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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. I'm lookin' too, there's ton's of 'em out there, all fer 49.95 or higher! Gettin' cheap as my dubloons go into me ship!
  2. Aw, heck! I'm sawin' me plank into 1/4" strips to pretty up the head. It was a waste o' good mahogany. Discipline? Reminds me of a sea shanty, " Apples, peaches, pears 'n plums, beat me till the white stuff (___)!
  3. Shyte! Now I know why I do'na do them 'faires'. If'n ya can't draw yer blade, they'll have a tither over me cannons!
  4. That'd be the History channel, regular program, usually after mail call
  5. Yikes!! Me 'ships' startin' ta sprout another mast!!RRRRRRRR
  6. Hmmmm, I really should think on that one a while, but, let's see....Couple o' nice cannons, a smooth deck, a trim porthole, and one wot wants ta 'know' a pyrate!(biblical sense) Combination muzzleloader, breechloader wouldn't hurt a bit!RRRRR
  7. Well, Panama 'd be a mite quicker, but, that deep in the Spanish Main, it'd be hard fer a ship such as mine to head for..........er,florida! Let alone the sailin' time either way the Royaliste' '5 year plan', as they say in the sailin' racket= S.F.> Panama, hard 'astarboard, Island of Cebu, replank below waterline, Sail onward! (unless POTC2,3 whatever,)
  8. RRRRRRRRRR! Me sister........Hardee-har,har, mate! Whoops! Dropped me cutlass, an' almost got me toes!
  9. :huh:Well, it might nay be workin' fer him, but she be workin' fer me, I'm ready ta sail yer way, soundin' more like a party alla the time!
  10. Well, methinks Will' need a fast ship ta catch Jack.........hint hint Does Disneyland have job applications fer Tall Ships??? :)
  11. Not bein' quite so fond o' sailin' upwind, I'll be skippin' it this year...
  12. :) I jest re-read this whole dang thread......Some o' ye better fess up ta bein' wenches, or the FUTURE of pyracy is lookin' bleak
  13. Ah, grasshopper! They do have majors in pyracy.....Doctor, lawyer,politician.........
  14. His ship the first time in Tripoli was a local prize, a tops'l ketch similar to mine in rig style. The Intrepid. A foundation back east is considering building a replica Click on the active links in my website, in the text, they'll take you to much colonial war history, including 1812
  15. Well, some do. But it's hell if they find it undeclared
  16. Mad maudlin, email me regular like(thru my website) an' I'll email ye some photos!
  17. Evr'y port I've sailed into! usually confiscated when you enter, hard to find 'em to get whatever back!!!
  18. That wuz based on square-riggers only, not anything also fore and aft rigged; dispatch gunships, schooners, sloops of war.
  19. With a bit o' pyrate luck, I'll be up ta six carronades plus my swivels by the time she sails thisaway
  20. Well, about the swivels. Rev war style, of'n the Philadelphia, and in this crazy world where ya can't protect yerself with modern weapons, a 1 1/4 bore swivel with a load of old brass screws makes a fella sleep a little easier ina strange port.... Them wot rob's a pyrate whilst he sleeps, don' a get too far away in their now sinking dink!RRRRRRRR
  21. aye laddie! she's a fine ship, but so far, nuttin' outsails the Royaliste on this coast anyway. There's another matter of manuverability under sail ta work the gun deck. We have'nt the problem of peekin' out gunports, as my bulwarks are lower....fast on the reloads. Is she still carrying four carronades?
  22. Wow! 3/4 size gunners ta go wif' me carronades!
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