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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Those would be barges, not 'ships', mate!
  2. Hmmm, 'interestin'...I'm 'here' for keepin' tabs on pirate related scuttlebutt, altho that be hard in itself sometimes.......I'm 'there' at events for the event's sake.....Since my event and ever increasing persona is that of a weather-hardened, rum drinkin' Seadog of a Ship's Captain, some degree of 'party' always exsists in my immediate vicinity. That said, other than enjoyin' the chance to be with others dressed in my 'period', occaisional or not, thar be better parties, methinks.....I enjoy the 'replica 1700's 'straight up', thanks......Thar be raves for them wot wants to just stay up and party..........
  3. Bloody Bloomin' 'eck, son!!....Me X-ray pile is three inches taller than you! ...and sometimes I'm sure I be 2 days older'n dirt
  4. I'm really hopin' they hurry up and ink a few more California stops. As it stands now, there's 11 days or so betwixt S.F. and L.A.....I'd be likin' a few more stops, seein' as we be a mite smaller operation, and in need 'o huntin' a few dubloons on the way!....Thar be some big boys playin' this time, but for authentic scallywag type life ondeck, we're a mite haRRRRRd to beat!.. (somethin' to be said for a functionin' gundeck, as opposed to one where they 'occaisionally' drag out a gun or two for the passengers)....dependin' on personal business this winter, it may just be a 'sendoff' for the Royaliste, with the Panama coast in her nostrils....Stop on by for some rum, mate, or a sail.....
  5. I'm firin' a salute in his honor next sail........Will be missed, says I............
  6. Got me first copy 'o Joe's book in the mail today...Pretty good stuff, eh?.....For those of you with close contact to my ship, I'm going to order some volumes soon, available aboard...... Great job, Joe!!!
  7. I meant enroute, silly!...Obviously, at events, most anything goes, but on the citizen's highway, they take a dimmer view of transportation of Hazardess materials, especially when 'loaded' and 'fused'..........
  8. 'O course, lass!!!...I'll see to it!......Great folks to 'help' out, them 'Make a Wish'ers!
  9. Ahhh, 'expanding' horizons,.......'Tis the best we kin ever hope for!! :angry: ..........still can't wait for more DV 'n stuff!
  10. Methinks it be time to butt out, but....here around the Golden Gate Bridge, you will get some long 'vacation time' packin' anythin' 'non-conventional' containing blackpowder...RR fun is constricted primarily to the open water, but Homeland Security is still a bit 'uneasy'...Dunno how they'll take to a rash 'o 'grenadoe' recreating....Just don' go gettin' us who depend on it (blackpowder) a passle of new laws regarding it's use and storage.
  11. They are on e-bay alla the time, under 'maritime' :)
  12. 12 35mm cans to the pound of cannon grade...1 1/3 oz. per film can........ we use them for 'near misses' in mock sea battles........quick and dirty...one rock, fill with powder, put on lid, add 3" of fuse thru pocket knife hole...light!....throw....
  13. We'll be tryin' to make it Saturday, as RR wheels be dead. Sounds like a blast, eh??
  14. As noted prior, the nipple is welded to the body, and seam welded all aroud the diameter, then ground. Most likely a fence part, altho I've used different caps on fence. Made of steel, not cast.
  15. I decided to post this one 'o Aces.........That first mate 'o mine'll turn 'em inta gunpowder junkies early, eh??..And she was the most 'vicious' one' 'o the bunch!!..Lookit her aimin' careful-like!
  16. Aye! It will be a pleasure, lass...especially since we didn't cross paths last year in Ojai!......Truth known, I'd be comin' down this fall with the 'Lady' and the 'Chieftain', but there's this financial issue of mindin' me other 'ship'...
  17. Yep, that's right!...Startin' in the late spring, Tallships will be sailin' downcoast!....'ere's the schedule so far, with more ports being added. S.F. isn't listed, but will be on July 28....Tallship Challenge 2005 A lot of these ships are waaay big, but we're just right, so....If'n you've an interest in sailin' aboard the Royaliste in this period, and nothin' 'more interestin' has turned up for her, I'm not a 'charter', but will be booking limited guests for these events. Keep posted thru the Pyrate Ship See ya on the Big Blue Briney, eh?
  18. 'Tis gettin' a bit late for me, as beatin' back north is quite insane this time of year, but perhaps next summer we'll raft up, if'n ye still be anchored there.........enjoy the schooner, no matter wot size, mate!......
  19. Hmm, from 'down under'...that'd be a fuuuurr piece from Hollywood, but ye never know...Kinda sounds like an 'Elvis sighting' to me......
  20. Recieved this email from my 'sawbones', so I thought I'd print it in it's original form.. It was truly our privilege to spend yesterday with you. My brother (in law) Terry Gan, assistant Range Master for the SFPD at Lake Merced Police shooting range, received Blake and his dad to the range today, for a Second Make A Wish, shooting automatic weapons, and teaching them police safety techniques. Both guys were hunting and gun enthusiasts, and it was definitely a father/son/guy thing. What a wonderful experience for the Make A Wish Kid(s) (notably two in the same family!) and for all of us. I will copy as many of the participants as I know, which are limited, and then ask Captain Gary, Terry, et al to provide you further information via a reply to all concerning the detailed identities of our guests and participants. God Bless your good work. Christopher and I were thrilled with the chance to provide this opportunity, and invite more in the future. Terry and I spoke twice today, about how rewarding it was, and we are so very pleased with your organization and the gifts you provide these children. Sincerely, Tom Grotz, MD Orthopedic and Microsurgeon (and amateur pirate)
  21. Hmmm, 'Saber'.....you seem to be talkin' in a wee, high voice!!
  22. Aaaah, grasshopper... :) As you sail the seas of piratical procurement, batten the hatches, for you've some suprising weather ahead, especially in 'weaponry'........enjoy ...I believe this thread's been hijacked, best put it back to 'sea coats'....
  23. Ahoy, matey!..These folks are in your own 'backyard'! Canadian weapons
  24. Also, altho not specifically part of Blake's wish, I hope some of the photo's show up of some of the little girls in the family....When we were attackin' the Fort at Angel Island, altho' not any taller than me waist, one of the girls was a gunner portside.. She was just a yankin' on the carronade's lanyards,a cute, wicked little grin and a gleam in her eyes each time she fired!!!...a real black powder junkie there, mateys!
  25. Hmm, how many dubloons are in the sea chest???........We need at least 4 weeks sailing time................. ROYALISTE THE CURSE OF ST. FRANCIS BAY SCOURGE OF THE ENTIRE OCEAN
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