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Everything posted by Blackfoot

  1. Okay, here is the scenario. A guy is screwing around with a video recorder at a graveyard in the early morning hours. He hears some moaning or crying. He starts to track the crying noise. when he finally reaches it, he can see a girl sitting on a grave from a distance. He turns on the recorder and starts to film. As you watch it, you can hear the moaning noises continue coming from the girl. The film is grainy, but you can see the image of the girl if you look carefully. Fake? Who knows. It is spooky though. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/ghostgirl.html
  2. I think Bilgemunky's sight is awesome. It is one of my favorites. www.bilgemunky.com
  3. Hello "The Seeker", To simply answer your question is yes, a pirate can "walk away" but could cause some type of consequence later. Permission was never given and secondly it would anger some higher ranking crews. If they see you later in a pub or on the street, you might have a fight on your hands. Walking the plank is more of a Hollywood thing and rarely, if ever at all, would take place. Normally, a man would go from ship to ship as a man might go from one job to another in this day and age. Simply, if a captain was paying more with better benefits, one might be inclined to leave their present ship for another. Specifically on a pirate ship, their are no rules. If you are on a government or state ship, you need permission to attack certain ships. You might be out to sea for months or years with only seeing a handful of ships and these ships are not on the list to attack. You might be starving or dying and your shipmates around you have died. You would probably get angered with the captain hoping to attack "just one" ship so you can all survive. It normally never happened or that captain would lose his "proper" status in society and probably get hung for piracy if he was convicted. If a pirate survived through whatever was dealt to them, they would normally retire. If they were well-known, they would retire in a "normal" life (farmer, store keep, blacksmith, so on) with a great interest from the community they lived in as if a famous movie or rock star moved in the same block you live in. If they were not rich or famous, they would work in any means to survive which would include slavery or becoming a thief in the later years. Regardless, they would have to be careful with strangers in fear of some type of retaliation. I can go on, but hopefully this has answered your question.
  4. Ahhh Yep...Sure...Waaaaayyyy over my head on this on! Sorry folks, no morse code dictionary here.
  5. Hello again Miss. Silkey Smooth. So, how how do ye mean smooth wi' me? Blackfoot th' Pyrate smooth? I consider myself....defined. A hopeless romantic m`lady. Me words be nay smooth..... but more sacred t' th' soul. I think all pyrates be smooth an' savvy in their talk and personality. Here I stand before you m`lady as a true humble pyrate that I really be.
  6. I have been deemed a rogue. (Truthfully and not a pyratical sense).
  7. Aye, welcome aboard Miss Silkie Smooth. My apologies m'lady, but I had to add the "smooth" name. I be the humble Pyrate Blackfoot in honore to meet your acqaintance m'lady. I will take a double shot of rum. An' fer you madame? The drinks be on me since you be a lady m'lady. Cheers!
  8. AAAARRRRR. Still happening. I certainly hope it "just goes away!" I agree with you Dead Men. I am definately not computer savvy as you. You seem to know what you are talking about so I am thinking this could be the issue. Capt. Bo, very cool! I also have a Steel and Chrome Steed who has been begging me to stretch those legs of hers. We could definately meet up and do some riding. Sounds like a potential good time. Callenish, thank you for your advice. If I look at it this way, I can "tolerate" the slowness. RumbaRue, All I can say is "hope this gets better" soon for both of us m'lady.
  9. Is anyone else having problems with this website? When I click onto a page, topic, profile, whatever, it takes FOREVER for the page to download. When I say forever, it is actually taking around 30 seconds for the page to come up. This seems to have only started within the last day or so and my computer has no other problems with any other web pages. I do have a high speed server and other websites come to my computer with no problem. It is just the Pyracy.com that is so slow. I am hoping it is not just my computer but I do not see any complaints posted to this problem.
  10. How about "Edward Scissorhands?" Or "Happy Gilmore" (remember Chubbs Peterson.) Or...how about "Flesh Pond XXX...." No, maybe not a good idea for him just now. I wouldn't want his hand to get any worse.
