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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Pulls cork from rum bottle, takes swig..........peers at paper under lamplite........... ....'The 'Quill intercepted a dispatch to the effect that now the Hawaiian Chieftain'll be comin' to the aid 'o the Yankee fort when the Confederate Privateers attack it..The smell 'o a Sea Battle in the air, says I!!
  2. I'm sending my battle colors along and if you like, I'll loan you my waiscoat,kinda mustard-colored 1760's ish...............
  3. Bloody 'eck! ...I be one, an' ne'er go by it!!...Look behind me when someone says 'Cap'n'!
  4. 'ere's a mug to that!!!!.......N'er had a problem wif rum, 'tis the mixers, wine, and fruit juices in combo that tend to put me stomach in launch mode!..Unless it be a passage in ruff water, such as the Gulf Stream, or points 'n capes, such as Conception and Flattery...Then it be do the best ye can on yer watch........
  5. Stynky, methinks she be a bit 'photoshort', her camera bein' in 'irons', so to speak, but...I'll spot her mine for a while!.... :)
  6. Ahh, one 'o me favorite pastimes, eatin' mangoes on the beach...Then I usually fall asleep, take a nap, and freak when the centipedes are driven outta the rocks by the heat!..Great shots, mate! Most excellent areas to dive, the 'Empire of Kulas'...About your new field piece..They ship without toucholes drilled, so you'll have to drill that on your own, Measure the depth of bore, transfer that measurement to the top of the barrel, and then before you drill, find a spot just rearward of your mark, and start to drill, as you need a slight angle to the hole, and if you start at your 'mark', then your hole may fall too far ahead of the powder charge....A little bit 'o 'rocket science', but worth it!...Had someone else inquirin' bout Naval guns, so I be thinkin' 'o putttin' a few together, 'field testin' 'em at sea, and then hittin' E-Bay with 'real ship's guns' p.s. what's goin' on in the tat??..Cant' make it out, looks like spiderman fightin' an octopus!
  7. *Hides linstock with lighted slow match behind back* Ahoy, mate!!!...Glad to see that ye made it o'er here to 'Pirateville'!!...Mahy thankss for the historical info, we always enjoy learnin' a new tidbit 'o history!........And now, 'ere's to ye, we'll be seein' ye!......Wot say ye, crew???
  8. Actually, the only thing on her stern were photographic tourists with digital cameras, and this be just before RR second shot thru her rudder and framing!!...But your scenario woulda yielded more fun from us!!
  9. 'Bloomin' Bloody 'eck, seein's how the Coasties frown on us usin' live rounds, we just hafta keep a 'scorecard' 'o sorts!!..'Tis why we generally favor a lot 'o stern and bow shots!!......
  10. World navies, Jeesh!!..Too busy talkin' when they shoulda been barkin'!...We'll stick to 'fire when you come to bear!' and leave alla the talk to the citizens!
  11. Head t' weather, Hard over, Sail on...................
  12. Hmm, Belladonna, Laudinum, rum....soundin' like a night aboard ship.........
  13. Well, it be sorta like this; Yup, ' Tales' be non-profit, and thar might be a way to 'lease' the ship for purposes, but the bottom line looks like She'll be needin' Her own such status in the future to seek restoration funding, etc..........but yes, it surely be possible now.. :)
  14. Hmm, I've spent some of my most rewarding times doing heavylifts at sea in the Visayas, and building geothermal powerplants on top of volcanoes with what I've unloaded at sea. Was at one time our Co.'s superintendent of the Philippines, but....caught a bunch 'o shirts stealin' millions from the owners, blew the whistle on 'em, and you know the old story of 'people who live in glass houses', so........Now I build my stuff stateside once more......I prefer the Visayas to most anywhere in the world I've been...Were circumstances a little different, I'd still be in either Leyte, Cebu, Bohol, or...........never did the 'ugly American' thing...I went 'native', hung with my crews, (much against most expat standards), and learned the culture......Had third person stories of the Spanish conquest told me by great great grandfathers..Patay to the invaders!..................Tell Jack I said hi, and I need two more carronades soon!........Jeepney's, tricycles, carabao carts, bahnkas, I'll get there however!....Mahayong Gabii.........Doncha just luv how the local's'll pull your armhairs???
  15. Well, once upon a time I thought about doing it like a circumnavigation, chargin' the crew for each leg, and doin' it on Her hull, but......after scrutinizin' my crew, looks like between 'em all, I'd only come up with $38.50!! ........an' if'n I advertized for them wot had the frogskins for such an adventure, they wouldn't be 'my crew'!!
