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Everything posted by Blackfoot

  1. Aye, a wee bit concerned ere'. Although I have not been seen here in these areas for quite some time, I do troll through the shadows a bit. However, the last few days, me thoughts were that this here pub was blown clean off the map. I have not been able to reach it except some bloke telling me to "contact m' host server." Good to see this place is back..
  2. Ha Ha! I loved it! You go Lee Arenberg (AKA Pintel).
  3. Greetings Captain H and welcome aboard from one land-locked pyrate to another!
  4. Keep me in mind when you guys do have another get together. I'll be willin' to sail from the Tulsa area to see the countryside and share a few grog and laughs..
  5. Happy Birthday Black Fox! Wish I could make it to yer celebratin' party. Have a few grogs fer me while yer there brother! I am lookin' forward to yer next issue of "The Pirates Way!"
  6. I certainly hope I am not too late m' piratess queen! Best wishes and happy birthday sweetheart.
  7. Have not seen you in awhile Phil, I hope all is well. Happy Birthday to you friend.
  8. Happy birthday Sire! Ere's a bottle of rum fer ye! Cheers mate!
  9. Billy Bones, I humbly bow before ye and wish ye a tremendous birthday to a perfectly infamous pirate sire!
  10. Greetings Miss. Shanni MacLain and welcome to the pub. Yer humble Captain Blackfoot at yer service m'lady. If'n ye don't mind, i'll be happy fer the rest of the night if'n ye place a double shot of rum with a twist of lime in front of me. Cheers m'lady!
  11. Thank ye kindly Miss Pretty Lady. I am contemplating on not washing me cheek now. I do not think tis' possible to break me of this fear. Tis' fairly deep in me soul and me mind!
  12. Greetings all of me Brothers and Sisters of fortune. Just a bit of an update with me and me recent trip. As ye all know, gentlemen are not made to fly in these silvery vessels miles above the sky. Through many prayers and broken armrests from me grip of white knuckles, I survived the high host brethren of Davy Jones. It was a trip to Gettysberg, Pennsylvania. When I arrived, I sought out the local taverns for a good grog. Me first visit was to a wee little Irish place where it was flooded with men in gray frocks calling themselves "Rebs." But ah, a Piratess graced her presence amongst the crowd. The Piratess was the infamous Irish rogue known to me as "Silkie Smooth." We shared a few grog, stories, and laughs. At me request, I asked Silkie to stand upon the table top and sing me a fair Irish Shantee. With no hesitation, Silkie stood upon the table and sang beautifully to the crowded pub where the "Rebs" stopped dead in there tracks with thoughts of an angel singing to them on their day of judgement. Afterwards, we raided an old 1700's pub across the road and tipped our rum glasses to a candle lit room. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring me "standing still" looking glass to post images upon this site. However, Miss Silkie Smooth did bring hers and figured she would have posted them by now. Unless, It could be quite true I could have skeered the tiny artist in the looking glass from me ugly looks. Yes, I must admit, I even have to cover me face while I rest so the sleep could sneak upon me, fer the sleep is quite skeered of me ugly looks too! Although our visit was short, it was grand! The following days, I traveled throughout the land visiting the streets of Ol' Benjamin Franklin. On me flight home, I had to get me fill of grog so I can not think of a flying vessel so high into the heavens and recalled the story of the tower of Babel. People....were not meant to fly! More recently, I have found favor and have been received into a new and well-needed form of employment and have been quite busy causing trouble amongst the new flock. So, I am here and still with ye with more frequency in the pub. Silkie, I shall return yer messages and Red Cat, I humbly bow before ye on a bestest belated birthday wish! But behold! Tis' a rare thing. If ye recall, I was a bit pre-mature in wishing ye a happy birthday by misreading the blessed date of the Princess' golden day and pre-mature I am not nor' will I ever be! Cheers me hearties!
  13. Greetings Kenneth and welcome aboard. Here is a little plug with a heads up. The gentleman who responded to you "The Black Fox" is the one and only famous pyrate publisher for "The Pyrates Way" magazine. Now I subscribe to his magazine and I really enjoy it and looking forward to the next issue. I also went to Borders Books and Barnes & Noble looking for the "Pirates" magazine and I could never find it. I eventually stopped looking for it and then one day, it was on the shelf. I bought it and additionally subscribed to it. In all honesty, I like both magazines equally. "The Pyrates Way" gets one higher mark for me due to the fact that Steve "The Black Fox" is heavily involved with the Pyracy Pub and readily available if you have any questions about anything. However, for Pirates Magazine, it has a simple web address of www.piratesmagazine.com. Cheers mate!
  14. Yes, it is a good idea. Additionally with a slight buzz to calm my nerves. My issue is I am horribly claustophobic. Once that door shuts, I want to have a panic attack! I think the flight is about that. I will have a slight layover in Chicago. Leaving for the airport in about two hours. No problem Miss Lady Snow. I feel fortunate to meet just one of my Brothers or Sisters of the Coast. If more decide to come, the more fortunate I have become.
  15. My thought for today. I hate flying! I am flying to PA in the morning. Hopefully the flight is not too long.
  16. Hello oderlesseye, good to see you again! As far as me, I would for sure take the promotion. As I can see, this guy is on his last leg at the job anyway. If he has an attitude like this, sounds like he is very disgruntled. Additionally, if he has had final written warnings, it just makes that more concrete. As Red Cat said, "Don't let the 'jerk' hold you back." When you get the promotion and if this guy stays around, document notes to yourself with date, time, and incident. Get that paper trail going so you can do yourself and your co-workers a big favor for your work place and get him booted out.
  17. Ah...Don't you all know smoking is bad for you! It can cause.....I'm kidding Patrick! Actually, I do not smoke. But, I LOVE the cigars dipped in Cognac, Rum, and so-forth. Never enhale but savor the taste.
  18. My fav is Pete Postlewaite. He has been in alot of movies but no really big parts. Too bad. Waisted talent.
  19. I just miss BLACK JACK SHALAQ's signature picture of the pirate standing on the rock with a lass tied to a whip or a leash. BLACK JACK sure has a "political correctness about him" doesn't he?
  20. Hmm? I sense Ol' BLACK JACK SHALAQ is back in the pub. For all of you who hated Colonel Ethan Walker? BLACK JACK SHALAQ makes Walker look like girl scout welcomin' party.
  21. Ol' BLACK JACK SHALAQ! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. Where in the hell have you been hidin' out? Tis' good to see a mate once and awhile to stir up the waters. Don't be such a stranger. I am happy to see the infamous BLACK JACK SHALAQ come back from the dead. I still owe ya that drink.
  22. Tis' an honor to be the first to welcome you m'friend. Welcome to the pub and enjoy your stay. Cheers!
  23. Aye, welcome aboard friend. I am quite sure there is many pirates here looking for a free drink from a newby to the pub. As fer me, I'll be takin' a double shot of rum with a twist of lime. Cheers mate.
  24. Oh yes! There was much more then a "Kodak Moment for her." Ah Hem, I should get to the next subject! Well, the camera wasn't "exactly" around me neck Jacky. Don't like things around me neck. Reminds me too much of a hangmans noose. Ah yes Mad Matt, I agree with ya brother. She be a very purdy little mermaid. Thing is, no Oakie accent on her! She be orginally from the southern area of.....Fullerton. :)
  25. Hope for the best! I am soooo tired of my job and trying to get back into the groove of things. I am almost there and should be leaving my current job within a couple of weeks!
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