^ Depends what it's to be used for. I AM partial to my modern .45. That may well be the case as I have no earlier period weapons, though.
< Ahhhh....a boy and his gun....
v What would you NOT want to live without?
Thanks to Christine and her little quiz website, I think I'm probably SO psychotic that I would have beaten Cain for not killing Abel, correctly.......
Sweetie, how could we NOT!?!?! You're gorgeous! And I don't mind you not having an accent. I'm a SoCal boy like Blackfoot!
Very fetching, indeed. Lucky Okies.....
Okay, I gotta stop. I fear the slobber will begin to short out the keyboard, soon.
Keys, cays, and islets are all about the same. Just different names for different parts of the world. Think very small islands.
Wikipedia is your friend!
^ It's not exactly "random", but I LOVE my gun!
< I'm now certified to instruct others on SEVERAL different levels for CPR/First Aid. After next weekend, I'll be NRA-certified as a Basic Pistol Instructor and a Personal Protection Instructor.
v What can you teach other people to do?
Aye, th' lad don't talk much, but he sure gets right to th' point, eh?!?!?!
I'll be takin' some rum with a bit o' lime if ye please. Gots t' be keepin' this scurvy at bay!
^ Not suitable for this thread.
< I've had MANY places where I've laughed and it's COMPLETELY inappropriate. Crime scenes were my #1 site for accomplishing such activity.
v What was the last set of circumstances where you swore out loud? Loud enought that people thought you may have Tourettes...
Welcome aboard, Kim....er, "Silas". Excellent website you've got there. Hope you plan on hangin' about (no pun intended) fer a bit.
I sees ye got off t' a good start with th' drinks. I'll take some rum 'n' lime if ye please!