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Everything posted by Blackfoot

  1. I too am a historical fan of the likes. I once was a civil war reenactor and I love the 1800's old west stuff. (The movie "Tombstone" ROCKS!) Now deep down inside, I am a pirate at heart and love the age of the privateers. In all reality, I have chased off many real modern age pirates while I served in the Navy. In a heart beat, I would have no problem sending a missile into the midst of there boat. These people carry RPG's, Machine Guns, and Machetes where they will rob a boat and kill everyone aboard in just a blink of an eye. Why do they kill? They don't want witnesses nor do they want to be reported to the authorities. Really a cowardly act. Back in the day with the pyrates of old, these guys would live in a time where money was hard to come by. They would get hired by a captain of a ship for specific duties as a privateer authorizing them to stop or attack specific ships which were enemies of the country they were representing. Now, can you imagine being on a ship for months at a time? Many of your friends have died and you are starving. The country you represent is paying you next to nothing. When you are out to sea, you come across a ship laden with food, money, and so on. However, you can't touch it because they are not on the list to attack. These ships are few and far between. These men eventually got fed up and felt they were getting a raw deal. Any ship they eventually came across was fair game. They would fire one shot over the bow ordering it to stop. If the ship fought back where your friends were killed in the attack, you will be pissed! This ship is now open for hunting season. It would have been better off to give up than fight, kill tons of men from both sides, and still lose to the pirates. These were real men fighting to survive. Anyway, I am quite sure most of you know all of this. I apologize for the little history lesson and jumping on a soap box here. . Cheers.
  2. Cats? Naw, I dasn't think so. Definately a parrot. I be havin' a Sun Conure named "Santos" (AKA "Chicken Wing"). If ye look closely at me picture, ye can be seein' TH' LASS'. I didna know he be a she when I named th' lass'. As far as monkeys? They could be trouble! When a monkey causes trouble, ye would be havin' t' spank 't. I think I would get too much in th' habit o' spankin' me monkey.
  3. I have had names such as Zak, Double DD, and Hollywood. From strangers I get named, "You look familiar to me?"
  4. Hello all o' me brothers an' sisters o' th' coast. I learned an interestin' fact about what mixed drinks our forefather Pyrates would drink back in the day. Accordin' t' th' author Richard Zacks from th' book "The Pirate Hunter" shipmates would typically drink a rum punch consistin' o' Rum, Water, Lime-Juice, Egg Yolk, an' Sugar wi' Nutmeg scrap`d on topped. Well, I tried mixin' this. What I determined be I did nay want t' put water in 't an' ruin th' Rum by waterin' 't down. Th' Lime-Juice did nay change anythin' an' th' egg yolk made th' drink yellow . Th' sugar sweetened th' Rum an' th' Nutmeg be thar fer th' looks. After I be done mixin', 't looked like a thin Egg Nog. So, if any o' ye be havin' ideas how t' mix 't wi' 'tis correct measurements, please let me know. I be guessin' th' starboard thin' t' do be jus' add Rum t' Rum an' 't be all good! Be havin' a happy new voyage!
  5. Let`s certainly hope nay Miss. Rummy3. Unless 't happens t' be Madame Anne Bonny!
  6. Look t' th' bstarboard side Rumba. 't seems everythin' comes ou' on DVD eventually!
  7. Aye, an' arr th' hometown o' Blackbeard be built from scratch on a coconut plantation in a wee town in southern Thailand. I will keep ye all updated when I find ou' more.
  8. Arrrr all, I jus' wanted ye t' all know o' a television mini-series that be currently bein' filmed an' be released sometime in 2006. Th' show be aptly named "Blackbeard" starrin' Angus Macfadyen as Blackbeard. 't seems th' shipmates be comin' aft! I hope ye all had a Merry Christmas an' a Happy New Voyage. Drinks be on me! Cheers!!
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