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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. How 'bout their heads on a friggin' platter!!!!
  2. For those interested, Overstock.com will sell the DVD's for $9.99 starting at noon on Dec 5. They are having a 12 Days of Christmas thing where you're supposed to get smokin' deals on a new item every day. It's the widescreen version. Probably NOT the 2-disk set, but I'm not sure. It says list price is $29.99. EDIT: Nope. Further searching reveals the 2-disk Special Edition DVD will be $19.91.
  3. ^ English and a bit of Spanish. I've always had a hankerin' t' learn Russian, though. Man, I should get on that. < Having sacrificed my body to the work gods again, I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE! Thank God I don't have to do any decorating around the house. v What language would you LIKE to speak?
  4. :drool: Pyrat wimmins........mmmmm I think I'm gonna hafta make a special trip to Florida next year! Very good, mate. Thanks for the pics for all of us who are landlocked and couldn't make it.
  5. Stimpy?! And no Ren?!
  6. ***Matt smacks Sarah on the rump and turns to Ray.*** If she keeps this up mate, I may have t' clear off th' top o' th' bar! Drinks fer all of us, Ray. I think I hear Sarah say she's buyin'!
  7. ^ NO ONE can beat Gene Wilder as Willie Wonka! While Johnny definitely did a good job, the OG Willie Wonka just can't be beat. < Trying to get motivated to reeeeeeally want to go into work tonight. v Favorite sport
  8. "I love the smell of napalm in the morning." -Robert Duvall- Apocalypse Now
  9. No No No, you are NOT a ho!
  10. It's at my house. Well, at least if you make it over here quickly. Looks like it's rapidly being depleted!
  11. ^ Depends. What do you consider "interesting"? < Now inventorying the contents of my wallet....... v What have YOU got hidden in your purse/wallet that you don't want anyone to see?
  12. hahahahahahahaha (Yes! Well, kinda.) It's amazing what counts as "communication" when you've been drinking!
  13. blah blah blah
  14. ^ 1987 Ford F150 (Yup. I'm a redneck! ) < Have GOT to get Phantom and Les Mis on CD. v Do you have a favorite song?
  15. who was said to
  16. ^ 19 or 20. In the Marines. Those bastards turned me into the man I am today! < Damn! I've always wanted a Russian chick! v Ever been out of the country? (acid trips DON'T count....)
  17. ^ Right after I got out of the Marines. I was still built like a Mack truck. Working at Home Depot when a girl and I were walking opposite directions (She had been in the Navy ). She tried to bump me and I had kept right on walking. Planted her flat on her ass! I don't think I had ever laughed so hard before! Of course, I was a gentleman and helped her up, though. < Really should have bought MORE rum. Don't know that this bottle will last the night. v Besides rum, what is your other favorite alcoholic drink?
  18. after hearing rumors of ***Good t' see ya, Sam!***
  19. dee dee dee (ala Carlos Mencia)
  20. ^ Roller coaster, baby! I grew up in SoCal and cut my teeth on rollercoasters at Magic Mountain. < Dang it! I love roller coasters!!!!!!!!!!! v Favorite amusement park (that you've BEEN to....)
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