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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. Maybe start here: http://www.captjackspiratehats.com/hats/
  2. How much you wanna spend?
  3. I can make a triangular football outta paper! You really want a USED hat?
  4. Kelly Clarkson HEY! I HEARD THAT! STOP LAUGHING!!!! Really. She's gorgeous and has a hypnotic voice. Doesn't hurt she's got a nice ass....
  5. Woman! It's damn near summer - what wit' it bein' June an' all. Where'dya GO?!?!?!?!
  6. Sounds like a pinched nerve. Time for a trip to the chiropractor. Maybe a little deep tissue massage work is in order, too. I'm not a professional medical person, but I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night!
  7. Bourbon? Jest kiddin', sweetie. Hope you get better, soon. Exactly where are the muscle spasms at?
  8. Found out today my daughter wants to stay with me for the ENTIRE SUMMER! Her mom called me to ask if I minded. HELL NO! was my answer. I get to pick her up the third weekend in June.
  9. hair ball (or is that HARE ball - dammit, where's Bunny?!)
  10. Dream Theater - Octavarium
  11. Turkey & spinach sandwich. Gorgeous woman who I am lucky to have for a friend. Her ^ Chole
  12. FINALLY! MRI is scheduled for Friday afternoon. Damn doctor is on vacation the next week so he can't see my 'til the 14th of June. Hopefully all is well and nothing in the rotator cuff is torn. Hook up a couple cortisone shots and be done with it. Well, I guess I've waited THIS long.... See what gettin' old does to ya?
  13. Good t' see ya back in 'ere, mate! Is that little dingy parked outside yers? Welcome home, sir!
  14. Tantric - Astounded
  15. Trunk Monkey!!!!!!!!
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