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Mad Matt

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Everything posted by Mad Matt

  1. ^ Seems to be quite efficacious.
  2. For FlintlockSarah to play to her ex - WALK - by Pantera May he rust in pieces....
  3. Well, I've been known t' have that effect on people!
  4. I say we start runnin' people through, takin' up a "collection" as it were. Let's be ready fer th' next time, eh? Welcome back, dear. You've been missed.
  5. Anything fer me, eh? Well, th' thong IS a good start! 'specially bein' it's YER butt crack it's threaded through and NOT mine (thank th' stars!). Looks like Matt gets to play "Chase the Mermaid" in th' surf! ***Strippin' down t' naught but his britches with bare feet, Matt runs in the water after her....***
  6. "Lips of an Angel"?
  7. ^ Recovering from killing a bottle of rum with my roommate last night. < As a result of the above, not looking forward to work tonight. Only got 5 hours' sleep w/constant tossing & turning. Will have to try to take a nap later. v Regular napper?
  8. Sarah, m' dear. Wine is a bit too "high-brow" fer me. But in yer case, I'll suffer for ye....
  9. ^ I can't stand music that's mainly flute-type stuff. Remember the old-school Pan flute weirdo "Zamfir"? Almost wanted to vomit every time those commercials came on. Buddy of mine I used to work with is a white guy who grew up on an Indian Reservation. He plays that Native American flute stuff all the time. Drove me bonkers! Uh....MORE bonkers. < Man, I LOVE surf music. Guess that's what I get for growing up in SoCal. v Favorite Surf Music group BESIDES the venerable Beach Boys.
  10. ***Matt picks up Sarah and carries her outside. On the way out the door, Sarah retrieves a bottle off a nearby table.*** My dear, we shall sit in th' sand, letting th' surf lap away at arrrrr feet. No worries, there's a bell on th' door t' let ye know if'n someone comes in. Whatcha got there in yer hot little hand, eh?
  11. ^ Don't have an official "iPod", but MP3 player, yes. Haven't bought songs online in months. At least since before Christmas. Something about having the inside notes for the CD's I guess. Although I rip all my CD's so I can put them on my MP3 player whenever I want. < Although I love Metal, I listen to almost everything. (Don't tell anyone!) v The reverse of my last question: Last album you bought for 1 song thinking it would kick ass and you were SORELY disappointed.
  12. ^ Bein' single now, I eat where ever I can get food. Mostly eat in, though. Eating out is WAY too expensive and I always eat too much. < Waiting to get funds together to start a new "magic" venture. v What's the last music album you purchased just to get one song that you liked and then you ended up enjoying the entire thing?
  13. 1. Honey BBQ Chicken sandwich 2. New part of our warehouse they're building. Looks a bit eerie in the moonlight... 3. CHOLE! (waves back) 4. Capt. Morgan
  14. Deep Tissue isn't exactly what I'd label as one of the "feel good" massages. I've got a pretty damn high pain threshold and once I almost cussed as she worked me over. Maybe I just need to get the more soooooooooothing kind of massage....
  15. ***Matt looks at Sarah and wipes the tear from her cheek.*** No tears, luv. Glad t' have ya back. Even if only fer a little while. Where've I been? Battling the penguins. More on that later. I'm gettin' the little rapscallion fer the entire summer! Makes Papi happy! But enough about that fer now..... How U doin'?
  16. Yup. I've done Chiropractic therapy along with Deep Tissue massage. These two only work on muscles, though. The rotator cuff, being a group of tendons, is generally unaffected by massage and chiropractic work.
  17. Mad Jack! I told ye t' switch hands, mate!!!! Hope it's nothing TOO serious. I just got the MRI for my rotator cuff done Friday and have to wait for the results on the 14th. Christine, glad to hear all is well. I always love how doctors say to take time off work.....I can't do it, either! Most jobs, the employee is too new to have time to take off work, or they're "invaluable" and things fall apart if you DO take the time.
  18. ***A strong hand pushes the front door open, flooding the place with light. A sun-beaten male silhouette walks in and closes the door. The shadows wrap around the figure like a blanket. Across the room - a demure Sarah stares at the stranger. "Won't you come in, please. Have a seat. What can I get for you?" she asks. Step by step, the man slowly makes his way across the wooden floor as it echoes with each step. He keeps to the edges of the room so as to remain hidden from full view. Sarah stands across the room, following the stranger with her eyes. A bit of unease begins to well up inside her, but she keeps her cool just the same. She sits at a table and allows the sunlight to bathe her beautifully tan body. The man removes his hat as his gaze is fixed upon Sarah's curves. He eyes her hungrily as she picks up a bottle of rum and holds it out in his direction. "Would you like a drink, sir? He replies, "Yes. I think I will." Sarah thinks she recognizes the voice. Some distant memory.....some unrecollected moonlit night.... The figure turns and walks quickly towards her. The distance across the room is closed in a split second and he walks into the light before her. "MA....!!!!" is all she can get out of her lips as Mad Matt grabs her around the waist, lifting her from the chair and pushing his lips hard against hers. The bottle falls to the ground as she is both physically and emotionally overwhelmed...... "DAMN! I'm glad this place is open, again!"
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