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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Low tide be 0635, slack for an hour, so it all works for the Ship. As far as clock time, that would be Quartermaster 'Quill's call, mate!..............
  2. Jeesh!...We put on the Java, prop open the eyeballs, an' then 'ead back to me slip!!....Then ye be in Sausalito ahead 'o time!!..Just be needin' ta make sure all who stay realize that we'll be makin' seaway in the early morn...If'n thar was enuff interest, we could pitch an encampment tent o'er the main boom,permittin' the deck to be 'second floor' bunk space.......just a thought, otherwise, just the few 'o us kin make it to Pelican's End...........
  3. Ahoy thar, shipmates!!!...This thing keeps on a changin' in scope, so.....Now the Royaliste will be out front of the St. Francis and Crissy Field for the Kite surfin' demonstrations, firin' cannons on the Cityfront!!......Since several 'o the crew be involved rather heavily in the long, fun-filled night ahead bein' 'Circus Pirates', I've went ahead and set us up at................. South Beach Harbor for the night!.. ....Aaargh!!!...Pirates loose on the City again!!
  4. Hmmm....(casts a weather eye to the yardarms)...... How be ye're supply 'o doubloons??? .......(Checks layer 'o barnacles for sharpness)...............Where'd it ever say they had ta have fun at camp????
  5. Redd, we use cotton sash cord, either of two available diameters, (Raul favors 1/4, I like it larger)...Soak any grade black powder 'till it be liquid, then saturate, hang to dry, and cut to length............
  6. Waay kewl, mate!.....An' for Saber, we gots a 'period correct' canvas bucket aboard!
  7. That'd be known as 'humor', mate......
  8. Ye' be welcome by fer a visit, but after the sail down, we'll be makin' 'er shipeshape and Bristol, an' somewhere in here, the festivial folk's will be descendin' aboard to rig and plan for the show...For the size 'o the event, we'll 'ave a guard RR two posted (an' they be hep to any 'Jack Sparrow' tricks)....and, unlike the 'Interceptor', they'll be pirates!....
  9. Rum??..Somebody say 'rum'?....Huzzah to the Landshark (till Saber figures out 'ow ta sink 'er!)....
  10. Aye!!..An' we always be a needin' new powder monkey's at RR rate 'o fire!! (hair 'singed' 'n styled at no cost!)
  11. 'Tis good, mate..Methinks it'll be as fast and furious as a Sea Battle, but dark as pitch!....
  12. At RR rate 'o fire, 'n gunpowder consumption, ye'd best see that they be fire-retardant!! ...I kin see it now,..'Flamin' darkthing'!!!
  13. Always good to see a new face in camp, eh wot??........
  14. Aye!.. And on a 'cover ye're tracks' note, methinks since we all be aware 'o the situation, a possible disappearance 'o this thread might be in order!!..(I be pretty good at napalmin' me own onesies!.......)
  15. Now thar be the spirit!!...'Cept hangin' be too good, (besides a good waste 'o perfectly good cordage)... we've a genuine, period-like keelhaulin' just waitin', so throw a shackle on 'em, an' give us a holler! :)
  16. Still dunno wot to say, seems quite petty, but we not be the rulin' class, so..........If'n it goes south, We've a berth for you an' Clancey ...............Still hopin' fer the best, lass........
  17. I was out of F grade on this one, need to go back down to Dixon's to stock up. I used FF and downsized the charges, so total use was a little over 2 pounds. Using F and full size charges it would be about 3 pounds. It really varies on usage. Some events are just a shot or two for saluting, or a couple of shots before the opposing forces get too close for safety. Being a a hundred yards off shore made for a nice safety zone, so we could fire as much as we wanted. We had more charges prepared, but the battle ended quicker than we expected. Don't know about where you are, but I'm paying about $14.00 per pound right now. Hawkyns Hawkyns.....Maine Powder House, 'Schuetzen' brand german reenactors powder for cannons, louder bang, more smoke...8.95 per pound, includin' the shippin', mate! ( we used 18 lbs. two weeks ago, includin' some Goex)....We always be a lookin' for reasonable powder, bein' 'dirt poor' pirates!!
  18. Well, considerin' all points, such as but not soley to wit: +7.1 tide, causin' a really strong ebb (no shit, folks..6 knots at the 'Gate), a minus 1.9 low, wind speed and direction, plus speed, minus current, shippin' traffic, etc ..Lookin' like 6 hours on a good sail, a few more hours if'n the variables against us..........The Voila!!...The channel to Redwood City!!
  19. Glad to hear ye may make it afterall, matey!!!.....We'll be castin' off at 0300 Saturday for the sail southward..........Moon 'nStars cruzzz........
  20. Sorry lass.........'Tis sad indeed........Do keep us posted on your status, 'eck wif the rest.........
  21. Well, methinks it be obvious to anyone wif' one good eye that 'e's got 'is 'ead up 'is arse, butt......I still wish 'e'd put 'is 'ead up 'ere!!..Aye! GRRRReat waddin', says I!!
  22. Hmmm, sounds like a perfect landing zone for a nifty tattoo, eh??...Mebbee a giant octopus wrestlin' a square-rigger...whoops!!..readin' too much Jules Vern!! :)
  23. We're headed down the 'homestretch' on this one!!.....Some rather heavy logistics for me ta figure....the lowest tde 'o the year, a 1.9 minus tide, will be at dawn on Sat. just about when we needed to leave port southbound....I'll keep the workin' crew posted, but I just haven't figured our best move yet...Probably turn her around in the slip, easier to plow out if necessary, or......???....... On another note, we had such an outpouring 'o 'lil pirates this weekend that I expect that fully more 'o the same will be in order, 'specially if the weather be nice. Also, since the committee's plans have expanded as far as RR participation, I'll be up to around ten or a dozen shipmates to make the fireworks show work as we be needin' spotters (It be dark, and we don' wanna hit any obstructions, eh?), four gunners, one or two gunner's mates, plus a workin' crew 'o sailors...........
  24. Methinks that a bit 'o revenge be overdue...Since all plotholes are solve-able by a competant team 'o writers, we be needin' to see the return 'o Bootstrap Bill........a score to settle, a father-son cameo (always works in Hollywierd), one wot sides also wif Jack.........Hmm.........
  25. Well, Redd....Since the 'crash', I'm guessin' you ne'er read my post in PanHistoria on the arrival of 'Raul'....After shellin' manila heavily, whilst I was fleein' south thru the Leyte Gulf, ..Voila!!...One 'o the saltiest Asian pirates you'll ever find clambered aboard outta the jungle.....Raul 'n Thelma be 100% Phillipine pirates, an' none better ye'll find, so as far as your cohorts..........
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