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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Well, lookin' like this, as far as crew...Snoopy's in...( pictured on foredeck) And Raul's in.(shown firing on the Lynx) So, I be holdin' a spot for ye, 'Quill.... ...And REALLY Bad Eggs.....
  2. That wuz a fine show, but..really a reenactment..These folks are talkin' down an' dirty reality t.v.---no nice guys gettin' along on 'Survivor', eh?? ....I for one, am with me Quartermaster, Screw the plank!!..Prepare to feed the barnacles on the hull!(an' I'm way behind on a haul-out, so thar be plenty to feed!).....Big difference between shoreside survivors, and sea borne ones...the beach ain't movin', nor subject ta goin' aground! ...As far as signin' up, methinks they be talkin' eight arseholes competin' for dubloons here.......
  3. A bit 'o thought ends up 'ere....First, sailin' down the California coast ain't nearly about survivin', old farts with no skill do it everyday....Number two:..This adventure woiuld just about have to start offshore of San Diego, and run south, who cares how far, as we are first and foremost pirates, and doing it offshore U.S.A. is considered chartering, and the whole damned dumb circle starts o'oer again!! Hoo-Raah for the Canuck-built Pyrate Ship! (KIn ye tell it's a nice day here today??)
  4. Actually, walking the plank was their first suggestion.....
  5. Simply, the Rose was purchased, not 'used', thereby solving all logistics. The Turk is too large, as the Suprise is an older, smaller vessel, even in her own period, by the time Jack Aubrey skippers her. Later, she becomes a privateer, since she's small, and politics changed while she was in the Pacific..That's the bigger picture....
  6. "Eeeeeuuuwwww!!!!......Watch it thar, good pirates wuz smart enuff to keep their noses workin'!!"........ :) an' if you dont touch nuthin' after you wake up, ye make a great lookin' pirate!..Bad hair days an' all!
  7. Just heard of a proposal for a reality t.v. show based on bein' aboard a pirate ship at sea, elimination, hard work, sensory deprivation, etc...Whaddya think???..Will it float??
  8. Well, short of gettin' up early, an' stealin' 'em afore anybody wakes up...The NQG links page has a ton 'o suppliers, and http://TalesoftheSevenSeas.com site has a lot of onfo!
  9. 'NA-NA-NA,NA-NA!!!!!'..*Sticks out...... 'ere's lookin' at ye, boys!........
  10. *Catches flyin' rum bottle* Screw usin' the furniture!!! "PIRATE"!!
  11. *Shuffles thru empty bottles on deck* "RUM???..Somebody say RUM???".......
  12. "eck!! Just send a Bloomin' description, it woulda been that way in the 'day'!.
  13. ..."Hmm, dunno quite, but...Last thing Aye remember wuz it goin' dark, followed by wakin' up wif' a 'eadache, on this 'ere pyrate ship!"..
  14. :) For those of ye that don't know, Roy is a sailor, he'll understand!!....
  15. Bloody 'eck, I may give that arse his own separate cannon! .........and really BAD eggs.......
  16. 'Ere's another in the same category.....
  17. Imperial German I believe(just before or during wwI,), Might be wwII www.oldswords.com will have the makers mark listed.
  18. *Brushes dust off Poison Quill's soapbox, jumps on top*.......... "Aside from the obvious, that I am a sailor, I will speak right out of turn here for myself as a ship-owner, and for 'Tales of the Seven Seas' as a member, and state once again emphatically, that as faras the 'piracy' of it all, I and We are only in in for the children..I love reenactments for historical sake, but when I change into a 'Pirate Captain', it's only for the kids. No bottle of liquor or drug found by man can equal the rush when the little sucker's start jumpin' up an' down upon seein' us come about, and the looks in their eyes when the first foot hits the deck...Sure, I'm an adult pirate reenactor, and enjoy the debauchery and feasting of it all, but it still doesnt' compare to that little bucaneer sayin' to 'is mum.."Lookit mommy, PIRATES!"........... *Steps back down off soapbox, grabs rum, and steps back aboard*..... ..."And really bad eggs"....................
  19. Well, actually, truth be known, I'm plannin' on two more carronades by summer, methinks makin' Her the best armed ship on the west coast! That'll make six deck guns, and we be lookin' at more swivels..."
  20. Those above mentioned links are good, and you can also surf the websites of vintage ships, I see them when I visit other ships...G
  21. Naw a Compass rose has 360 degrees of arrows, and usually a fancy center.....Found on all charts........
  22. I was on one of the pages with PAt, and the barrels were doubled, two columns....
  23. We'll charge up the numbers 2 and 4 guns on the starboard side to send 'em off wif' a broadside!!
  24. Hmm, thar be a glytch RR two, Lass!!..
  25. "O.K., Now methinks aye be a bit stumped 'ere...Are we talkin' a compass rose, or wot???...Dunna get the 'nautical stars' thing...
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