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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. Been th' same place I was th' last time ye found me. 'ere 'n' there..... So. How U doin'? Care fer a drink? Tis pretty dry at this end o' th' bar.
  2. So. I am aware of U.S. Naval history that has a ceremony for crossing the Equator, the International Date Line and the Greenwich Meridian. I assume that if it is Naval tradition, that other cultures must have something similar. Is there anything written detailing the history of this horseplay and that may give us a date how far back it goes?
  3. Send a PM to Kass or you can see the rest of her stuff by clicking on the link in her signature.
  4. Well? Spill th' beans already!
  5. Watching 40 Year Old Virgin while trying to do laundry, dishes and clean up the house. "Hey, hey, hey, muthaf%*&a!!!!!"
  6. I could see that.... :)
  7. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight........ Cinnamon rolls with rum ball chasers for breakfast?
  8. Awwwwwwww....poor baby. I hope you fell forward into the snow and not backwards on the steps. Here, it's a big 53 degrees outside. No snow, no wind. Now, when I get off work at 0130 - that's a different story altogether!
  9. I salute you, Jacky. Can you guess how many fingers I am using to do so?
  10. As gay or corny as this may sound, I LOVE snowglobes. But dang it, I don't have any. I'm not neurotic in the I need to shake the little buggers up all the time, it's just that on some of them there is such intricate details. 3 dimensions, photographs and sculptures all rolled into one small piece of artwork. Maybe the same reason I like the whole "ship in a bottle thing". Sorry to run off-topic, Bess...... I shall flog myself later in the day. Or at least ask for volunteers...
  11. bird had palsy, too
  12. ^ Yes. (Can I be any more vague? ) < Trying to figure out exactly HOW I'm going to study tomorrow without slobbering on my textbook as I fall asleep. v Since PiP is almost here and gone, where else would you take time off to visit during the upcoming winter? (I'd love a trip to a summer Australia, myself.)
  13. I was permitted to sacrifice my body to the heathen gods of "Work" for overtime. This, just after I did the full-body massage thing. Think I'll be payin' fer that t'morrow. Errrrrr, is that t'day?
  14. ^ Think it was "Zamfir". Isn't that the guy who had the Pan Flute album? < Am sure going to be sore tomorrow for all the WRONG reasons.... v Besides piracy, what is your next closest infatuation?
  15. I would say a soapy woman. But that takes the thread in a WHOLE 'NUTHER DIRECTION! :) Seriously, Lilith. Stay around a bit. There's plenty o' knowledge t' be found in this place. If there's not a thread on it, start a new one. Knowledge is power, eh?
  16. Well, in Egypt you'll at least be closer to the ol' stompin' grounds of the Barbary Pirates. I believe they were more towards Libya, but they were terrors of the Mediterranean. Hope you have a good time - and good security. Jordan and Egypt (like lots of places in the Middle East) have a high number of terrorist groups. Safe journey, mate.
  17. Hey! Who you callin' "Fruitcake"?!?!?!?!?
  18. You little hussie! As if ye don't like men t' look..... Now if I gets t' starin' and droolin' on meself, THAT be a diff'rent story.
  19. Mate, I've no allusions of departure. I was jest attemptin' t' clarify Ms. Chole's response. I, fer one, like our selection o' wimmins!
  20. Pyrates check in, but they don't check out????
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