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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. Crikey, this end o' th' bar's gotten a bit dusty..... Ray! ***HACK! HACK!*** How 'bout settin' out a bottle? ***Matt tosses Ray some coin t' keep him happy.***
  2. Pace yerself, Lilith! Tharrrrr be plenty t' see here. Take yer time and drink it slowly like a fine wine. Wait.... What th' hell am I sayin'? Pyrates??????? Wine??????? Screw that! BRING ON THE RUM AND LILITH - MAY YOU GO BLIND!
  3. Absolutely! More, 'specially ifn yer buyin'! Welcome aboard, lass. Hope ye have a grande time.
  4. ^ Scarlett < Noticing how remarkably familiar you look. You look just like that one girl that played in that movie, ya know? v If you had the chance to be someone else, whom would you choose?
  5. ***Mad Matt staggers in trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes. Stumbling up to the new guy stops him dead in his tracks. He looks the newcomer up and down and smirks....*** Nice wig, Mister Bimble! But, I'm sure yer gold's as yeller as th' rest, eh? RAY! Gimme an Alabama Slammer - rookie's buyin'! Thanks fer th' drink, mate and welcome aboard. Please, don't be scared off - that ain't no fun atall.
  6. ^ Found out my daughter will get to be here for Christmas. Only for 3 days, but MUCH better than nothing. Talking with you runs a close second. < VERY much looking forward to the massage later this morning. 9 hours away and counting. v If you could win an all-expenses paid trip anywhere in the world, where would you choose to go and why?
  7. Ahhhhhh. The Kass McGann Admiralty Slops Contract 2006, eh?
  8. Ruh roh!
  9. Atta girl, Kass! Keep it up and you'll have to open up a sweatshop!
  10. It's friggin' COLD! At high noon it's 32 degrees. Supposed to be down to 11 tonight.
  11. ^ Uh.....duh....now? < Already sore in my headneckchestshoulder area, I made a very poor decision to blast some heavy metal while getting ready for work last night. A bit of headbanging has got me feeling all knotted up. If I didn't have to work tonight, I'd kill this bottle of rum I've got in the kitchen. v What's your favorite TV show? (current or "vintage"
  12. Sweet!!!!!!!! Hey, Kass. Callenish just PM'd me and was wondering when you'll be making pirate thong underwear....
  13. ^ Depends on my mood. I'm always watching the Comedy Channel and looking at dumb stuff on the 'net tryin' to find something to make me laugh. < Looking forward to my massage tomorrow. My neck and shoulders are tight. It's KILLING me! v What's the worst job you ever had?
  14. Awwww, come on Rumba! We're not THAT dense. Just havin' fun at the expense of a spammer.
  15. ^ Chocolate Vanilla < I've executed many drug busts. v What do ya want fer Christmas besides yer two front teeth?
  16. Now whadya run off an tell 'im that fer? Really nice an' aweful friendly-like???? ***Chole leans in and whispers into Matt's ear.*** What's that ye say? False sense of WHAT??? Secur..... damn. I've said too much.
  17. Aye. Tharrr's nothin' like pattin' yerself on th' back. Thank God I'm flexible.
  18. Funny? Funny? FUNNY?!?!?! Woman, that is the BEST version of the song! Better than any of the classic Celtic versions you'll find. Better than Thin Lizzy's version. It's loud. It's raucous. It kicks ASS!!!!!!! Actually, it's one of my favorite songs.
  19. Incorrigible, you say? My dear, flattery will get you EVERYWHERE! Now if I could only get some ninja socks to go along with the rest of my pyrat gear. On a serious note, Kass. I want to thank you for the effort you put in here. I know you must be busy with "The Company". Let alone, try to educate poor saps like me. It's very much appreciated. That goes t' all ye other scurvy buggers, too!
  20. Dammit! I so BADLY wanted to respond that I am the best!
  21. Welcome aboard, mate. Glad t' have ye "official" now. Pull up a chair an' sit a spell. Fer me drink, I'll have a Singapore Sling. Thanks. Thanks alot.
  22. How wrong am I if I say I'm listening to Metallica. Again. Just kidding! Ozzy Osbourne
  23. ^ Probably not a world record, but after I got back from Qatar (yes, it's been a few years), I go SO drunk SO fast that I filled a sink with vomit at the Bangor, Maine airport. ***Well, Qatar's a dry country. What'd you expect a Marine to do who hasn't drank in a while?!?!?!*** < Am very happy everyone is spelling "Metallica" correctly. Hetfield ROCKS! v What one song has made the biggest impact on you in your life - good or bad?
  24. That was next up on my list.... :)
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