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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. ffergil,.. I did a search for "Pagi-paguiis", and your page came up.... at first I was kinda joking about the S&M .... but then went and looked at your page again..... it is very interesting......
  2. I saw a poster once.... "I've been rich, and I've been poor..... Rich was a lot more fun..."
  3. See... that's why Chuck Norris is going to roundhouse kick some a** and save Hogwarts.......... OH YAH.... and another 10 points from Ravenclaw..... you might have given part of book 6 away......... (A friend lent me book 6, and I was about half way through it, when someone told me how it ended...... maybe I shoulda roundhouse kicked them....... Thats what Chuck Norris wouldda done.......)
  4. It must be different over there...... in the States, I've noticed that people want thier picture taken with the more Hollywood Pyrate than with the Buccaneer.... most people don't even know what the Buccaneer clothing is.....(I've been called Robin Hood ! ) but they instantly recognize the play pyrate garb.... I'm as much of a ham as the next person... so it gets frustrating at times...... I still do both... in parades or intertaining the public, I wear my play pyrate garb (It's not that farby... and I know what parts are not correct....OK... the tarpline hat with a skull and crossed bones painted on it is farby... but fun...) I wear the Buccaneer clothing where it will (maybe) be recognized for what it is..... I know it's a cop out..... but it is a pain putting the effort to do something as correct as possible, and have everyone flocking to the play pyrates......
  5. Hurrricane... and One was "84" wow... I am to drunk right now to argue nicly... but what I find interesting.... a bunch of hunters,,, kinda tresspassing.... and the Spanish tried to kill them all of as heritics....... put them outta work.. and Morgain comes along... "hey... you ever been to Panama....." Dang... sounds like fun ter me...... Steinbecks... "Cup of Gold" was kinda fun.... and what I can find.... I figure the whole Pannama exoodition was a bunch crap..... But dang they did it... and what were the Spanish thinking... let loose a herd of cows at profesional,,, and hungry hunters........(I also think Morgan took a larger share of the loot... but that is debatible...) Awh heck.... ter drunk to type anymore...... back at ye latter.........
  6. .... OH yah.... and did I tell you that Chuck Norris makes "women" (well that is the polite way to say what he did to them..) of Hermoniy and Ginney and all the Hufflepuff girls.. (Hey everyone knows that all the cuties are in Hufflepuff) Dang that Chuck Norris ... well he be some sorta magic....... And MadMatt... just fer sh!tsangiggles....... Another 10 points from Griffondore...........
  7. As of last night... I had no money. and half a pack of cigaretts to last me for maybe five days... and I smoke one pack a day (and NO this is not the time to talk about stop smoking) My Boss was trying to get the money that the Damn baseball teams promised(and owed us) to pay us.... when she asked her sister..... (nice ... well it rhymes with witch) anyway her sister sujested that she should ask her "gay" friends for some money.....cool part.... THEY came through........I got part of the money... $100 now I can buy some of the basic stuff I need..(OK the three beers in the bar were an extravigance....) Does this mean anything... well ... no... but I am happy to have some money right now.............
  8. OK... so it was the other bauld dude.......
  9. OK I'm tired of working just for room and board... I don't want lots of money... but I wanta fair share of what I make/produce........I want to be paid for my labor..... I am tired of being Poor................. SO my NewYears resolution.... To take charge of my own life... to stop being used, and get paid a fair wage for what I do...... As Yule Brennor said in the "ten conmandments"... quote.... "So let it be written.. so let it be done..."
  10. Diego.... re-post this inna nother name or whatever.... so everyone knows it be happin'.... also give us information so we can play.... I did not go the "Hampton Blackbeards Festivale " because no one could send me info about it....... Los Vegas is in the middle of the desert.... no ships of such.... BUT CHEAP AIRFAIRE..... wot other Pyrate gathering can offer that..... This may be doable... a Pyrate Faire for all Pyrates... (yah right.... it's very far west.... but cheap airfires...can you think of a place that can offer better.....) Outta fairness.... can anyone think of a beter place... (OK a better place that offers such cheap airfair to get to....) I got a flight to Miami for PiP.. then took a Grewyhound down there..... flight (got it really vcheap because I got it early due to a huricanes hitting the place $400..... bus..(going cheap) $65) heck.. look it up.... we can all get to Lost Wages pretty dang cheaply.... OK... There are some "bits" that have to be figured out first..... but it is doable............
  11. PiP be sooo stinking and *ucking cool........ ye gots ter go there,,,, and we are going ter make it even better (the people who run it be so stinking cool.....) Dang.... PiP is th' Pyrate thing ter go to..... (and I love Ojai... but it's a renn faire taken over by pyrates....PiP be a Pyrate Faire... and it be growing.....) Aaaaaargh....... And I fly all th' way from California ter get thar........(the Greyhound buss through the keys be interesting.... BUT I GOT THERE....) and you can also... Key West or Diegos Los Vegas bit...... one year Pyrate thing...... Key West has the place.......