  16. Well quite frankly, it's about trying to put together at least 30K+, and doing it with enough lead time to book transportation and cranes, boatyards, etc......Workin' on some kind of 'non-profit' status to allow donations or sponsorship, but beyond that, I'm clueless, a grants and such aren't in my field of expertise....
  17. The HM Bark Endeavour Foundation and The Stewart Museum at the Fort, Montreal, in support of the Lake Champlain Basin Program, invite qualified participants to take part in... The Bougainville Voyage A passage of Lake Champlain in traditional 18th Century small craft under sail and oar June 2005 The 'Witch Of Amherstburg' owned by Peter Rindlischbacher, and based in Amherstburg, Ontario, across from Detroit, Michigan. The 'Witch' is a 27-foot wood/metal lifeboat conversion and rows eight oars plus a steersman, and is fitted with a hidden auxiliary engine for safety purposes. It has various sailing rigs, including the Great Lakes 1800 rig (shown) and a 1758 open-ocean lugsail rig. A swivel gun can be carried on a bow strongback post, or it can be fitted with a 3-pounder truck gun on sliding rails. For the June 2005 Bougainville Voyage the mizzenmast will be replaced with an ensign staff to carry 18th Century colors. Photo has been digitally enhanced to show rig changes. The Bougainville Voyage: Summer 2005 An historical voyage for 18th Century longboats in the Summer of 2005 under oar and sail from Isle-aux-Noix National Historic Site in Canada to Ticonderoga (Carillon), New York, reflecting aspects of the career of French Seven Years' War officer Louis-Antoine de Bougainville. Bougainville, later a celebrated Pacific navigator, commanded the French garrison at Isle-aux-Noix, and served at Carillon during the defeat of Abercromby in 1758. The longboat flotilla is meant to represent a French reinforcing force voyaging to Carillon. Crews will be required to be in correct dress of 1758, and the flotilla hopes to secure the escort of the replica 18th Century French Bomb Ketch "Royaliste". Over the one-week period of the voyage the flotilla will stop at key points on the lake and present demonstrations and presentations meant to draw attention to the 18th Century historical heritage of the lake and its ongoing environmental fragility. Arrival at Carillon/Ticonderoga will be timed to occur during the Grand Encampment of the French and Indian War presented there, and all crews will be required to be in correct dress of 1758. Intended stops for the flotilla are now seen as Isle-aux-Noix (departure); Isle La Motte (Fort Ste. Anne); Plattsburgh; Valcour Island; Burlington/Shelburne, Vermont; Essex or Westport, New York; Basin Harbor, Vermont; Crown Point, New York; and Fort Ticonderoga (arrival). Contact: Victor Suthren, HM Bark Endeavour Foundation Event Organizer, The Bougainville Voyage 2581 Flannery Drive Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1V 8M4 Tel: 613 730-3243; Fax 613 730-2224; e-mail: suthren@magma.ca
  18. Whew!!..Been tryin' to put up a picture of one 'o the longboats that'll be doin' the voyage....finally!!!
  19. Then 'o course, we tend to favor the 'other' "Bar" shot.......A shot 'o rum in each hand, paid for by the bar!!
  20. Just an update on this historical reenactment, but since it'll take a lot of doing to come off, Methinks a thread for discussion be in order......... Re: The Bougainville Voyage, June 2005, and 'Royaliste' Thank you for your timely note. I am meeting with the Lake Champlain basin Program office in Vermont in several weeks to discuss the inclusion of The Bougainville Voyage in their 2005 Workplan. If accepted, this would allow application for funding to allow partial support for participating US vessels, which naturally could include 'Royaliste'. We also have an application going in to the National Geographic Society and several filmmakers have expressed interest in doing a documentary of the voyage which would also allow gathering of F&I War stock footage. Certainly 'Royaliste', if present, would immediately become Flagship for the week-long event and the Flotilla would center on her. Please do give possible participation a real look, Gary; interest is so strong in this event that I feel your investment in time and travel would be well rewarded---and it would be fun. Yours aye Vic Suthren Event Organizer The Bougainville Voyage
  21. *Pats stb'd guns* Aye, Aye!!..'Twas truely epic, says I, why, more targets 'n a seadog could hope for-----land, air, let's see!!....Jeesh!!..Musta been fun, we're outta powder! ---------
  22. :) Both types of shot were also designed to create large amounts of splinters, killing and maiming at a higher rate, reducing opposing numbers in close combat........
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