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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Great ad!!!....But without startin' a political rant, and armed with the knowledge of the sucess rate for the average privateers, it would seem to me that the speech writers of the times were no different than those of today, namely....full of sh*t!!!!!!!!!! :)
  2. Well, good to hear you RRen't in computer hell anymore!...Anyway, DP, I'm up to me arse in plankin' woes this first part 'o the week at least, so...I'll touch base later on the site. Kathy, who built my Royaliste site, is waiting on the DSL hookup at her spot in Larkspur. Once up, she's going to buyild the new site, but I'll for sure need help running it and maintaining it.
  3. As far as things set, we are 'open for business' as far as sail training goes, minus my expired A.S.T.A. membership. Pretty much a small group kind of thingare working on her in the early parts of the week for the next few weeks until I'm satisfied with the planking before the rainy season.
  4. I had an idea of headin' down that way this fall originally, be me sawbones has 'adjusted' that schedule,so...probably won't be this fall, as it'd be a mite hard for me to handle the ole girl offshore 'till the shoulder's right again. The folks at the S.D. Maritime Museum were very cordial last year,but.....that said, the staff that was crewing the Californian up here last year were shall we say 'publically snobbish'??...Might 'ave been the weather, eh?......Idealistically, we'd still like to try and put the Royaliste on the Great Lakes and East Coast next year, followed by a voyage down the ICW with stops were available, spreadin' a bit 'o piracy on the way down to next year's Florida pirate fests enroute back to the West Coast....Total cost???..Jeesh!..A lot 'o dubloons.............If it were a purrrrfect world, we'd locate enuff corporate sponsorship to be able to staff this .org with a few salaried folks with a twinkle 'o piracy in their 'ayes'!
  5. Thank ye, Cap'n!...We are open to interested parties regardless of location. as the future of the vessel is in campaigning her 'round the seas, not just here, and non-profits do need a bit 'o idealism to help ease the pain 'o commitment I'll keep ye posted in the next few weeks as we become more organised and 'contactable'........
  6. I put up a temporary 'packaged' website until a fine one can be constructed. Here's the addy for 'PRIVATEER!'........INC. http://www.Privateerinc.org
  7. Ahoy and avaast ye, maytees!!!!!!!!!!.......I figure it be a reasonable time to post this, as soon I'll be done fastenin' planks, and able to concentrate on putting up the cyber connection to this organisation. 'PRIVATEER!......Inc.' is now a fledgling, legal non-profit organisation with a living history theme of sail training and reenactment of maritime events, mostly involving, but not limited to the Tallship Royaliste. At this point this is primarily a thrust to begin her restoration and maintainance in order to campaign the vessel late this year and for sure the 2005 season.....Any and all interest in our formation and pursuits, be it by participation, donation, or general popular support is appreciated and welcomed...More news to follow, I'm still checking for inroads of water in the bilges after the recent haulout, funded and made possible by her owner, the crew, Tales of the Seven Seas, Cap'n Vernon Fairhead, and many local Bay Area supporters....If you really care to support 'piracy', then PRIVATEER!.....is for you......
  8. Aye! A whole camera full, but the friggin' reader slot is broke outta the computer, so I needs to 'ave someone else download 'em!........
  9. I'm outta the shipyard, fresh on the new bottom paint, and a few new plank wot needs a skirmish RR two!....The Lynx will be up this way in a few weeks, best be swabbin' them bores, mates!!!!!!! :)
  10. Track is a great place, I use a lot of their stuff. They have great supplies if you care to build a custom gun, but the 'ready to go' stuff is Pedersoli, etc......No savings over Cherry's.......But, still, Track rocks!!!!!!!!! :)
  11. Black powder weapons are generally classified as 'recreational', or 'primitive', and fly under most required gun laws.Usually no waiting period, or paperwork..... Mailed straight to my P.O. Box here in California.......(even my cannons!).. :)
  12. In another life, I did a lot of steel erection in your backyard...the Iron Range, Superior (the ore bridge), etc....Powerplants and such.. Always enjoyed sailin' a dink on Superior in me off hours...Mebbee I'll stop by sometime...Uff Da!!!!.......Perish the thought!
  13. Bloody 'eck!! Me too! Me pop wuz Carl Gustav, an' me granpop wuz Erik Carl.....Buncha Swedes........An' besides, I figure NOW be the 'golden age 'o piracy'!! :)
  14. Thank ye for the nice remarks, I've always a spot for those who also share sailin' dreams..But, unlike others, she's quite a nice Herreshoff, with an excellent survey and a replacement cost of 300K.....She is a honey, once the terror of the channel and Coronado Islands 'afore I brought her north from San Diego...........
  15. Ahoy and Avast!!...That 'tourin number' already be able and purrrrfected by your friendly neighborhood pirate ship!!!!..See wot I mean?? Royaliste Travels.....She's traveled two countries already by all possible means, includin' 'took apart and reassembled'!.........We'll do it inna heartbeat! ...besides, She's never done Europe, eh wot???...We definitely need more powder!! She's rubbed gunn'l afore more'n a time or two with the H.M.S. Rose, 'twould certainly be a pleasure, but that'd be a lot 'o Canadian hulls in one place; could trigger another sea war!!..besides, dunno 'ow well two different studios'll fair, ship swappin' :)
  16. Well, we be just amite different'n most 'o the pirate types we run across, but....seein' as 'ow we do a lot 'o movin' about on deck, I prefer to shove my 'locks from the left to right, frizzen agin me belly, in my belt or sash, protected from abuse, but for heavy weather, a leather hood slips o'oer the 'lock....canna' do many baldrics an' such, they seem to inhibit sailin'......
  17. ??????????????????????????
  18. Well............. like MOST women, she could be dressed up a mite and who would know??? Demmit!..Forgot about the 'beauty inna bottle' concept!!...But then agin, if'n they'd choose to use this 'ere pyrate ship,'ROYALISTE', then I'd not hafta be sellin' the likes 'o the ORCA!........ Great idea, tho. lassie.......... :)
  19. Methinks she'd be waay out of period, Bess, but.....never know, eh???
  20. ............
  21. Mainmast be around 45', mizzen at 35'.....Mercedes 636 Diesel, paragon 'crashbox' type tranny.......... Tearin' up the Cityfront during the St. Francis Yacht Club Jessica Cup......
  22. A few photo's of S/V Orca.....
  23. With that 'rating', they'd best be rather hovenly :) but jokes aside, teenage were a good age for midshipmen or such, a wee bit old for cabin servants...
  24. But still, who wasn't a pirate in Tripoli??..Stephen Decatur's own ship was the 'Intrepid', a tops'l ketch 'locally aquired'!!...........(Read 'commandeered')
  25. Due to foggy facts, I cannot look upon the brothers 'LaFitte', (Jean and Pierre) and their Baratarians as pirates....privateers, bucaneers, patriots, yes..but pirates, NO!....Were it not for their supply 'o flints alone, Colonial America may have stopped at Missouri.....Nevermind their refusal for an accord with the British!.....My appologies at deviation from the context of the thread.......
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