  11. Hey Blue Mermaid, I am good at looking at designs or causing scenes that are graphic. Does this count?
  12. Yeah? So what's the issue here? I live in Oklahoma. Close your eyes, it's all the same....just kidding. :)
  13. I am supposing I am up on a soap box here and I am not too choosey with details but I have a complaint about a website and I thought you should all know about this place. It is www.leatherworks.com. I had placed an order for a $400.00 item on the website. Once I submitted it, I am used to receiving a quick e-mail response acknowledging my order. I received nothing. I thought, "no problem, some companies do not have that program." After a few days, I called the listed telephone number. I got an answering machine. I left a message telling them to call me back ASAP with still no response. This upset me. A few days later, I called them again and this time my message was very blunt. "I want to know if you received my order, please call me back!" Still no response. I sent a few e-mails asking the same with still no response. A few days after that, I got the notice from my bank. They did charge my credit card. A month went by and I was curious about trying to call them "just to see if they answer." This time, the answering machine said there is no more room on the machine for any more messages. This spooked me. How many other people are calling in an attempt to get a hold of these people? After a few months with not receiving my merchandise, I was PISSED! Their phone machine was still backed up and I never received any confirmation or anything. After several months, I had two choices. I was going to fly to their company and start whomping on some people or I could get a hold of the local police agency and explain the circumstances. To avoid getting in trouble, I opted for the latter. I received a telephone call from a detective a few days later and told me she would look into it. A few weeks later, I got my merchandise. My biggest pet peeve is no communication. If I have a car getting worked on, I want to be updated. If I have a loved one in the hospital, I want to be updated. If I purchase something on-line, I want something saying, "yes, we received your order. You should receive your order in -------. Thank you for your business. By the way, I ordered the pirate frock. When I finally received it, it was....okay. On the coat, they put unusable or fake outside"pockets" on it. If I am spending $400.00 on a coat like this, can't they put a little more effort into it by putting on real pockets? My advice is to avoid this company like the plague!
  14. Greenighs, Bilge Munky has an EXCELLENT website. She has a page dedicated specifically to rum. She has tried all kinds of brands and has commented and rated each one with the link into purchasing it. Her website has helped me choose my next bottle. Her website is www.bilgemunky.com. Enjoy M'Lady.
  15. Cap`n Bo, yer offer be grand indeed. Once I be havin' a wee time, I will let ye know an' do some drivin'. Additionally, th' same offer goes ou' t' ye matey. Cheers!
  16. Greetings Capt'n Bo, welcome t' th' pub. Osage Ri'er ye say? Spanish Louisiana? I be assumin' this be Missouri? If 'tis, we be next door neighbors. I be land locked ou' here in th' state o' Oklahoma. I be also an ex-Navy Squid that did me four voyages in th' grand state o' Virginia. Oh an' by th' way, since ye be offerin'. I will take a double shot o' Rum matey. Welcome aboard mate!
  17. Here be some more information. I guess this movie be released in June. Here be a couple o' links wi' more information. www.livingfilms.com/html/feature-films/blackbeard.html www.richard-chamberlain.info/Blackbeard/
  18. Greetings Miss Mimi Foxmorton, 'tis about time ye joined these humble pyrates here in this pub lookin' fer a good drink t' drench our whistles. Enjoy yer stay in here m`lady. Cheers!
  19. Welcome aboard Cannon Jack. I be happy that ye be havin' finally stepped into th' pub. Why? Free drinks me hearty. Enjoy yer stay an' thank ye kndly fer th' double shot o' rum. Cheers mate!
  20. Russell Crowe came to mind. In real life you don't screw with him and he could be potententially dangerous. Ask that clerk who got that desk phone for some new facial jewlery.
  21. Oh yes, Sailor Jerry's is dangerous for me! We had a couple of bottles and went from sips to drinking it like water. I don't remember too much after that! It is good! http://shop.store.yahoo.com/randalls/rws26088.html
  22. Oh me goodeness CaptainCiaran. Ye be absolutely correct! I do apologize to ye Miss. Albatross. Tis' dark in here and I be seein' through my hazy eyes in this stupor I be in....Miss. Albatross, please fill in yer bio and tell us about yerself!
  23. Aye, welcome aboard young'n. I don't want to poorly influence ye my friend, so I be with biker on this. I be takin' an orange juice. I be fittin' my own mixture later on...Cheers matey.
  24. Aye, good day Mr. Young Albatross. Welcome aboard matey. Do not be led astray or strangley influenced by these pyrates. However, we be a group of understanding and friendly pyrates welcomin' you to this pub. How do ye become a pyrate? Tis' in your heart. Be hangin' around us and the pyracy blood will be flowin' in your veins in no time. How about I buy you a virgin margarita? Cheers friend..
  25. Just curious to know what you all think. EXCLUDING the cast of POTC and Keith Richards, which well known persons do you think would be a good modern day pirate? My first thought would be "Dog" the Bounty Hunter and Ozzy Osborne, and (for Captain Rummy) Alice Cooper.
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