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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. As one 'o the Captains, I'll count meself outta this 'n. But, Nice tall ship in the Bay right now, the Robert C. Seamans, from Woods Hole :)
  2. Would that be the H.M.S. Rose, from me old stompin' grounds, Canada??
  3. Thank ye, Grace, I did!! Yep, another one o'them weekend sails with a bit 'o deck space left! Plenty of scallywags to sail though, just offerin' on this thread
  4. :angry: Flintlock has a lock, flint , frizzen, pan. Used until early 1800's. Percussion is a cap, nipple set up. later issue than most pyrates
  5. 40 bucks fer me hat, couple o' hundred per sword, a thousand or two per cannon, and 150K fer me ship.Give or take a few family members :angry:
  6. ahoy,er,a, Dread Drucilla!Batspell musted been marooned! Sailin' this Sat., if'n ye be interested
  7. My likes wif' Pedersoli, is that the quality holds up to my conditions. Not a place for anything fancy or custom, but functionality is a must at sea. Reasonable prices make owning them aboard a tall ship possible. :)
  8. Anythin' relative other than my relatives counts! Always takin app's!
  9. :) Well, sorta. More like an application for me new gunners. Probably only need a couple, but allowances made for attrition. Stackin' the odds abit fer the brunettes...
  10. I might accept the later era stealing it. But alla the Whaleships did this exclusively, not the commercial shipping, navies, etc. Just whalers.Fact
  11. Aye! Isee that there are some 'prototypes' that weren't chosen as designs on ebay, they are kinda cool!
  12. Wanted: Pyrate Toys for Quarterdeck- three brunettes, two redheads, and one blonde(can't stand repeatin' meself) already have ship. Plays the 'right' song when they do!
  13. I'm sure alla us pyrates watched pyrate weapons on the History channels Conquest Sunday. Pretty much summed it up, it think :angry:
  14. 'Ere's an ole Whaleship lore tibit- hows'bout 'Gam'? Anyone?----When two Whaleships pased each other in cruisin' waters(South Pacific), well, it was a bit 'o party time! The ships would backwind, layto a while, hop back 'n forth 'tween the vessels, includin' Captains and first mates, and party hearty, square up, catch wind, and sail on! the whole experience was a 'Gam' :)
  15. Aye! They be some o' Claire's scurvy lot, Tales of the Seven Seas!, I didn't lookie, just guessin'. Mebbee my first mate,Raul, also
  16. Well, I'm takin' a small bunch o' scallywags out this Sat., any locals nearby mite be welcome, if'n interested in a day's tall ship sailin'.......
  17. RRRRRRR! We be lookin' for a location right now, but ye are on the wrong coast! Just emailed a couple o' places, I can't organise spit, but a pyrate I am
  18. Okee,dokee, 'ere goes. After bein' boarded by the Royal Navy, two scallywags escape in a tender, an row quietly away inna dark. Come daylite, they're in the middle of the ocean, no land to be seen. Suddenly, one 'o 'em picks up a bottle floatin' by. With a laugh, the udder one gives the cork a pull, and out popsa genie.' Says'ye blokes got one wish!' Parched with thirst, one blurts out, turn the sea 'ta Guiness! Voila, the sea turns to Guiness,genie dissappears.Other bloke turns, hits partner solidly on the noggin. Wassat for? yelled the pirate. 'ye dummy, now we'll have ta piss in the boat!'
  19. Ebay is loaded up wif' shirts like mine, all colors and prices. most 25$
  20. "Ere ye be, mate http://www.cherrys.com/ped_pist.htm
  21. Yeowzir! Don't get me wrong, I'm a sailor and would much rather travel on her own hull, but, it opens up a whole new world for pyratin' Now places like Reno or Parker,Az, or anywhere landlocked kin 'ave pyrates, they just be needin' a fat checkbook. Her former trailer was a 50', but the overhang was murder, and uncle sam didn't want it here anymore 'n her cannons....
  22. Then there's hope, mates!s hope fer a new batch o' gunners mates!
  23. I'm reasonably sure that Cherry's is the cheapest Pedersoli outlet in u.s. :)
  24. Aw, like someone 'ere says, them wot live by the sword get shot by............
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