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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. 3rd Rock from the Sun
  2. Kingdom of Heaven (Damn, Jenny. Don't be so surprised! )
  3. No one can play crazy me as well as I do...... Who said that? What? Shut up! Awwww, bite me!!!!
  4. Avenged Sevenfold doing a bad rendition of their own song "Bat Country" at Rock AM Ring..... They did a better job covering "Walk" at the same show.
  5. Plus, the creator of that clip has a DVD for sale with 30 YouTube videos he created. Guess what I'm getting for my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!???!?!?! http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=sithcamaro
  6. Just a little something in anticipation of the new release. It's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooddddd! http://youtube.com/watch?v=yvhKIXT5OQk&mod...related&search=
  7. Pinky: "What are we going t' do t'night, Brain?" Brain: "The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try and take over the world!!!!!
  8. At least, next to Ft. Sill, you should have all the cannon fire you want!!!!!!!!!
  9. Verbal Deception - Pirate Metal They're on MySpace as well as verbaldeception.com
  10. Guys and Dolls Love that movie....
  11. When doing cardio for more than 20 minutes, the body begins to catabolize the protein from your muscles. That's something you don't want to happen if your ultimate goal is weight loss. 1 pound of muscle will have your body burning an extra 50 calories per day JUST to maintain that muscle. I've got 2 new books I'm reading right now. Once I'm through reading, I will put them into practice. First one is called Powerfoods and the other one is called the Abs Diet. Both are from Rodale Books and Men's Health. If you get a chance, see if your local library has a copy you can check out. If not, they're around $30 each. WELL worth the investment for what I want to do to my body.
  12. OUTSTANDING! Just got an email from the Strength and Conditioning coach for the local high school football team who also is THE trainer for our local Pro Hockey team. Looks like I may have a new training coach to whip me back into shape! BRING ON THE PAIN!!!!!!
  13. Haven't kept with this thread. Dang it, I should've. I'm down almost 50 lbs to 193. Had to take time off from the gym since I screwed up my rotator cuff lifting like a madman.....Even with the time I've been away from working out, I still haven't put any weight back on. Starting to work out again this Sunday. Going to see an orthopedic surgeon on Monday. Hopefully things go well. I'm going to ask about a cortisone shot and see what he thinks. I have a very physical job and can't take the time off to let the shoulder heal. Prescription naprosyn hasn't helped the shoulder as much as I can tell.
  14. SO friggin' glad the weekend's here. Unfortunately, it will be gone before I know it.
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