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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. 'Bloodey 'eck, we fancy RRselves as pirates, not paparazzi!! ...But 'privacy'???...Best be buyin' an island betwixt Iraq an Iran, no one'll visit ye , says I!.......... But wouldn't that be between Iraq and a hard place? Wouldn't want to endanger Johnny and his kin. Be needin him for the sequels. :) ....but 'ave no fear, luv...if'n 'e can't make it, we'll substitute Ace, an' at least he'll juggle some rum RR way!! ....We have been considerin' settin' sail for Disney's Island where they dock their cruise ship...might make a livin' plunderin' the tourists when they try to get off the boat!.....
  2. 'Bloodey 'eck, we fancy RRselves as pirates, not paparazzi!! ...But 'privacy'???...Best be buyin' an island betwixt Iraq an Iran, no one'll visit ye , says I!..........
  3. 'ere be a round on me (rolls hogshead down gangplank)....'appy Birfday, mate...'tis me pleasure to wish ye well on this fine day!
  4. .....................REALLY bad eggs!! ...Drink up me 'earties, Yo-Ho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Bein' 'pirates', ye'd expect a bit 'o anonimity, eh wot???.....Think 'o all the unnecessary spam...'Amazing hair growth formula'.....'Impotent?'......'Dear sirs, As the former president 'o Nigeria'....'Online meds cheap'..............'Lowest airfares'(ne'ermind the powder residues)........etc.
  6. Over about 20-25, and ya gotta duck a lot!!........But that don' include runnin' watch, so............On deck, ye scaborous dogs!!
  7. Wot be them co-ordinates,mates???..........Easy to seize when the bloke's away filmin', says I! ..........No spinach dip, but which one 'o ye wenches took off wif' them 'lil wienies floatin' in the beer??
  8. Fillin' out the papers for a disability retirement this month meself, now show me that horizon.......an' a good supply 'o spare mahogany plank!
  9. I thanks ye kindly Mam. And Royaliste Sir, Ye have a fine eye fer swordware indeed. I do have one I preferes it slings o'r me shoulder and hangs bout the same way as the USMS replica. Much lighter and easier ta handle....might give it a try with me uniform but each time I do I gets the urge ta put on me earring and eye patch...lol KP Avast ye, matey!!..Didn't mean ye no truck 'bout the sword, it just don' work with your finery, sorta jumps out like a stowaway....need that 'look 'o bone' wif the grip!..(like Horatio's in the pawnshop!)
  10. After long last, ('eck, they wuz shipped out, then back) 'ere be some more Civil War Battle shot's for alla ye Southern Privateers out there!! Royaliste 'in harbor', proper colors CT Ben and Andrew 'Beat to Quarters'.... 'Quill and the crew closin' in....... Raul doin' wot 'e does best,..RamRod leanin' back trimm'n heads'ls
  11. **Handsprings across the foredeck** YEEEEEAAAAAAHHOOOOOO!!!
  12. Methinks they wuz askin' 'bout an earlier period. The 'wildimports stuff is all early 1800's, not 1600's................
  13. Kinda wot Aye wuz tactfully hintin' at!!.......... Many of RR members be not very active for a multitude 'o reasons, as with any organization.........
  14. Most excellent kit, mate!!...But methinks I'd lose the new fake USMC officer's sword...ye'll be needin' a spadroon type blade now...........Something to do alla the finery some justice!
  15. Well, 'ere's me .02 worth......If'n they not be of 'T.O.S.S.' members, then wot be the use??..There already be pirate cartoonists, etc.. then we are just gettin' in their pockets..........No accords there, mates.....
  16. On the note 'o barrel quality, I found it interesting that, historically, brass barrels could be a problem, but in these times, the only barrel that's literally 'went south' on us was a steel barrel....Only one inspection stamp, no 'proof' mark, and she cracked better 'n three inches on a heavy charge....Twas a 'nameless' kit gun for under 100 yankee frogskins, once again underscoring that you generally get wot ye 'pay for'.....So, my advice for the novice or 'average' shooter, do wear safety glasses when becoming familiar with your replica weaponry..As far as consistancy, nothin' beats a clean frizzen and a good quality flint... :)...... ..And if ye be anywhere near 'hardcore', we've a few pre- loved weapons for sale, 'o course we'll claim they are non-firing, just like everyone else in this liability crazed world...........
  17. It be a trick, right?? I clicked, but nuttin' came up, mate!
  18. And in regards to the points that Master Zorg be mentioning here about questionable product coming out of India and Pakistan, that be the problem I hear tell about most of the available flintlocks and kits that be available out there. At least the lesser expensive, $300 - $600 ones that be more in me own budget. Also, at the events were said fire arms be present and shooting, there always seems ta be a big difference in firing reliability between the mass-assembled or even cheaper kits and the hand crafted pieces where care and research has gone into the components used. Now me own Gun-Smith'n talents be limited, but with all those mis-firing issues I can only wonder about the quality of the cast metals used for the more important pieces like the barrel. I won't be anybody's defense witness, but we've 'proof tested' most of the cheaper available barrels, and that doesn't seem to be quite the problem as the 'old days'.. But the reliability of one's lock is always tantamount...
  19. Do keep in mind that even suppliers such as Loyalist sell weapons made by Delhi Gun House, India.........You can always fine tune the parts, or visit a local gunsmith.......... :)
  20. We've managed to turn the Ship around, so departure should be a snap....We'll hafta hook up me DVD from down below if nothin' else!... :)
  21. Here's to ye, mate!!..E'en tho ye be outta town at present, 'appy Birfday, shipmate!
  22. An' jus' so's ye know, methinks that Raul will be lightin' up the night sky alla the way there!...Crazy arsed pirate!!!......So, darkthing, don' feel left out by leavin' the blunderbuss at home! ........YEEEEEE-HAW!!........Pirates on the loose, mateys!!........
  23. Thar be other fine manufacturers, but the Pedersoli line be some fine weapons......mine sparks eternally, and came well proofed...If top dog quality is what you seek, then it be hard to beat custom kits from Track 'o the wolf, etc. ..A small Siler , Durr's Egg, or small Queene Anne lock'll do nicely....... As far as 'Dixie', they be fine, you can save 5-10 bucks on the same pieces from Cherry's........ ...As far as 'Naval', thar be fine sea service copies from several makers....Some good, some not so fine.....
  24. We'll see if'n it works, right now it'll make contact when you squeeze it, but...rather get the tip resoldered....I'm gettin' a wild signal at present, but I'm figurin' it be echo off the seawall, etc. affectin' the transponder.
  25. Ahoy Stitch!!..It came to me inna flash, but if'n ye have the time 'afore headin'up this way, by chance is there a full size, twin heat-type solderin' gun in your arsenal???..If so, bring it along, and we kin tidy up some wire ends o'er the weekend!!(Thar be a rather nasty coax on the depth sounder)......... :) Man, we're all stoked at this end 'o the Bay...What an outrageous moon out!!!.............Sails in the moonlite on the Bay tonite, tomorrow......
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