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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Wll, another thing for sure..N'er got saddle-sores from me sailin' vessels!!
  2. Naw, we got it floatin' in the rum barrel!! Jus' kiddin'!!...We'll figure a way around the seasickness one 'o these days!...Besides, ye've been 'onboard' longer 'n most!..Have a great day, and enjoy the faire, give a toast to the 'Royaliste', and we'll do the same on the waves tomorrow! ----just 'cuz it be spring, don' go stickin' anybody for a warm up!
  3. If that don' work out for ye William, c'mon an give the Bay a visit!
  4. If that don' work out for ye William, c'mon an give the Bay a visit!
  5. 'Tisalways my pleasure passin' on shipboard tales, lore, and practical app's...otherwise, we'd just be three sheets to the wind (or more!)....Lookin' forward to tomorrow's sail...GRReat photo-op's for the tourists in Fisherman's Wharf!...........Wunder if they'd like a 'Russian seal hunt reenactment'????...just pullin' ye're wooden leg
  6. Don' wanna be a bummer, but there are folks who never overcome Mal de Mare, and are continually seasick.Hopefully, you aren't one of them
  7. As formerly stated, if you can pull it off, I'm still pullin' my watch............
  8. Ahoy! Jus' keep on keepin' on, mate!..We've pirates of all persuaisions aboard, it matters naught in affairs 'o piracy, ..and if it does, then sail away, maytee, and find a new homeport
  9. By and by, the pirates soon found many things to pass the time whilst at sea......A few frequent attacks on the fort at Angel Island, prompting a raid on said isle, a merchant vessel here and there, along with an occaisional outing with other fellow brethren, as the Bay of St. Francis , besides being rich in marine life, is also ripe with pirates!..........The pirates soon became rather rich (for not all riches are measured in swag, eh???)...With the passing of time, the word spread far and wide, and soon people were flocking to the water, intent on trying to catch a glimpse of the notorious pirate ship, laughing, taking pictures, and begging to be 'boarded'....A hearty 'Yo-Ho! could be heard echoeing off the hills and spires of San Francisco...............
  10. A brig is a type of rig style, identified by the aft mast of two being taller, and both masts carrying squaresails..Sometimes, but not always with a spanker on the main(aft) mast, similar to a gaff mizzen.....Generally foresails between the masts without a boom on them as a schooner....as far as Coastie's term, usually connotates something crudely refitted instead of designed as....
  11. Happy Birfday, Tourin'Gentleman!..'aven't 'eard from ye as of late, but that be no reason not ta celebrate your holiday!
  12. Man, that wuz G-RR-E-A-T!..Whoops!..Outta character! ............With wounds in her plankin', and a crack here or there, the Ship felt no wrong, as her crew, altho a wee bit green, were a well intentioned bunch 'o scallywags, spread from coast to coast....
  13. Worked for me, mate!..Alla the time, tarred marline, the women be assorted!
  14. We be a thankin' ye, mate,an' Florida be on RR list both ways for the Bogainville Voyage 2005, jus' ain't figured out the little stuff! ..And so, the Captain, bein' a Rogue, and nott at all a'feared 'o tryin' out a new band 'o pirates, said, 'Permission to Come Aboard!!!.....
  15. Don't forget the Elissa. She be next on me list to plunder a sail aboard. Check this 'n out, lass!.. Royaliste with the St. Lawrence II, Oswego N.Y., 1996 And the H.M.S. Bee....
