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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. We 'aven't mulled this o'er yet, but....dependin' on the size 'o the crew for the way o'er to Quinn's, mebbee a full, all gun salute to Blackbeard, by the numbers, dependin' on the powder supply, an' location 'o the Coasties :)
  2. A toast to ye on that 'special' day, mate!!..Drink me 'earty, Yo-Ho!!
  3. ...I may be arrivin' as early as four'o clock as the winds are yet to be seen...If they be up, it'll be closer to four, if'n it be calmer, closer to five.. :) ...it's about an hour till low tide, so it'll still be ebbing in the estuary, an' really shallow ...might need to give darkthing my hand-held depth gauge to post us depth along the dock 'afore we get in...
  4. ...we be wishin' ye luck, mate!!..The combination 'o sewin' 'n paint works okee-dokee, an' thar be alla the time the chance for variation when ye touch up the paint!..We've a few sea miles on RR's now, an' she's doin' fine, eh wot?
  5. Got word that a fella who's responsible for the construction 'o such vessels as the Kalmar Nyckel, Exy and Irving Johnson, and more might come and visit us for the festivities!!...I owe 'im a bit 'o dubloons for some Roblon, but methinks 'e just wants ta visit the 'ole girl! (Royaliste).
  6. And if'n I get hauled out this year, I'll be sailin' 'er down coast, anchoring 26 miles down the road.........They need to move it back to the water!! :)
  7. :) Aye!..(Raises eyebrow)..Raul 'n me wuz a'wonderin' 'bout bein' 'upwind' 'o them orange rubber bump-boats!....
  8. Sounds good! we'll hafta co-ordinate it, as it will take a few on the first finger to fend off, and possibly toss us a line, then a few on the final finger by the lighthouse to receive lines from us, to keep us also off of the extreeemely close row 'o boats in slips.......... ..........then....
  9. Raul an' I did some recon this morn', 'scopin' out alla the details around the lighthouse, an' we're good to go!..We'll need a few scallywags on the fingers to fend off and receive some heavin' lines, an' from thar, we'll back up nicely, stayin' forward 'o the awnings with the yardarms......We'll most likely bring a plank for a'boardin'.........Aye, Blackbeard, 'ere's to ye, dog!
  10. I played with a few 'o these in grayscale, pretty durn kewl!!..Canna' wait for the video! :)
  11. Wow! Pretty kewl, methinks!!..I like the one's with the stuff not edited out, as well as the gRReat ones!!
  12. When we sail in there this weekend, we'll hafta make a toast, an' give the 'Quill a shot o' Pyrat to chase away the curse!!
  13. ....Jus' make sure it be Naval Bronze, we wouldn't want the barrel givin' out due to heat, fatigue, or stress!!
  14. ...........................Bronze eggs???????????????????
  15. Aye, they were a 'fun' bunch!!...Had 'em 'do their thing' in Boulder once back in the day....Jeessh!....Was hell to get the stuff outta pubes!! ..........And 'o course us sailors would choose bronze!
  16. This'll be really great!!..The ac will allow us to really deliver on coffee and breakfast the next morn'!..And with the water hookup, cleanup'll be a snap....really soundin' like a gRReat time, eh?
  17. Ahoy, Capt!...If'n ye make it, we'll gladly find ye sleepin' space aboard :) .........
  18. Hmmm, canna' wait ta fire them guns for such a crowd!!!
  19. No WalMarts 'ere in 'yuppieville'........... Would 'Bed, Bath, and Beyond have 'em?????
  20. Ahoy and Avast! It's waay early for the calander (60 days), but methinks I'll 'leak' this now, so's we kin toss it around 'till it happens!..The Poision Quill did a 'bang up' job here!!....She'll give ye the details when she's ready.... :) ...........and REALLY bad eggs
  21. B-B-B-ut, where do we get 72' condoms in a three-pack?
  22. :) ......and REALLY bad eggs!!...Canvas, cannonfire, and 80 degress 'ere this weekend!..We'll fire a broadside or two for ye, Bess!
  23. Ahoy! This one's a'breathin' fire down RR necks!!..Only a few more weekend's away!!!..Gettin' pretty stoked, 'tis always fun to raid the citizens and locals in a new venue!!....And with so many sleepin' aboard, well, sounds like a lot 'o rum 'n tall tayles to me!!........
  24. We're gonna suprise some little bucaneers in Aquatic Park today, droppin' RR hook with the Balclutha, Thayer, and Alma.....Luv the site 'o a mess a spars on a sunny day!
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