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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Shucks!!!..I kinda thunk 'Rumrunner's Cay' woulda worked!!..
  2. RRRRRR-SO!! 'Loyaliste'...............
  3. But didja float it o'er inna rum bottle????.........
  4. Aye capnwilliam!!..'Tis RR second year, an' hopefully many more, so....'cmon up 'n jyne us, eh??..........................
  5. "Yip-Yeeoow!"........For a whole durn weekend, I get to imagine Capt. Raphael Semmes, takin' 60 prizes in less than two years, worth o'er 6 million!!.......'cept it don't say "The Lord Helps Those Who Help Themselves" on me helm....(Me Mudder used to tho.... Yeowzah, she be one 'o thm 'War 'o Northern Agression' Ladies from the great stae 'o Missouri!)..........Bring on them Yankee dogs..........................
  6. That's right!!!....For the Civil War reenactment June 12-13, it be lookin' like the 'Royaliste' will don the 'Stars and Bars' to wreak havoc on the Union installation and Fort Reynolds on Angel Island, whilst fendin' off the Union ship 'Hawaiian Chieftain'......Troops on land 'n sea, black powder fillin' the air, you get the picture!!..Plenty 'o room on the Island for participants and observer's alike!!....RRRRR!!!!
  7. After a zillion times o'er an' 'o'er, I believe that Barbossa be the only straight up pirate in the flick; pretty much states 'is case, lives up to it an' then some (fetch Jack's pistol), whereas most 'o the rest cajole, lie, etc. betwixt each other, ne'ermind the civilians.....Really bad teeth, tho.....ne'ermind the 'eggs'......
  8. 'ere's the link to the foundry, mate!....turn around time is long , six weeks or more as they stock no cannon, but cast per order instead...Aw Bloody 'eck, I'll just sit back on the beach, in the shade 'o the Nipu hut, drinkin' Tuba wif' the local boys, 'Mabuhay!'.............. http://www.hernironworks.com
  9. These little babies are good for a small craft, eh??..About 185.00 Yankee frogskins...........
  10. For a one-time seawall application, I'd go with the 5/8 scale naval carronade...way kewl-lookin' compared to the swivel, about the same size overall, and a wee bit cheaper :) with the ring on the cascabel, ye will be more nautical lookin', for sure!!..The sleeves really don't add strength to the barrel, just accuracy. well cast metal is strong enough by itself....Quality for the frogskins be an issue here, mate.. Ye won't be shovin' a crapload 'o gunpowder in the bird cage, eh??? ...Or, when ye're harbor be finished, just hire me for security, my decks comepre- loaded!!
  11. *Takes pulse* "Hmmm, still 'ere, by 'eck!! Must notta been near enuff yet!! " "Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho~~~~~~~~~~~~!!
  12. Royaliste, is it my imagination, or did they used to sell sleeved cannon at their own site? Yup, Deacon, they still do :) ..HM, a few details...I've spent many a day and night in Cebu, 'tis a good idea but,...a few things 'ere..first, unbored castings are very expensive to drill, therefore 'tis why the trend in sleeved bronze, the sleeve inserted in the mold saves machining costs. secondly, you need really good quality 'Navay bronze', a particular alloy in the copper-tin-manganese mix, and 'Naval bronze' ain't cheep!..So, back to grey iron and sleeves....Any material used to make barrels should be scrutinized carefully, as well as the person casting, unless you never plan on firin' 'em...From my time of employment in the R.P., I found no foundry that I'd trust with a cannon barrel, as I had a tough time getting quality work done on non-explosive items..........
  13. This one is cast iron with a bore sleeve for accuracy. Fairly standard English swivel.. Should be available from Dixie, but if not, I'll start bein' a cannon distributor, as the foundry likes me vessel!
  14. ..These are rather nice.... 30" overall, 102 lbs., 1 5/8 bore
  15. Hmmm, now that ye be 'hangin' out ye're shingle', mebbee a characterization for the Ship??
  16. First they wanted MY swivel yoke to cast before sending me anything, then they never answer back.....Most of what they advertised is available from others anyway, as you mentioned. Never reply, so......They advertise a 1/3 scale from the Philadelphia that matches mine, but I'm now considering a local foundry, and using mine for the slug in the mold..........On the other hand, aside from bronze, the foundry that cast my carronades has a few nice ones, probably available thru Dixie G.W.......Now thinkin' 'o usin' a 5/8 scale carronade as a swivel or a bow chaser.......
  17. Deacon, I've been trying to purchase two swivels from Cannon-mania, no good results, for over a year, and I know someone that now has lawyers calling them...Have you ever received a gun from them????
  18. Nice bronze for the price: http://www.wildimports.com/wild_imports_cannons.htm
  19. Well, after our umteenth time a' watchin' M/C, I spies this seaman during the Southern Ocen scene (with alla the snow)..up in the beakhead, sittin' in the 'easy seat' takin' a dump!...Lookin' mighty cold, maytee!!! :)
  20. Avast ye! Just found a woman's medium,black raincoat.......Any guesses 'Quill???
  21. "OUCH!" *Bumps head on rum cask for third time* Ahoy Redd!!...I found yer hat in the forward cabin!!...........Carrie, Dunno which copy be yours, but I'll hang on to a copy for ye!..Quill, did ye grab the five copies ye needed??
  22. Aye!! Quite the wake, eh wot???.....Many thanks to all for the skill required to get this 'ole girl in that little, bitty spot.........And a thanks to the U.S. Navy, for makin' sure Raul knew 'is way around a galley as well as a foredeck...the bacon 'n eggs after a long night hit the spot!.
  23. A pirate 'emergency blanket'...(two bottles 'o rum)...n'er know when it'll get drunk out......... .......or cold
  24. 'ere's one to ye, mate...on or off the wagon (er, truck, er).. Enjoy
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