  16. So, lo and behold, the Caaptain found out that the laptop could do more than run navigation software and search for ship parts..By and by, he found a rather pyratical little rag, and whilst readin', 'e found a list 'o pirate brethren on this strange coastline.... And on that list, he found this motley crew 'o scallywag's, an' arranged for a parley.... :angry:
  17. We logged around fifty or so pirates already, might as well fly in, drive by, hell grab Mad Maudlin's broom and..whoops!!..Ye be welcome however! :angry:
  18. Once upon a time, thar be this wayward pirate ship, driftin' on the vast Mare Pacifica, a needin' some provisionin', an' a bit 'o repair after a long campaign from Nova Scotia thru the Straits 'o a Thousand Virgins....Turned into the Bay 'o Saint Francis....... :angry:
  19. And since they have posted that all of their crews, including captains, are volunteers, well, you'd really never know who was who, eh??..Besides, not to retract the hand of friendship by any means, but the 'Blackbeards Wake event is a Pirate event, not a 'merchant' event.. DP, the 'Lady' will be gone home, but the H.C. will be here with her commercial 3 trips a day season until the fall, and I'm sure will be too busy for such...just a guess, but...... :angry:
  20. 'Ere be 'Bone-Apart'.............aboard ship
  21. Actually, I don' get a bit riled up o'er this kinda thing, I leave it to the women in the crew, they picked the names! ..Hard for me to do anything but laff, as I sail every week, as canvased as the weather allows..We sailed for 5 hours after the incident they are referring to from last year, and I'm doin' my pirate thing for fun! thar be plenty 'o photo's floatin' in the Bay from last week to back their humorous pinings, an' I don' see the other's postin' anything different! We stated long ago that we preferred being 'fun nazi's', and still hold to that in 'Tales of the Seven Seas'......... :)
  22. I guess thru your skidmark-stained glasses, you missed the post on the Chieftain and the 'Lady' both motoring as fast as they could last Sunday, refer your lame-arsed reply where it belongs, thanx From last week- Hmm, not much to post, without bein' accused 'o something,but.....a note...The 'Royaliste' went to sea, under full sail,in costume and 'came across' two rather unusual powerboats....Both had squaresails, but were traveling away rather fast burning a large amount of diesel fuel.....So much for the rumor or claim from the Wussington about 'sea battles under sail, not power.........The HaWhining Chicken was in usual form, other than crying loudly and whining in public,engines humming, and mebbee the skipper.........Nevermind, where's the rum???.....With a fine WOMAN at the helm, and a rather beat up one-armed captain overseeing the gun battery, there was little doubt in the minds of those involved 'who won'!!!....All good fun!
  23. Wuz 'Bone-apart', but I'm open to suggestions.....
  24. :) Hmm, Aye be not sayin' a word 'ere, mates..So, ye be callin' this respectable Pirate woman a 'liar'??? Poision Quill states after last Sunday........ Ahoy and good morning mates!! Aye t'was a fine day yesterday!!! Yet another unforgettable sea battle, especially for me, as this was my first time at the helm in an engagement. Thank ye Captain for yer compliments!! *great big grin* but the only reason I was able to keep tailing our prey as she did her best to shake us, was because of the fine job done by our deck crew on the Royaliste's sails! We had to come about (turn quickly) several times, and each time the crew on the sails had to scramble to swap the sails over to the belaying pins on the other side of the deck and adjust them for optimum performance. I had to keep my attention focused on getting us positioned crosswise to rake the sterns of the targets and to watch out for the little boats that were there to enjoy the melee. I tell ya, the deck crew had Royaliste performing SWEET!!!!!!!! Sweet as rum laced with sugar n' gunpowder! I'd yell that we were coming about and they were on it so quickly, that it was an utterly seamless transition. Smooth as silk! And the gun crew was rockin'- Knockin' their socks off!! They kept the deck guns screamin' and dealt with a couple of wet guns in the midst of the fray. They were backed up by the small arms crew, who were firing every 'lock on board! Patrick Hand has got reloading his musket worked out to a finely-tuned science! Gary impressed (and worried!) us all, as he was his usual, irrepressable self, despite being only three days out of surgery and being hounded by all the pirate moms on board to take it easy! Cherry did a great job out on the bowsprit, taking care of the jib! Early on in the sail, we had to make an unscheduled return to the slip to pick up lifejackets and on making the tricky entrance back into the slip, the newer pirate girls were called upon to fend off (push the ship off the sea wall) Doing this can be quite formidable the first few times, as it requires the pirates fending off to use brute strength to push back against 30 tons of ship in motion, by sticking your arms and legs between the ship and the sea wall and hold her back. When I called out "Anyone with legs fend off!!" They were on it in a heartbeat and didn't hesitate for an instant. On our approach to the battle, CT Ben hoisted our new red ensign (red signifies that no quarter {no mercy} will be given) and played the fife, which is quickly becoming a 'signature' of the Royaliste. The camera crew was on the job and thanks to them, we have photos of the action! And even Sandy the pirate dog did great- he wasn't the least bit intimidated by the pirates he hadn't met before (or seen in a long time) or by the firing guns and scrambling crew! He took everything in stride. I am so proud to call these pirates crew. Well done mates, well done indeed. ..So, your reply, gents??....You assume quite a lot, methinks.......
  25. A lotta rum....an' me normal attitude! :)
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