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the Royaliste

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Everything posted by the Royaliste

  1. Well, let's see...I'm smithing a 1750's era longrifle, so I went online to order a tang screw, some inletting silver sheet, and some balls..Then wot do I see but this freshly listed, 'one of a kind' jewel here, so I clicked 'add to cart'....around 350.00, from Track of the Wolf..seems to be indian made, as I have the same wood and lock on another blunderbuss.....50 cal. barrel, .75 cal. bell.....I'll let ya know how she fires in a week or so, whenever the ups guy shows up.......
  2. Just picked up a new to me sidearm, good working order(not ancient),with a darned nifty 'flip' bayonet.......
  3. A new hat Patrick??..Now you'll hafta make a new green coat!
  4. Ebay, as well as most collectors, occaisionally lists just period blades; I've aquired several for under a hunnert bucks....Look for swords, sub group militaria..
  5. Interestin' to see that with the present style 'round these parts, this seems to 'ave gotten waay off topic
  6. Thanks Capt.!...Kinda researchin' areas for new 'homeports' with possibly more colonial history and less maritime cold winter winds.....This seemed 'logical' as a potential due to the French and War of 1812 connections to the Royaliste....Besides, she's already refought the Battle of Louisburg, might as well due the other end of the War! ..Guess I'll keep up the research......hard to think of brown water over 'blue', but..there's always the Carribean for the rest 'o the season..
  7. Many things are rehashed here, lass....you would know that with steady observance, and altho you've been a 'forumite' for a long time, it's still about 'input', eh wot?..No hard feelin's, I sometimes feel the same myself, but new people wont do 'archival research' before runnin' their pie holes........
  8. The pharase is older than this pub, mate...so, in the interest of 'hurt feelings', how's about nixing all of the derrogatory stuff regarding 'Chinese' in the Rabble Rousing column if we are 'cleaning up' the place.....Just my .02 marevedis,eh ..altho', I've often marveled at how well some costumes are, whilst their owners carry modern swords and sidearms....the 'real' ones are out there, pay the price....
  9. Hmm, just realised that I wrongly posted this here instead of under 'Ports of Call'..Would one 'o ye admin types please move it??...Arrrgh to ye!...
  10. American Rope and Tar is the best traditional source ship riggers use....
  11. I guess my first inquiry is 'what are you referring to as tar?'.....Traditional Stockholm tar from pine bolls boiled, or some 'bituminous oil byproduct'?........which smell RR you seeking, 'wooden boat', or 'oilfield'?..Stockholm tar comes off your hands with a little work, really stickey, tho'
  12. Found this whilst ebay surfin'..with provenance, the difinitive answer on lighting grenades, etc...'grenedier's light' For sale is this Rev War grenade lighter originally worn on the grenadier's cross-belt to light grenades for throwing. It remained in position after they were converted back to full duties with the musket as a mark of tradition and recognition. A removable wooden handle held a smoldering match rope which had it's reserve length passing through the center hole. When one considers there is no actual picture of it in the book and the ratio of grenadier soldiers to that of a normal soldier it dosn't take long to figure out how rare these must be. As in all my other auctions, this piece is guarenteed authentic. Please view my other auctions.
  13. On a web search from one 'o me non-profit mates, it has come to my attention that there be no 'real' pirate ship in New Orleans, other than a not really a sailing ship something or other attached to a theme park..Izzit so??..Clue me in, is the attraction vessel brething room anywheres, or wot???..A privateer be on the prowl, eh?
  14. Ahhhh, standard number one, mo' powder'!!!............. .....smells better' n, well, you know.............
  15. Well, the 'Blackbeard stlye' would be cute, but again, your choice is impossible, black powder needs spark or fire to explode, contact from a round ball just won't do, eh wot??
  16. Interesting that you choose the most non-factual method.....We've tried this many a time, and it is totally unreliable in comparison to a linstock; the power of the charged pistol usually casts the powder trail to the winds, seldom produces results, and usually burns or injures the enabler... altho it looks good in the movies...who cares of authenticity in a video game anyhoo, eh?
