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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. On the poopdeck aft, readin' 'The Young Sea Officer's Sheet Anchor' or, a key to the leading of rigging and to practical seamanship. Darcy Lever. Great engravings, alotta knowleldge for a square rigged ship. No sex, but plenty o' romance!
  2. we know alla bout them touchole laws wif Canada. But actually, it's Uncle Sam, not the Canadians
  3. Personally, I've never even heard a pirate reference to savvy. Cowboys yes, pirates no. your date would confirm that. No usage in seamanship
  4. Never have figured if'n them breasts calm the seas, but they sure do calm the cap'n!
  5. Still enroute, but they're cast now. We'll put some up as soon as we 'season 'em!
  6. Yes, maam. We be proud ta be an equal opportunity press gang! Don' even have ta whallop 'em on the noggin wif' the monkey's fist! Whassat? smell fish??? Cap'n's motto:'Plunder's a wonder, but likker, it's quicker!'
  7. Ye be spot on, I'm the fourth ship! RRRRRRR
  8. I knowed when I found a snap shackle bronzed wif' me booties!
  9. Take a g.i.joe doll. dress 'im lyke a pyrate. put 'im on one knee, at base of antenna, jolly roger on antenna. Voila! one pyrate hoistin' the Jolly Roger on mt. Port Royal!
  10. Me too, in an out of the ole scabbard!
  11. Gee, what kin aye say, but, RRRRRRRRRR! Nice pic's, by the way!
  12. Well, now, lemmee see. No retirement for pyrates. The Royal Navy don't stop lookin' cuz ye got old!
  13. Wenches! fondlin' their sidearms, too much time on their hands! Grab a mop, step lively there..
  14. and with a bit o' luck, one or two are right!
  15. I will contest that theory....With all we put up with at sea, and fish a regular on the menu, we tend to enjoy the natural bouquet, not accquired ordors. A good sniffer is a tool on the ole square-rigger, nuttin' to do wif' lubbers, although for all who have crossed the deck, most women have been lubbers. We hardly let able bodied women leave the crew.
  16. Actually, I raised a couple o' surf bum kids at Mavericks, before 'Point Break', one or two homey's made it into flick. Me own self, many o' decent job o' ravaging ther before it was popular!
  17. RRRRRR! Then head up 'ere and lookie Mavricks! 50', no problem! From the Graveyard of the Pacific
  18. Holy shit! Now thar be a wordy pyrate!!! :)
  19. What other kind is there ? a dozen or so onboard, no mutiny's!
  20. If'n ye mean real ones, they are running 3K and up on most firearms auctions and websites. The better the condition, price climbs about 1000$ a click.......
  21. Ya mean they got surf big enough to use on that coast?
  22. Yeah, but ye wenches sure do! but fresh, it can't be beat! Once it smells 'canned' though, even I'll pass! Hardee-Har,Har....
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