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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. I'm not sure, but count me in. We'll sort it all out tomorrow!
  2. Damn, Kass! I had you up until you said "distill". Then, suddenly, I got VERY thirsty! Thanks for the help, though.
  3. Here's one of my favorites: Victorian Trading Company If only I was independently wealthy....
  4. Oh, jeeze! It is just me, or is the room spinning? Exactly who will be writing "Pyrat Fabric for Dummies"? And can I get a signed first edition copy, please?
  5. ^ Wouldn't say it's an obsession, but I'm more into music than anything else. Metallica.... < Wish it was possible to literally "work your ass off" v What phrase do YOU wish was literal?
  6. Methinks she's run off!
  7. How long do you want the piece to be? And by heroic and gritty, I'm assuming you are referring to something a bit heartpounding???? You might try Ecstasy of Gold. It's on a soundtrack for The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. You can search it up in Google, or I can send you a couple versions Metallica has done. It's a pretty dynamic tune, really. As a matter of fact, here it is on YouTube: Ecstasy of Gold
  8. Much. Thanks.....
  9. ^ Nope < Listen to WAY to much Metallica! For me, for the past couple years, they've been the only band on the planet. v What's your favorite piece of weaponry?
  10. circumnavigation
  11. A cask of Jamaican rum, y' say? That may be a wise move on yer part, lad. ***Mad Matt extends his mug.*** Well, ye gonna tag that keg 'r WHAT?!?!?! By th' by, I know all about Uncle OSHA. Glad ye bro't yer gear with ya. This place needs a good dousin'.
  12. Welcome aboard, y' scurvy dog! I knew there had t' be a story behind that name o' yers... Put yer seabag o'er there in th' corner. Ray's little monkey'll be guardin' it fer ya. That little bit o' gold in yer pocket's what Ray has 'is eye on, mate. If'n ye throw a couple pieces in his direction, it'll keep 'im happy as well as th' rest o' th' group that'll be in shortly t' welcome ye. RAY! A rum for me and me new thirsty friend here. Put it on his tab, eh? When we're done wit' th' drinkin', methinks thar be a deck or two what needs swabbin' 'round here. If'n I can remember by th' time we're done, that is!
  13. Were ye thinkin' o' th' skull 'n' rose? I've had sleep and alcohol since then - and not necessarily in THAT order. So's I don't much remember what all was on there fer avatars.
  14. saki it to me, baby!
  15. You'll jest have t' be waitin' till I'm ready, luv. The buildup is part o' th' fun.
  16. System of a Down - B.Y.O.B Dammit if I'm not a right-winger. SOAD would be much better if there weren't lyrics!
  17. Ahhhhhhhh, puddin'. I can see this thread takin' a turn fer th' worse, REAL QUICK!
  18. Damn, woman! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr ye callin' me out?
  19. YAY! MATT WINS! It's about damn time.... Thanks, dear.
  20. I think you two have been sharing recipes, again. Does the term "Mind Eraser" jog yer memory? OF COURSE NOT! YOU'VE HAD YER MIND ERASED, DAMMIT! Crikey, wimmin......give away all my secrets. Ye make me sound any more suave and I'll hafta change me name t' The Scarlet Pimpernel!
  21. Wow! I did it just for sh!ts and giggles.... Matt = Man Administering Thrilling Touches HOW DID THEY KNOW?
  22. Good Lord! Exactly how much have you had to drink today?
  23. Patrick, you should be a detective. I, too, noticed that immediately.
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