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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Well,mr. Crow, sally on down afore cold weather, 'n have a spot on deck mate!
  2. I luv it, girl! Just greeted the Nippon Maru, recently. BIG ship. Checking online, I found out that in 1912, she was busted fer smugglin' boucous Chinese girls right to S.F.!! Hardee-Har!
  3. Ahoy Dorian, Check my website, click on 'travels overland', an' check out her 'secret weapon', California to the Carribean in eight days ona pyrate ship. Then, well, think between the lines, ya folla'?
  4. RRRRRRRR These be wenches after me own, well, er, ...heart!!
  5. RRRR me last post here 'disappeared'
  6. Aye,lass. There be a guild or two 'ere ye be, or a bit north of ye there's http:/talesofthesevenseas.com Them's the blokes wot man me deck guns now and again!Fair Winds and a following Sea!
  7. AH, a hearty seadog's welcome to ye both. I be sailin' the West Coast waters, on the prowl, guns ready.....
  8. Ye wenches take note! We be a fair an equal employer on the foredecks! That's the good side o' coppin' ta bein' wenches!!!! RRRRRRRRR! Ladies, Reload, and fire when ready......
  9. Aye, Maria. ye be a quick witted one, I'll telll ye! Hardee-Har
  10. Aye, Dorian. Just a commentary, but other period movies have done well by local reenactors; Last of the Mohicans, the Patriot. I think Mickey coulda done better wif' better Royal Marines than they did. Sure it was a comedy, but more authentic marines would've added to the drama, not been just a couple o' simpletons.........But, it's mickies pieces o' eight!
  11. AHHHHH! That's better, had me worried, ye did!
  12. Throw me a line, mates. I dunno how this shakes out. Leave anchorage, make sail, sail all day,nite hit yer rack(bunk if'n ye are lucky) Crew's cuttin' Z's. At this point, ye be sleepin' with pyrates. Does ye all really mean makin' luv ta pyrates, or is the saltwater finally causin' electrolysis in me noggin?
  13. Gimmee a shout when ye work out doin' 'em both at the same time!
  14. In some waters, the hirin' of extras is fightin' stuff! Quite a few very knowledgeable sailors and divers I know were very put off with that much filiming, and no 'local' hiring. Hella sailors in the Keys, but crew came from the West, mostly. Not that Mickey cares about 'politics', but that's a handful of people wot don't wanna hear o' no sequels....just a thought, mr. mouse...
  16. Well, mate, I thought we made it clear about keepin' it pyrate-y? This format blows harder 'n the Southwest trades! RRRRRRRRR Powder blue pyrate pages???? gimmee the talcom powder n' set yer butt on this diaper......
  17. Hell, I sleep wif' pyrates whenever I go to bed, they ain't bad, just a wee bit scrufty.Why, lookie at the head on that one! Whoops, that's meself!
  18. Actually,ye are a mite off there mate. Even a measley .22 rifle is a no no most countries, Life when you enter a foreign port by ship rather than gettin' off'n a plane! Sportsmen, as recognised by most other nations, fly to hunt, not sail on a slow ship. Ask yer favorite yachtie. man, this new format sucks... don't even wanna hang here any more!
  19. Sorta like pyrate fortune cookies!
  20. A guess would be gparrot on ebay
  21. the english is too good to be antique!
  22. Re-inforces my age old theory that the creator only had time for a dozen or so faces; it's what we do to 'em, that's the differences!
  23. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I be savvy enough! (that's the funnest icon!, thanks stynky!)
  24. Alla the newbies on this forum looking for ships oughtta look at the tall ship links on the NQG links! There's a commercial ship in your neighborhood ready to dip into yer wallet for a ride, unless you are totally landlocked. If that's the case, then the list'l still send ya the right direction? I think!
  25. Considering your age, what's 'years long gone' ? Ive flown one longer than you've been alive! And I'm still flyin' one daily, post 9/11, inna CG's face! Even been boarded over it, with the comeback, 'wht'ya expect from pirates? Therefore, in my book, anyone wot flies the jolie rouge with any kind of heart, is flyin' a real jolly roger. ALl in one's interpretation, and 'proof' is slim, in the Brethren p.s. would'ya translate the german, as most o' us only speak 'pyrate'?
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