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the Royaliste

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Give a look, but if they don't, I wuz thinkin' 'o usin' old sail cloth, heavy dacron, for the detail, may stick to that..will last a long time, looks like 'bone'..If the red wuz deep enuff, I be likin' it more 'n more..In a sea battle, from far off, you'd see the big hunk 'o red run up the gaff, an' there would be no doubt!! :)
  2. Royaliste, why don't you leave my name out of your conversations. Please. Why????..You are an endless source of amusement and amazement!
  3. And you entirely miss the point....namely, that the comraderie we share amongst ship's has little to do with the feelings of their passengers, they are just passengers to the 'Lady'. She is state sponsored, and extremely commercial....So, join a crew,Pay the adult price of a ride to the commercial operators, and sit back... or pullese dont speak in such exchanges..as noted by Lucky Penny, this particular round of 'na-na's started on your 'Lady'.................................Also, the picture that lit your wick was a substitution for one more aimed towards Rosie, so.....pay attention, I guess, or you'll miss the 'edits' ..Now, as far as me tongue, and me wenches, that be entirely my business, unless you are wearin' a set 'o crew patches on ye're P-coat! And actually, as the ship's crew well knows, I luv 'the Lady' too, but maybe Eisner should buy her and the HC, then they would own all the pirate rides!..No, wait, not enuff profit margin!
  4. Now I be startin' to drift towards a red field, back to 1700, 'Jolie Rouge' style, with the logo in gold, or white...Did they 'ave any 'gold'??
  5. Me tooo.....an average 'blow-job letter from my lawyers, and the same from my worker's compensation carriers, now almost two weeks late on a bi-weekly check!!! :)
  6. Methinks ye be gettin' waay too many snow days this year!!....
  7. :) An' then thar be this 'Denzien 'o the Deep'.... ....but why's the rum gone?
  8. Hmmm,.........'Fyshgutz'......
  9. ***Eyes summer sausage-sized charges of gunpowder with evil, wicked grin*** "Hmmm, somebody might wanna shoot this 'n an' capture the frames!!!....EEEEYYYYAAAAHHHOOOO!!!!
  10. Wow! Almost read me mind! Was just thinkin' 'bout one whilst pourin' a glass for a break!
  11. Your base is most admirably covered..I've been on ship decks on three or for oceans, and no one has ever done your crew position!
  12. Well, that'll all be a consider.....Beginnin' to dread 'sewin' hell', repairs to the Main Course comin' up....
  13. Kewl, Penny!!..Yea, the cotton might not be the best, considerin'.... And matee's, back to the Sea Battles, pulleeze dont even ask if children can come! They have no place near these active period cannons...
  14. My sentiments, exactly!!..Since I am not a commercial operation as the Hawaiian Chieftian or the Lady Washington(yes, kids, hate to burst your Johnny Depp bubble, but she is a commercial business, not a pirate in R/L) I am now on the 'you are the crew' mentality. I will have no one on this Ship not participating,lest I look like a 'commercial' operation. Those who crew and participate in this lifestyle are welcome for Sea Battles, those not fully involved will not be allowed in the future. 'Riders' will have to wait for non-battle sails....Only those willfully realising the risks they take reenacting at sea will be involved anytime these guns are fired...Yo-Ho!
  15. Yep! That's right, it'a about that time...Riggin' the tops'ls, swabbin' the deck guns, the Pineapple and the Lady return the first week of March, according to their own schedules, so......the obvious! I'm probably not gonna post much on this, interested locals should get a hold of me, as these will become smaller crewed as a result of many changes over the winter'( lack of participation, 'tourists',people abusing my Ship,threats and snitches,etc)........Sea Battles will require participation, either sailing the ship, or manning the guns, but there'll be no more lollygagging about!..........Fire in the Hole!
  16. Royaliste, as much as I love you, I do not agree with your pic to be blasted. The Lady Washington (Yes, I would recognize that beauty anywhere) should be held in the greatest admiration, especially by pirates. I would never dream of wishing to blast a pic of the Royaliste (now Helluva, that's another story) I really dont share your feelings about how pirates should think of the Lady..especially those of you who took up piracy since July-03 Here's a view of the 'Royaliste' portraying the 'Lady' before the present replica Lady was on the sealanes.. http://historicsailing.tripod.com/newroyl.htm Seeing as how your 'true love' has referred to us as a 'Bayliner', I'll shoot whatever I care to from my cannons, you are welcome, just as she, to shoot whatever you like out of yours!!..She still hasnt answered to her own challange about a motorless sea battle..too busy taking your dubloons! As a ship's captain, and owner of seveal wooden boats, I have a great love of Tallships, but dont confuse banter with true loves..BTW, the 'Lady' s crew issued all of the first insults last fall, ask anyone who was aboard my Ship...
  17. That link isnt workin', mate...
  18. Well, I've made up a humungus charge for Mr. Eisner's 'private' firin'.........Alla the rest'll still be in the numbers 2 and 4 guns, respectively :)
  19. And this one be a 'caplock'.... affectionately referred to by me first mate as a 'capgun'!!
  20. :) The weapon that this lass on me ship is firin' be a flintlock, ..'lock for short, lassie! 'Twas her birthday, sixteen, our general age limit for packin' guns on the 'Royaliste'.....
  21. Thar be some kit guns that be fairly cheep...Dunno ye're range, but it hardly gets cheaper.......
  22. The submarine is the 'Pompanito', berthed next to the liberty ship 'Jeremiah O'Brien'.....
  23. Hmm, mebbee a colonial Naval baldric buckle with stamp listed as 'brass belt buckle'... A real 'steal'...
  24. Well, I just dusted off me passport, so methinks 'good to go' status is achieved!...As far as transpirin'...They sounded a might serious....but hell, ye ne'er know, eh???..Where's the gunpowder??
  25. Methinks whene'er they call back, an adventure on the Coast 'o New Spain be in order...About a month sailin' time from San Diego ta Panama, raid Acapulco, an' a few other places on the way...If it took off, the season two: Raid on Columbia, the Spanish Main, ...next the Carribean,..then...Halifax, lookin' fer Blackbeard.... More Powder, monkee.....!!
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