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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. Aye. Maybe throwin' th' empty bourbon bottle at th' screen whilst poundin' away senselessly at th' keyboard didn't help much, either.......
  2. I'm SO sore from work. Everything EXCEPT for my skull hurts. A good night of drinking will take care of that! Irregardless, I have to drag my little brother (he's 22) to the track and make him work out. It's gonna hurt a LOT! But the Corps used to say, "Pain is weakness leaving the body!" My brother's in the Army now and he has to be shown up by his older Marine brother. Sheesh! Friggin' Army...... GO NAVY!
  3. Every time I take the test, I get stoopider by two points. Extrapolate that and maybe if I take the test enough times, it will tell me I have absolutely NO intelligence. Maybe I should just sit in my underwear outside in the 19 degree weather and drink beer like a good little redneck. THAT would be smart!
  4. Well, m'lady. It's here. Everyone, today Chole turns *&^$&$^ years old. I hope ye have a most memorable day. Or not. Depends how much ye drink, eh? My sincerest wishes on this, your special day. I hope you get everything you want. Happy Birthday, dear!
  5. Had snow here in AZ today. Not enough to stick, but enough to say it was snowing. And all the people at the post office looked at me like I was some kinda weirdo! Just 'cause I was wearin' a long-sleeved t-shirt with shorts and flip flops.....
  6. Awwww, Chole....Yours was spot on!
  7. Because you're special....
  8. Aye, mate. Welcome back. I'll take a flaggon o' that there dark rum if'n ye please.
  9. ^ AZ Cardinals suck! < So, you're a bit psychotic and a REALLY good liar?!?!?! I've passed those things before, too. v What's for Christmas dinner?
  10. This is friggin' hilarious! You gotta check it out. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...eoid=1555244086
  11. Hell, I'm impressed you can spell it.
  12. ^ Nothing scares me. Honestly. But I can tell you, if any harm was done to my daughter by anyone, the retribution would be swift and extremely painful. < As a result of the above comment, I'm considering how I would NOT do well in prison. I still hold true to the statement, though. v How many people in your life (past & present) would you wish evil upon?
  13. You Are Comet A total daredevil, you're the reindeer with an edge! Why You're Naughty: You almost gave Santa a heart attack when you took him sky diving Why You're Nice: You always make sure the sleigh is going warp speed Dammit if that don't fit the rock 'n' roll lifestyle!
  14. "I Shot the Sheriff" - Eric Clapton From my new Crossroads DVD, of course! Thanks again, Secret Santa!
  15. Jeeze! I need that problem......
  16. Way to go, Kass! Very nice.
  17. OOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo! A chastity belt with a black flag! Interesting. VERY interesting...
  18. It does, and CRIKEY is that a lot of work! Maybe I should wait for the movie.......
  19. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII wouldn't be so sure 'bout that!
  20. Tall Paul, How'd you download and where didya do it from?
  21. I saw Dick Van Dyke on an episode of Scrubs, I believe. Yup. Just looked him up on IMDB. Definitely NOT retired! Just not the "A" list leading man he used to be.
  22. Might as well introduce m'self. Mad Matt's th' name. I happen t' be a fair hand at drinkin', wenchin' and pyratin' t' support th' first two. Keep yer eye open fer those who'll snatch yer little goodie bag, there. Uh...er...I mean yer pouch with yer coin, o' course!
  23. Colm Wilkinson - Bring Him Home (Les Miserables)
  24. ^ Chemistry. Just couldn't get it figured out. Maybe that was foreshadowing my dealing with wimmins.....hmmm. An epiphany! < Chole, you don't need spellcheck. Just know someone assigned to the Grammar Police. v Favorite smell
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