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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Naw...We sail we shoot, we sail again.................
  2. Hmmm, don't see the Tallship Royaliste or crew on the list, but then...we'll be there for sure!!....Tomorrow we are fabricating some later period caplocks to the cannons to try and keep the hazards on deck to a minimum for his family during all of this potential cannonfire......And confirmation came on the gunpowder order, so............Yo-Ho!...and we all know the rest!
  3. Aye!!...Wot she said!!!
  4. Oh yeah??? .....................................................
  5. Izzat anything like a hiccup??????????????????????
  6. Jeesh! Seems like every time I branch out into any threads 'ere at the pub anymore, 'tis a flippin' folly 'o 'lil buccaneers spoutin' all kinda crap, most 'o which has little or nuthin' to do with 'Piracy', fictional or non-fictional. Wot the Bloody Bloomin' 'eck be the drinkin' age in this 'ere joint, anyhoo???...Methinks it may be time to clear this pub outta alla the juveniles, an' chase 'em back to the kid's chatrooms where they belong, as they contribute little to the brethren, nor spend much with the hosts and sponsors **Steps off soapbox, walks back up gangplank, and pours a shot 'o rum with genuine, ADULT pirates****
  7. Hmm, out of 'curiousity, what in Bloody Bloomin' 'eck does 'asst. principal,school board, or any of the above' have to do with 'pirate 'rank', exactly??....... As far as your 'rating' here on the Pyracy Pub' there's a complete explaination of how you 'climb the ranks'...Thar be little 'you can do', as you ranted, other than babbling endlessly off topic, and then you'll have enuff posts to really be somebody around here, eh? ROYALISTE The Bay Area's 'Official' Pyrate Ship
  8. ****Eyeballs the array of cannons, swivel gun, assorted calibers of blunderbuss' an' 'locks', peers into powder magazine, suprized at being down to a handful of pounds of blackpowder**** ..Hmmm, like darkthing said earlier, we pack it all, and most of it CAN go booom, but DOESN'T, unless we've cleared everything. This applies to all water I sail on, but the landlubbers seem to write different rules most everywhere.......
  9. Hmmmm.......'interesting'..Good luck,mate!
  10. Or, as spake by 'Jack Sparrow',....................I recognize those guns!
  11. Congratulations, Joe!!! The site looks great, and the 2nd edition looks mighty fine!..Ye've RR best wishes on ye're endeavours..... ...I'm building my non-profit website, and I'll add a link, mate..... :)
  12. Well, it's rather 'official', and I won't be makin' the 'Fest this weekend, so..........Ya'll be careful with the black powder, as Raul 'n I won't be there bein' subtle 'safety officers'.......All 'o me 'Tales' rogues, DO have a gRReat time, try an' drink alla the rum in the county, and report back!......Unless somebody rolls past here with a fast car late Friday or Saturday, I'll miss seein' ye southern scallywags once again.....Jamaica, 'Bess, Red Maria, Tourin' Gentleman, etc..Hope to see you all again soon, maybe ye should carpool it this fall and come on up for an adventure on the Bay........Somebody take my place pullin' second dogwatch to make sure Jeff don' get absconded by any wenches, eh wot?
  13. Well Bloody Bloomin' 'eck, as if they don' have alla the dubloons out there already!....Harrrumph!..We ain't 'Disney', but startin' soon, we are offering 'pirate camp' for small groups, adult or otherwise. Somethin' like a week on an island, and another 4-5 days sail training after learnin' some 'o the ropes ashore.....Might just hafta raid them 'big' boys as part 'o camp!...I kin see it now, 'pirates raided by pirates learnin' to be better pirates..........Jeesh!