  17. Interestin' read, Hawkyns!..Well, it sorta plays out like this..Since our fulltime involvement in piracy circles around sailing the ship, swordplay is only demonstrations of weaponry, and no competitive stuff. There are several members who fence, and many who practice stage combat. That said, sometimes coordinating sword play results in overlappin' schedules for some, so..My first mate and myself, in order to not have a 'void' in the swordplay arena, have taken up mock combat of our own devices; imitation of ship boardings. Since the weaponry aboard is all actual period stuff, and pretty much a maritime museum, we have built combat cutlasses centered around U.S. model 1917 blade stock, and our own hilts...This way, the wonderful blades on display suffer none, while allowing us the ability to play. We are integrating cutlass, sword, boarding axe, tomahawk (she is a F&I War era ship), pistol, grapple,and possibly pike.(I really want to add this, but it poses a big problem amongst tight tourist crowds) As this moves forward, we are looking at stage combat for a medium, but at present, rely on thirty years of trust, and try not to nick each other too bad....With a possible voyage up the mighty Miss in '06, we are accelerating thinking on this very topic.......next?
  18. Or, if'n ye are already on the West Coast, go a bit farther north, and spend those dubloons on a fulltime pirate ship, with plenty 'o black powder!!.......Fulltime West Coast Pirate Ship ROYALISTE Terror of the Mare Pacifica
  19. Such as ..... .........The RUM, for one thing!
  20. Gunpowder and grenadoes were usually ignited with slow match.........
  21. Most all events that I've attended in California require tying and not removing blades...Also, many wont allow the combo of 'locks and powder, until demonstrations or skits are in play.......In large metro areas, the police damn well frown on all of the above, regardless of 'faire rules'.....Now, it's far different when I'm in the midwest, but there just isnt anything 'standard'..........
  22. 'Twas a well kept secret, or for 'special ears', as we n'er heard a word of it!...So, nope, none 'o us northern Ca. type pirates be attendin'...enjoy, and tell us all about it.... :)
  23. pirates with 'whiteboards???.......say it isn't so..... .......where's me rum ration..........
  24. Aye....a number 'o times, but....she always started first kick, and the rest was smoke and burnin' rubber ...I'll have a handle in 4-6 weeks on whether I'm in the range to pull this idea off or not; the logistics and contacts are mind boggling...hoooo-raaah for email, eh wot?
  25. Bloody Bloomin' Flippin' 'eck...dunno if I can blame it on wot I be drinkin', or wot I be smokin', but...I'm stormed in harbor pretty heavy, and so I've been doin' a wee bit 'o research me own self, and.......I was right two years ago, I'd never have made it down the Illinois Waterway due to a 35' bridge.....As far as the Mighty Miss goes tho', well......thar be a 52' one (we'll call that 50' for a ruff wave), and a few 55's further upstream....The really great news is with a little sweat and some libations to the crew, my topmasts fore and aft both will drop some 15' apiece without leavin' the lubber's hole ( 5' more if needed)puttin; me at 50' on my main and 48 on my mizzen, making it relatively simple to invision pulling this off......I'dhave to run downriver rather quickly on the way south, but it's damn feasible, but then I dunno if'n my saltwater encrusted crew would be game for it after just being in the Carribean.....Within 4 or 5 weeks, I'll know which way the wind will be blowin' the Tallship Royaliste... A small footnote..If I could make bank on this, I'd pull it off, seein' as how under this Pacific pirate skin there once was a midwestern boy, and I'd do it just to overlap two excellent worlds...( when I once wore a patch on me back instead 'o me eye, I did more than a few fine times ridin' on the river roads to make work erectin' powerplants after drinkin' and partyin' in the Yankee Clipper in R.I. 'till the sun started risin'... )...My oldest of children live 4 hours west of Minneapolis....My granddaughter would get a kick out of tellin' all her friends that grandpa sailed to the 'Cities'.........
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