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Everything posted by Blackfoot

  1. Greetings Silas and welcome aboard!
  2. Perfect Mr. Boots. As a matter of fact, I'll be shoring over to Gettysburg in about two weeks. Looking forward to it.
  3. That's ok Dennis. Tis' always a smart thing to watch an' observe before jumpin' in eh? No problems, we are an easy group of pyrates. Welcome again friend.
  4. Greetings Boots an' welcome to the pub. Break out the change purse! I'll take a double shot of run with a wee bit o' lime. Cheers mate!
  5. Aye, a quiet one eh? Well, welcome aboard Dennis.
  6. Ha! Cant you see my reflection in the cutlass? Can't you see the look in her eyes? I think that says it all. No, I was not wearing the mermaid's fins, but I was wearing the camera around me neck!
  7. I took several photos of the Blue Mermaid wearing my uniform. I love a woman in uniform!
  8. This week has been draaaaaaging!! I am looking so forward to the new year of 2007! I know it will be a good year for all of us.
  9. Greetings Miss Honour Bright. So are you the bright morning star? Or are you just a star? Any how, I personally would like to welcome ye to the pub. No worries fer me, I be just a humble pyrate introducin' meself and lookin' to share a drink. I would be likin' a double shot of rum with a splash of lime. Cheers m'lady and welcome to the pub!
  10. Blackfoot


    I am a big fan if Bilgemunky's website and their is excellent choices. One of his recommendations was Angostura 1824. My philosophy is like Bilgemunky. If they are going to put out a good rum, the way it is packaged / presented is very important to me. The Angostura 1824 is pricey and bottled old world style. It is strong and really meant to "sip it slowly and enjoy." I have had my bottle almost a year and still have over half of it left over. It is excellent and very "smooth." For the people who have a hard time drinking rum, or you want to get to drinking the rum at a party or club, I really like Captain Morgan's Tattoo MIXED with soda. The only way I can describe this is "delicious." I would never try Tattoo alone. It is really a mixing rum and drinking it alone would be like taking a swig from a strangers tobacco spit cup.
  11. Greetings to the pub Dread Pirate Bonney. I be yer humble Pyrate Captain Blackfoot at yer service. I take a liken to a double shot of rum with a twist of lime if ye please? Cheers mate!
  12. Here I am, back from the dead. I do know of the Blue Mermaids MySpace of www.myspace.com/aprilmermaid I have a feeling she will be back on very soon.
  13. Oh my! What in the hell am I missing here? My visual perception is on over-load now. I think I am going to have a seat and break out the popcorn......I am sorry, did I interrupt something here? I certainly hope not! As I smile and motion with my hand as I sit, "Please don't stop! Continue...."
  14. This post is for random thoughts. If you are having a good day, tell us about it. Bad day, make your complaint. If your pissed, happy, sad, whatever, talk to us. Who knows? There may be some sound advice from some of us if you need it. In my case, I don't need it but will voice my disgust about myself. So, I will start it off with my "complaint." I have been doing so good with my fitness and lost lots of weight...until today. I ate tons of food and I feel fat as a cow. The story of our lives during the holidays huh? I guess for Christmas day...I don't eat except for fruit. Nice....
  15. Aye...there is a God! Thank ye m'lady.
  16. Huzzah! I be only abount 1.5 hours from Joplin. I'm game. PM the details and I will be there!
  17. Anything indeed m'lady. As I have petitioned before, I want pictures!
  18. Greetings Miss Piratesse, I think it is a wonderful idea and I should say you have some creativity. Are you not a piratess? Rules have not stopped us before. My suggestion is submit it anyway! It's not going to hurt anything. If you get no response...who cares? You at least tried. Secondly, I think you yourself should "take-on" this persona as the Black Rose. If you go to Ren Faires, become the "Black Rose" with your own story incorporating Sparrow and POTC to tell the visitors. Rock on!
  19. Welcome aboard to the pub m'lady. The UK eh? I have a few blackhearted brothers in the Bristol (Lockleeze) area. I miss them dearly! So, ye are buying drinks eh? Double shot of rum with a bit o' lime juice. Cheers!
  20. Aye, Tis' nice to be missed. Although, I do watch from the shadows in a low-key type of manner. Thank ye kindly Mr. Jacky Tar. I suppose it wouldn't be too bad if'n I was washed out to sea with the Pretty Red Cat! Any remote islands around? I be right here Red Cat. Thank ye fer the drinks m'lady! I will PM you soon with some sweet nuthin's.
  21. Thank ye Captain Siren from the bottom of me blackened heart. Tis' truly an honor fer such a lovely lady to take notice of me coming back into this pub. Captain Bo, thank ye very much. Ye be a true friend of mine. The offer still stands when the weather be playin' nice. Me Steel Horse is beckoning fer me attention and wantin' to ride to Missouri!
  22. Yep..me too. Another Caligula!
  23. Captain Bo, I humbly bow before yer presence extending me arm with a good bottle of rum. Ere' I am, the humble Pyrate Captain Blackfoot standing before ye. Speaking of ghosts, I have been a ghost meself trolling just off of the coast watching through me lookin' glass from afar. I have not posted fer quite some time, but ye have brought me out from the woodwerks. Welcome to ye Captain Bo, tis' so good to see ye back ere' at this fyne establishment!
  24. I did not hear of this until now. Thank you Christine for telling us. I am a big "Doors" fan and Jack Palance was Jim Morrison's favorite all-time actor. May he rest in peace.
  25. See? What did I tell you Miss Scarlett Morgan. Many of pirates ere' to welcome ye with open arms. These be good people inspite of our re..rep..repitition..or is it reputation? Either way m'lady, I am quite sure it works and you get our meanin'. So, as far as the prior posts, let me warn thee on introductions with yer new found friendship ...Red Cat Jenny: Her eyes are the eyes of the siren sitting upon the rock calling fer the sailor to his demise. She is a true piratess. God Bless her! Rumba Rue: She is my siren and my demise. She be a true leader and a seductive leader at that. Mad Matt: His name tells all! He is crazy, but I loves me brother! Crazy Chole Black: Another one with such soothing seductive eyes. Her eyes will lead ye thru the darkness for they glow in the dark. Captain Jack Daniels: A very dangerous man and a man not to be crossed. But a true heart of a pirate and a good "Okie" friend and brother! God love em'. Last but not least...my good friend Jacky Tar. This man is me bad influence and I loves him for it. As for me, I am but a humble pirate just lookin' to share a free drink with the compliments of m'lady Miss Scarlett Morgan. Nothing hard for me m'lady. Just a double shot of rum and keep 'em coming!! Finally, welcome aboard Miss Scarlett and don't be shy! Post what you want to post.
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