  14. Without tryin' to confuse some 'o ye, a ship's 'captain' wasn't necessarily a captain by rank. And ship's captains, and post captains, well, 'ere we go again........ :)
  15. I was searchin' thru' a chest 'o swag, and this one came to mind. During our recent stint in the shipyard doing maintainance on the Royaliste, Miscreant Robert was relatin' a tale that be told to him recently by one 'o his buds up in the mountains. So, it be in the general interest 'o piracy, and 'Royaliste Tayles' for me to post it 'ere. ...Seems as tho' his friend's father had recently passed away, and, seeing as how his father had been a sailor also and loved the sea, they had him cremated and took off in a plane to head out to sea and spread his remains.All was well, a solemn moment, and somewhere off the Coast between here and Bolinas they made ready to spread his ashes, when out of the fog, guns blazing, came this familiar 'Pirate Ship', as if on que. It couldn't have been any better, said his friend..........
  16. Well, Bloody Bloomin' 'eck, since we spend most 'o the time talkin' 'pirate speak' in English or Carribean pirate stlye, I thought I'd try somethin' different this 'TLAPD' an' try ta sound like George Dubya, but.....seems as tho' I canna' get me boot in me mouth nor me 'ead up me arse far enuff to achieve the proper 'tone'!!
  17. Seventy-some days left in hurricane season, it ain't over till it's over.......... :)
  18. I konw of sailors carrying stones for luck, etc. but nothing specific for aquamarine. Never heard a word about the other stuff, but Bloody'eck, I'm a Swede, no Italian.
  19. I've decided to start the hunt for a larger ship's boat for the Royaliste, so.....I'm going to sell the outboard for the smaller one. A nice British Seagull short shaft, runs good, still part of the original 'Seagull' decal remaining on the tank........350.00 o.b.o. Aye!
  20. Ahoy thar, Poison Quill!...Since I'll be indesposed for the Ojai gig this year, if'n ye be takin' ye'r truck, do you wanna take some 'o the sweeps??...............Lemmee know 'afore the week's out so's I kin fetch 'em off the seawall.............
  21. Whoops!..Mis-cued, as me maws be rather beat up from cuttin' plank!
  22. Arrrgh!......In keepin' wif the 'day', by lifestyle and necessity, we 'ave RR 's whilst maintainin' some semblance of sailin' efficiently. Aboard this 'ere Ship, thar be a Cap'n, Quartermaster, First mate (who carries more weight on a privateer than in the R.N.), Bos'n, deck officers (foredeck, quarterdeck, poopdeck), officer 'o the guns, helmsman as opposed to a pilot, and gunners. Thar be a few unfilled permanent ones such as cook and coxs'n, and 'o course on a small vessel, several 'o these positions be overlappin', bein' in the interest 'o maritime duality 'n all. My First Mate 'n I share duties as quarterdeck captains, one each side, during sea battles and multiple ship events for safety purposes. And even tho' this is in good fun, strict observance 'o discipline an' the ways 'o the Sea always be in effect. Thar'll be no mutinies aboard this Ship.
  23. My .02 cents worht adds up to this: Buy a small sailin' dingy (dink, to sailors) Brand and price doesn't matter, they are all basically cheap. An Optima, nutshell, or anything small with a daggerboard and tiller. You can sail it anywhere, bays, lakes, rivers. By the time you enjoy 'turtling' and getting real wet, you'll also have most of sailing basics downpat. Then if you move on to bigger boats and such, the dink will still be a part of your own waterworld...Now, as far as singlhanding, I singlehand both of my ketches, the Orca and the Royaliste. My love of sailing and singlehanding is why I own ketch rigs. Most versatile rig made for cruising singlehanded.
  24. Actually, it was in my plans until this week, when my surgeon put the kabash on goin' out of town that close after this surgery next week...So, I'll not be seein' you an' Bess this time around, lass........Kinda hopin' on gettin' well and rich in time for Catalina, might just sail down......If not, then you's oughtta come on up for RR sea battles in Oct-Nov.......
  25. Oh yes, please, please be there! We need more real ships in the port, and I'd love to come abroad, see the ship, and meet the captain and crew! I just wish I could crew, but alas... Captain Wolfy Wench Well, it's not lookin' like we'll make it this year, as we've five new plank goin' in today and tomorrow, so....won't be sailin' 'till mid-week...Will be on the water in time to 'greet' the Lynx towards the end of the month....
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