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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. I'm still open, I just havent anything firm regarding self. Email me...... :angry:
  2. I'm fond 'o flyin' fish on deck! yer dog's an' cats luv 'em!!
  3. On July 23, 1579, Drake sailed from his California port(presumed to be the Bay of Saint Francis), to the Farallones....arrived back in Plymouth Harbour Sept. 26, 1580................ Two galleons crossed the Pacific from the Philippines in 1587, cruising North Pacific, landing in Upper California, made a trip inland, and then followed the coast southward.........Certainly the iopportunities were all over here for pirates, and even Cavendish noted this passing.
  4. Really??...Izzat a fact??.. I guess I'm not gonna be there again! Oh, well, more targets here on the Bay last year!.....
  5. I'll stick me nose in 'ere, and restate some 'o the obvious. As previously posted, and as far as a 'board' vessel, you must be a pirate, preferrably in a pirate guild,(Proof to me, mostly) to sail aboard the ROYALISTE. Until I leave U.S. waters, you cannot 'charter', or buy a ride, ye hafta be a scurvy brethren 'o the coast!...So, we've got at least the left coast covered...I also ehco 'Quill's sentiments, as far as crewing, and also as far as 'pitchin' in'....And yes, it's a bear to maintain a large vessel, no matter wot kind she be! I also fit into a not listed category, 'boataholic'..Lotsa boats!!!..'Bully', keep a weather eye for a longboat style in the 14' range, I be a lookin'...And again, thanx to all who sail aboard my ship, for she is a 'sail trainer', just from a different 'slant'!!..Mebbee I'll again join ASTA this year! (if 250$'swims' past me Ship!).....Now, where's the rum gone??
  6. Okee-dokeee, we'll post this once more...'Pirates of the Pacific, 1575-1742', byPeter Gerhard Although the Carribean got most of the media attention, to say nothing was going on leaves out some incredible history, from Strong and Cavandish, to Drake,etc. The damn gold all started from the Pacific in the Manila Galleons, erase Pacific Pirates, and you will have no pirate history. Read and then decide for your educated selves....
  7. *****Big grin***** "Good 'n, Coastie"!!! Always a spot whenever you get out this way!
  8. I hope some of it does!!..Gonna try an' stretch the difference and pick up the material for the new ship's ensign tomorrow or Friday..then figure out how to sew it all together! **Pictures four or five fingers nicely stitched to new red flag**
  9. Hey Penny! How much a yard wuz that nylon runnin', and how wide is a yard???
  10. A journeyman knot maker such as meself??? Wot else, eh wot'??
  11. Well, I hope everyone wif' somethin' blasted outta the guns has as good a return as me...My comp check came now that I blew 'em to 'ell!!!. That's Feb's slip rent!
  12. Bloody 'eck, Maggie! Send one to 'Tales of the Seven seas', an' we'll blast it for ye anytime!!
  13. QUOTE=TalesOfTheSevenSeas,Feb 16 2004, 10:58 PM] So without further ado, here they are! These blasts were about the largest and loudest I've seen coming from the Royaliste's guns or elsewhere. These were heavily packed with large amounts of powder and given an extra-hard plunging with the ramrod!! They were LOUD and had our ears ringing afterwards!! And in this grand fireball is Michael Eisner, flying solo. Perhaps he'd like a copy for his desk, eh Iron Bess?!! [ Four ounces or a little less,.... A mixture of cannon grade, and Fg grade, packed solidly!! On the way, Bess!!
  14. as long as Geena Davis is tossin' the salad, I'll keep chewin' the greens!
  15. Aside from the obvious glow, I really like the video 'cuz it even rattles 'Quill, shakin' the lens accordingly! With the trucks(wheels) off the carriage, the deck transmits the concussion very well!!!!......
  16. The video came back failed again, Bess! I see that it is a hotmail acct. Too small for a video! (it's around 3MB)
  17. :) And once again, ye were an invaluable asset as a shipmate!....We're thinkin' over puttin' a caplock one 'o the cannons for ye so's ye can make a bit more BOOM!...And thanks for the efforts on your prototype flag, it pretty much cinched the idea of the red field!
  18. I don't much care 'bout opinions concernin' Jerry's personal life. Did you know him personally???..Me Pa did, 'is opinions were a bit different than yours. Of course, me Pa was a WWII redneck just like Jerry, you needed to be to stay alive..Methinks I would have rather had one of Jerry's tats than one of Hitlers... I've an antique mirror with some of his flashes on them, and with it's old patina, the flashes are even better!..If you are lucky enuff to have any of your designs stand the test of time, I will honor your style, also! (Yes, I am predjuced, as I wake up to two of Jerry's sharks every morn!)
  19. 'Bad Season'????...RRRR!..Whassup wif dat???...'Tis a fine season, if'n the sun comes up, and ye not be outta gunpowder!!!.... :)
  20. :) Well, alls Aye kin say is, maaan, wot a day!!..You aint gonna believe the job wot we did on 'Mr. Eisner'!!!...Somebody'll post the pictures, Jeesh! ..Many thanks from the Tallship Royaliste and all who sailed Her today!!
  21. ***Opens liquor locker, checks supplies, looks under bunk in powder magazine for tomorrows 'star 'o the day'*** A fine breakfast companion!!
  22. :) Careful on 'the hill', lass! It'll probably be pretty snakey with this weather!
  23. Alas, luv, I'd be there, but I'll be in Reno this weekend Ye'd bet yer bloomers I'd be there otherwise. You aint gonna be with us this weekend???
  24. And surely all of you Queen Anne fans realize that thar be no ramrods, hence one more item to purchase and tend to!...Otherwise, loadin' becomes a b*tch!! :)
  25. Rain's tossed back into the mix, be advised, check the local forecast 'afore ye leave the house!! :)
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