wealthy or you have the ability to take very long vacations. I am envious! Beautiful ship by the way...okay, back to dreaming...
  20. So Matt, I could send you my old tricorn. You can keep it and when I become famous, you will have the perfect piratical souvenier!
  21. Cap'n Pete, you are THE man! Great information. I owe you a bottle of good rum if I am ever in your neck of the islands.
  22. I just happen to be browsing with Captain Jacks Hats. Once I had seen the Skallywag Limited, I was in love! My only problem is I have a HUGE melon! (7 3/4 or 24''). With the limited, they only make it in a small size. So, I wrote to Mackay with my issues and he told me he would custom make the Skallywag to my size. Not as thick as the smaller size, but it would have the same style. I just ordered a couple of weeks ago and I am chomping at the bit!! Originally, I wore a Jas. Townsend tricorn and I had to order the biggest size and it was still too small. I had to cock it forward on my head and always felt it was going to fall off. (as you can see in my avatar if you look closely.) I am quite sure I will be completely spoiled with my limited.
  23. Okay, I admit Rateye and Cap'n Pete, this has peaked my interest also. So, if I am wanting something "personalized" from Pete or something I can do myself, how can I go about doing this?
  24. Okay, okay, I admit. This game is silly. I played it once a few times and kept getting beat. Now that I have the game mastered, I have become addicted to this silly game. So, I now have decided to share it with my brothers and sisters who resort to this type of thing when bordom starts to set in. Have fun. http://www.addictinggames.com/pirates.html
  25. Greetings Syera from your local humble pyrate Captain Blackfoot. This question has been asked in the past and I have a good reference for you. There is a vendor who sells authentic period hats at a good price ($35.00) not to mention a HUGE selection of period items ranging from period games to musical instruments. The company is Jas. Townsend and this page will take you directly to the men's hats. I suggest the hand finished one. Best regards. -Blackfoot http://jas-townsend.com/index.php?cPath=6
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