  12. Dang.... that was cooooool......(lots of O's so ye know it be good....) Just wish we got a photo of the nice guy wot gave us th' rum... at th' parade.......... Dang... gotta love Key West............ Hey Twenty thumbs up (If I got ter go and cut them off ter show my apriecation..... OK...)
  13. I tried to wire Cyber Kitty inter a battery... ( figured I'd gets lots of Kitty energy offa him...) rats... didn't work that way......................
  14. I had two cats..... Meouser... and Cyber kitty.... cyber kitty kinda cat like dissapeared..... hope he is doing well.. just don't know.............. The question..... why do we bother with them....... we don't get that much in return.... (OK with a big dog.. maybe defence....) and with kittys.. some purring...... but why do we feed them... take them to the vets (well I don't.. I figure that nature takes it's course...) I got Cyber kitty to play with Mouser....... Mouser could care less..... dang amthropolymorphisim..... and other than running around a bit... they did not get along...... When I go out to have my smoke, and coffee.. Mouser lives up to his name.... But too loud... sometimes pissses me off.... but can't kick him.... that would be wrong...... Kinda see my point.... why do we do it................. I like having the kity around...... but sometimes ..... awh.. heck... I don't............."that Darn cat"
  15. I think like I typed eairler... I gotta re-do my web page........ turn it into '''"how ter be (or at least dress) like a Pyrate.............. I can draw... and do dang good HTML..... (OK NNetscape's composer makes it sooo simple..)just gotta get offa me ....(well you know what) and do it............. I hope ter see yers... and I will show you mine......
  16. Awh.. I bought a "girls" book on how to take care of yer hair...(well they don't write books for hair care for boys now do they...) but I wanted to know what to do for long hair.... for Christmass, I got a bundle of soap..... I have a very heavy body oader (sp).. yah and I know that..... so a packet of soap is ... lets just say VERRY STINKING OBNOXIOUS....... ok... I stink..... I can take a bath... I still stink..... giving me soap for a Christmass gift.... cool.(that was a PG 13 response) Mery Christmass..... And I have gotten that sucky(PG13) gift before... and go to (pG13) heck..................... So I will tell Sony exactly what I think about her "gift:.... because it wasn't a gift..............................it was an insult....................
  17. I would dissagree.... One .. I can type at you... two... The downfall of East Germany.... (because of internet access they were able to show what was happining there.....)We want.. and HAVE to know.... hate is based offa non information.... everyone knows that the vietnmese eat thier children..............(and yah.. I was once appon a time told that....). As an example.... I have read parts of the Koran.... but because Muslims don't post....does that mean that we should kill all of them... outa frustration..... OK...... what I was thinking and what I typed were totaly different..... We all want to live to the best of our abilitys...... and if I can type to a starving Africain (ok the bit about them having a computer kinda messes up my argument..)... SOME DAY .... we can talk to the world....... unfortunatly ... not yet.... So I read to much cyber-punk.... and being poor by Americas standards...(most of the wourld lives offa about $2.00 a day.... we are stinking RICH...) dang.. I just spent most of the poor in the worlds mony having two beers................... and I'm poor............... Dang... it would have been more fun to talk ter ye... than to have to type at ye....................(and I hope you kinda understood... sorta where I was kinda trying to go wit that.....)
  18. All the stuff I just typed.... got deleted by the kitty that wanted scratchies....
  19. Also look at how digital watches have changed how we think of time..... With an analog clock. being within 5 minutes was close enough.... "the itme... 5:30 thereabouts...." with digital.... it's right to the second..... "the time 5:32 and 34, 35, 36......."(Ok you get the idea......) Also look at how much smaller and more powerfull computers have gotten....... they make wristwatches with more memory than my old Apple II-e........ And cell phones....... WOH.... I'm going to have to find a copy of "Future Shock" just for a laugh.............
  20. NOW THAT's THE WAY TO SELL CANNONS........ showin' a woman takin' her clothing off......... Mad Matt said in another post that chicks dig scars..... but I think that picture proves that they like cannons better.....
  21. Obviously whoever made it had hiccups............
  22. A really BIG encampment..........
  23. Two new ones...... http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/Patr.../Cyber-Capt.jpg]http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/Patr.../Cyber-Capt.jpg A cyber Pyrate Captain and a Wenchbot.... and http://photobucket.com/albums/b97/PatrickH...yrate-Ninja.jpg A 100% Period...Pyrate Ninja... Dang... still wont let me post dynamic immages..... so much fer cut and paste....
  24. Well ye did jus' bout rite fer yer first pyratical lyke rant..... maybe nex' tyme ye ken add just a few descriptions O' specifically wot ye intend ter do ter thier body parts.... such as.... "I'll be pullin' yer gizzard out an' be feedin' it ter th' fishies, ye milk drinkin' spotted puppies" But wit some practice ye will be doin' fyne soon enough.....
  25. Mad Mike... I'm going to have to find a copy of that coloring book.... Other some some very minor points in the drawing, it is very good..... OK... I know the reason he showed the plug bayonet in front.... just don't bend over too fast if you carry one there.....
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