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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. Awwwww, shucks! ***Tearin' up and snifflin' a bit.*** To my bruda from anoda muda! Welcome aboard, luv. Don't let us scare y' off!
  2. Dang it, man! That is truly a thing of beauty. Just a question, though. Wondering why loops for a sling would be on there. Weapon seems kinda short for that... Do you plan on attaching one?
  3. I have my ways, luv. Jest y' best not tell anyone how I got ya t' squeal...I mean give it up...I....aw hell.....
  4. Any friend o' Blackfoot's a friend o' mine. Pull up a chair and uncork that rum, wouldya?
  5. "Mad Matt, have ye tried t' use a Taser, on a wet, pitchin' deck?" It's called a "Drive Stun". Don't need the prongs to shoot out. Close quarters, mate.....
  6. Those who've chosen pepper spray..... Have you ever actually tried using it? Especially with wind filling the sails at sea, you'd likely spray yourself as much as your intended target. Let's think "Taser" shall we?
  7. Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
  8. American History X
  9. Flogging Molly - Seven Deadly Sins I've got it set up on my MySpace page.
  10. Haven't actually "seen" it, but have read what is supposed to be a script for the trailer. Of course, as with everything else on the 'net, I'll believe it when I see it.
  11. Damn woman! It's gettin' warm in here! ***Sarah looks at him and winks. She quickly looks back over her shoulders to see who's watching. When she looks back to Matt, she's biting her lip. She smiles and slides off the table, pulling him along with her. Sarah whispers to Matt...*** There are other people out front, but I think we can make it out the window. ***Matt begins to smile in wonderment at the thoughts that must be racing through her pretty head.*** Let's do it.
  12. ***Matt's hands drop down to Sarah's hips where he squeezes her and pulls her body against his. Sarah gasps in delight and quickly develops a wicked smile. Her eyes glimmer, reflecting the candlelight in the room.***
  13. OOOOoooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh....CRIMINEY, that feels good! ***As the shivers finally go away, Matt quickly rolls over and pulls Sarah onto the table, straddling him. He sits up and runs his fingers into her long hair as he pulls her head towards his. Their lips meet in a rum-drenched kiss.***
  14. I'm putty in yer hands, darlin'. TITO! Can ye get some grilled seafood in here, mate? This little vixen's gonna work up an appetite! ***Matt lies in ecstasy. As Sarah pauses for a drink, Matt arches up to get a couple quick swigs of his own.*** Ahhhhh. Proceed, m' dear.
  15. DAMMIT! I had it right up until you said, "What".
  16. Sorry, luv. Got swept out t' sea fer a bit. I made sure t' mark this place on me map, though. Thanks for th' drink. Now, how about you give this frazzled pirates muscles a good once-over, eh? Well, maybe more than once if we're lucky. ***Matt grabs her 'round the waist and pulls her in tightly and kisses her full on the lips. With a smile she turns to lead him to a table and Matt returns the smack on her butt as she giggles in delight.***
  17. Well, it's about time y' spoke up, y' filthy bugger! Welcome aboard! You should find plenty o' stuff t' keep y' busy in 'ere.
  18. "You know how I know you're gay? You like Coldplay." Nope. Blasting Avenged Sevenfold over here!
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